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The Russian defenestration thread

The best bits in that story are the statement by the friend who said "She invited me in for a drink and then just suddenly fell out of the window" as if this was totally unremarkable. That and the list of 'mysterious' deaths at the bottom. One guy had multiple stab wounds, another was shot. How the fuck is that mysterious? Just how bad are Russian coroners?
How do you get to be a senior executive of a bank at age 28? Live fast, etc.

She wasn't a senior exec. A lot of Russian banks use the US system of ranking employees (Associate/Vice President/Director/Managing Director). Graduates join as Associates and would expect to make VP in about 3 years. The titles have nothing to do with tneir jobs (i.e. a VP is relatively junior, and MD's are usually not Executive Directors, in the UK sense).
The best bits in that story are the statement by the friend who said "She invited me in for a drink and then just suddenly fell out of the window" as if this was totally unremarkable. That and the list of 'mysterious' deaths at the bottom. One guy had multiple stab wounds, another was shot. How the fuck is that mysterious? Just how bad are Russian coroners?
Fairly good at doing what they're told and not falling out of windows by the look of it.
She wasn't a senior exec. A lot of Russian banks use the US system of ranking employees (Associate/Vice President/Director/Managing Director). Graduates join as Associates and would expect to make VP in about 3 years. The titles have nothing to do with tneir jobs (i.e. a VP is relatively junior, and MD's are usually not Executive Directors, in the UK sense).
On the one hand this probably ture. But on the other if she is so junior why the interest? And why kill her, if she was killed.
On the one hand this probably ture. But on the other if she is so junior why the interest? And why kill her, if she was killed.
She's the girlfriend/mistress of someone who is currently out of favour and loose ends are being tied up just in case she knows something?
Or it could be she discovered someone using her bank to siphon money abroad or someone thought she had and decided it would be best if the secret died with her?

Like Spy said it's Russia, chucking someone out of a window is kind of like asking them to sign a NDA.
Russians must have a very healthy lifestyle if falling out of windows and smoking in munitions dumps are the most common causes of death...

Russia has the second biggest gap between female and male life expectancy of any country in the world, over ten years. Men in Eritrea can expect to live longer than in Russia.

I don't think it's just the windows.
the word "liquidated" is used in here.

not defenestration exactly, but the same result.
Commander of The Krasnodar that fired Kalibr weapons into Ukraine got killed in Krasnodar by a Ukrainian with a high calibre weapon.
General Gennady Zhidko just died in a Moscow hospital after a mystery illness.

Another general, Gennady Lopyrev who was serving a prison sentence for corruption, also just died after a mystery illness, this time in a Ryazan hospital.

So far it hasn't been confirmed whether their hospital rooms had windows or not.
Putin ally Vladimir Egorov, 46, was found dead after a suspected fall from a third floor window.

[Egorov] was a member of the ruling United Russia party and prominent politician in the oil-rich Tobolsk region in western Siberia.

His body was found in the yard of his home, with a source close to the investigation noting there was ‘no visible sign of a criminal death on [his] body’.

A trained lawyer with business interests, Egorov had earlier been forced to leave the city administration in 2016 after a corruption scandal for which he was ultimately not convicted.

He returned to politics and was the wealthiest local deputy in Tobolsk. He leaves a wife and two children.

Putin crony found dead in yet another mystery fall from window
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