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Russian inforwars

Read this yesterday. Gives a picture of how a combination of very poor communications - little or no internet and patchy mobile coverage particularly in remote rural areas gives the Russian state apparatus pretty much complete control of the flow of information. Coupled with a deeply entrenched mindset rooted in memories of WWII means it's very difficult to change peoples opinions:

Read this yesterday. Gives a picture of how a combination of very poor communications - little or no internet and patchy mobile coverage particularly in remote rural areas gives the Russian state apparatus pretty much complete control of the flow of information. Coupled with a deeply entrenched mindset rooted in memories of WWII means it's very difficult to change peoples opinions:

That's heartbreaking:(
Noxious loon Eva Bartlett is in Mariupol. The first thing I see on her twitter machine is something about how the ukrainians were bombing the steel plant themselves to make the russians look bad.

Needless to say she's been knocking about with holocaust deniers and the like for ages and now she's all anteefa.

eva bartlett loon holocaust denier.jpg

Brandon Martinez said:
The gassing stories form the foundational mythos of the holocaust, but experts have challenged these claims. Experts contend that gassing is the most inefficient and dangerous method for executions. In 1988, researcher Ernst Zundel commissioned an expert to examine the rooms in Auschwitz and Majdanek which were claimed to have functioned as gas chambers for killing mass amounts of people. Fred Leuchter, a specialist who designed execution equipment including gas chambers for American prisons, did a forensic examination of these facilities. Going into the endeavor Leuchter fully believed the official story about gassings, but was quickly amazed at how implausible it would have been for these rooms to function as mass execution gas chambers.
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Article saying how Russian educational publishers have been ordered to delete mentions of Ukraine and Kyiv (apparently this started in 2014 to some extent)
Philips' gushing obituary for war criminal Mikhail "Givi" Tolstykh


Here he is cosying up to another war crime buddy, Arsen "Motorola" Pavlov


Like Givi, Motorola got deaded in the type of unfortunate incident that seems to happen when the FSB decides someone has become too big for their boots or is no longer of use. Let's hope Philips takes heed of that.
Philips' gushing obituary for war criminal Mikhail "Givi" Tolstykh

View attachment 323133

Here he is cosying up to another war crime buddy, Arsen "Motorola" Pavlov

View attachment 323136

Like Givi, Motorola got deaded in the type of unfortunate incident that seems to happen when the FSB decides someone has become too big for their boots or is no longer of use. Let's hope Philips takes heed of that.
Who exactly is Phiips? I, for one, have never heard of him. But I'm old school and feel that people referred to by surname only should be household names (Bowie, Springsteen, Jagger etc.)
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