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Ukraine after the war

Zelensky, meanwhile, in his approach to this matter, betrays the same level of delusion as that which has caused his current headache.

'Zelenskiy can labour under no illusions about how difficult it will be for his country to join the EU. Yet he continues to describe Ukraine’s place as being in a “free and united Europe”. '

What is this 'free and united Europe' for a start? In reality European countries, whether in or out of the EU, enjoy differing degrees of freedom, however you choose to define it, and the EU is, as we constantly see, far from truly united. What's more, it never can be, and the disunity we see today can only grow as societies continue to fragment.
Following on from the above.

Hungary seeks review of the EU's policy towards Ukraine​

Hungary has sought a review of the EU’s policy towards Ukraine, disagreeing with Germany, Lithuania, Finland and Ireland that backed bringing Kyiv closer to the bloc more quickly and granting it more aid.

Hungary is the main stumbling block to a decision by EU leaders next month to start formal membership talks with Ukraine once it meets all conditions, and assign €50bn in aid for Kyiv from the bloc’s budget through 2027.

Those decisions require unanimity of the 27 countries in the bloc.

But Hungary’s prime minister Viktor Orbán –who has complained that Ukraine had curbed the rights of Hungarian minority – has since said the bloc’s strategy of sending money and military aid to Ukraine has failed, and that he opposed starting membership negotiations with Kyiv.

“We need a period of reflection and a strategic discussion on the policy of the European Union towards Ukraine,” Hungary’s European affairs minister, Janos Boka, was quoted by Reuters as saying.

Until such discussion, Budapest would not support any EU decisions to advance Ukraine’s accession process or further aid for Kyiv, he said.
Zelensky, meanwhile, in his approach to this matter, betrays the same level of delusion as that which has caused his current headache.

Zelensky doesn't give a tinker's cuss about any of this. He'll be in Miami in time for the spring, back to his true vocation:

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