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Ukraine invasion memes and viral content

Hard to be dismissive of his torture claims when he ends up dead
It's really not that hard, he was an outrageous bullshitter. Medical care in prisons isn't going to be a top priority in a country at war, plus conditions in Ukrainian prisons were pretty poor even before the war, plus Lira was ageing and in poor health even before being imprisoned.

Don't care
That's the spirit. Pretty much everyone will have forgotten about him in a few weeks.
Note how:

Zelensky is portrayed with hook nose and sharp teeth;
Lira is portrayed as white, rather than Hispanic.
To be honest, I'd ignored the whole thing until you said that. Yeah, doesn't look very good does it? I'd only recently read into all the anti-semitic tropes on the internet when the Bandwidth thread had a plunge into that, and I've been unpleasantly surprised by how of it I was unaware of, and how prevalent it is. Was really saddened by the whole ((( ))) thing, which we've used here as a hug for forever and a day. But then I did ask if we could have a hug reaction a while back, so obviously I was right there. (Yes, "I was right" is my main take-away. :p )
Lol but in a ''you can't park here mate' type way ..

You have to have appreciation of the journey else you are equally on the road to nowhere.
The curvature of early Lithuanian bananas remains an unknown.
She tried to add loads of nutjob amendments to the bill, including one about ‘biolabs’. Proper loon shit.

It was noticeable that one was about the rights of Hungarian speakers in Ukraine, which gives a pretty good clue as to where she’s getting it from.
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