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The 2023 Russian Coup.

Putin has expressed his condolences to the family of the deceased businessman, it would be a bit less bond-villainy if he hasn’t, if he’d just maintained a malevolent silence .
What if - and I admit I'm using my imagination here - the factions behind Vlad and Prigo aren't the only ones on the board, and the latter was taken out by some third party? Then the "times of troubles" would have arrived early.
The combination of the words special agent and ridiculous reminded me of that MI6 agent who was found dead in a zipped up suitcase
I think you'll find that salaried intelligence gathering employees of MI6 are officers, whereas agents are the generally unpaid assets or human sources from whom officers gather said intelligence, and besides the suitcase chap was in fact a GCHQ analyst who was only seconded to MI6

Not really. Anyone who observed the c19 denier demos will have noticed over time a growing bame presence, you don't have to be white and rw to be that sort of 'loon. Altho it's obviously convenient to think so
For a brief second I thought "c19 denier demos" meant ones in the 19th century and I was mightily impressed by your historical knowledge.
Some nameless Americans:
The Guardian is reporting that the New York Times is quoting other US officials who are saying different.

'Explosion onboard probably brought down plane presumed to be carrying Wagner leader

An explosion onboard a plane presumed to be carrying the Wagner mercenary chief Yevgeny Prigozhin probably brought down the aircraft on Wednesday, the New York Times has reported, citing US and other western officials.

Officials told the Times the explosion could have been caused by a bomb or another device planted on the aircraft, adding that other theories were being explored.'
The Guardian is reporting that the New York Times is quoting other US officials who are saying different.

'Explosion onboard probably brought down plane presumed to be carrying Wagner leader

An explosion onboard a plane presumed to be carrying the Wagner mercenary chief Yevgeny Prigozhin probably brought down the aircraft on Wednesday, the New York Times has reported, citing US and other western officials.

Officials told the Times the explosion could have been caused by a bomb or another device planted on the aircraft, adding that other theories were being explored.'

I guess I'll go with the majority opinion at some point. :D

Four key things the Prigozhin plane footage tells us - from a former UK military pilot

"That is a catastrophe that's happened in the air... there were rumours that a case of wine [containing a bomb] was put on the aircraft at the last minute.

"The trouble with that theory is that generally speaking, [an explosion] inside an aircraft blows it out... whereas a surface-to-air missile system or an air-to-air missile system generally tries to seek out the juiciest, meatiest part of an aircraft.

"That would explain why it potentially could rip a wing off. And as soon as it did that, the fate of the aircraft was sealed."
Putin to the families of people who died in the plane crash: "These are people who made a substantial contribution to our joint efforts of fighting the neo-Nazi regime in Ukraine."

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I can't understand why people express (feign?) surprise at statements like this when it's already been widely discussed how the Putin regime veers wildly-and deliberately-between contradictory statements, and doesn't care that the west can see this (see the article on Surkov linked above.)

The Kiev regime presents Putin with an open goal by venerating historical fascist and anti-semitic figures and lauding Azov, and the Russians don't give a toss that we know they utilise the services of neo-Nazis. Putin might praise them, but they are fodder for the regime.
You do sometimes seem to read imaginary meanings and subtexts into a variety of posts, is it the voices in your head telling you that people are surprised with that statement?
I wasn't talking primarily about that particular post, but that 'Look, the Russians say they're fighting Nazis but they have Nazis in their ranks!' has definitely been a running theme on here, with the very same posters simultaneously downplaying the role of Azov, and sometimes denying outright that the neo-liberals in the Ukrainian government venerate fascists and anti-semites.
Only thing the regime could do to surprise at this point would be to stick to the terms of a peace deal
Perhaps-but what does that mean in practice? Does it, for example, mean that the war has to go on until the regime is somehow toppled or implodes and is replaced by one the western string-pullers deems trustworthy? Because, as the article from Foreign Affairs linked in post 1371 outlines, this is looking all but impossible.
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