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Ukraine: Unsubstantiated rumours and speculation

Both Russia and Ukraine have navies.

We know. Russia's one is being sunk and their admirals offed, the Ukrainian one is effectively not existent, which is why them sinking the Moskva, blockading the Sea of Azov and killing Russian admirals is reflecting so well on Russia's military capability.

For the lols the Turks should give formal permission for the Admiral Kuznetsov to pass through the Bosphorus and join in the action.
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Kadyrov reported to have been in a coma for over a week, now people saying he's gone to dine at Prigozhin's table in the sky...

Kyiv Independent were reporting this, and I ignored it as very wishful thinking. However, while it is still speculation, Mark Galeotti discusses it on his excellent In Moscow's Shadows podcast (episode 115), along with possibilities for the future: "This looks a lot more plausible than the previous times we've heard these tales".

Rumours of Kadyrov's doctor, Elkhan Suleymanov, being buried alive are mentioned; also see this article.
Leaked message to Putin:

“Thursday, September 21, 2023, in the morning report to Russian President Vladimir Putin, the irretrievable military operational losses of personnel of the Russian Armed Forces are 286,195 people. Data as of 6:00 Moscow time today.

This figure does not take into account data on the losses of Russian PMCs taking part in hostilities on the territory of Ukraine; Tuesday, August 1, this is 76,192 dead. Most Russian PMCs came under the control of the Russian Ministry of Defence and their losses are now an integral part of the total losses; since August 1, separate calculations have not been carried out”.
^ There are at least two ways to read that -
"Erdogan says he trusts Russia as much as he trusts the West" ie doesn't trust Russia even a little bit, since those treacherous dogs of the West have lied to Turkey for centuries, strung him along for years over EU entry etc, and/or
"Erdogan says he trusts Russia as much as he trusts the West" ie views Putin's Russia as a predictable and rational actor just like any other state on earth.

^ There are at least two ways to read that -
"Erdogan says he trusts Russia as much as he trusts the West" ie doesn't trust Russia even a little bit, since those treacherous dogs of the West have lied to Turkey for centuries, strung him along for years over EU entry etc, and/or
"Erdogan says he trusts Russia as much as he trusts the West" ie views Putin's Russia as a predictable and rational actor just like any other state on earth.

Or he trusts Russia because they've just let his mates in Azerbaijan take over Nagorno-Karabakh.
I think it's because Turkey has been waiting a squillion years to become part of the EU, whereas Ukraine's incorporation into Russia was underway before it even applied.

That's one reason, but there are many others: Cyprus, Bosnia, PKK, they're still moaning about Midnight Express believe it or not. Now there is an increasing population of radical Muslims who are rolling back the secular state and see NATO membership as part of the problem, they are even criticizing Ataturk now.
My suspicion is that someone on these boards has been polishing up a grimey old 🪔 they drove a hard bargain for in the Izmir Bazaar during their summer holidays.
Russian propaganda mouthpieces revealing the scale of the Russian losses to the people for the first time…


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I believe she was actually claiming that about Ukraine, from what some other people have said. It’s Russia though, so it‘ll be untrue anyway.

Yes, its about the alleged number of Ukranian dead It originally came from a Russian blogger Ruslan Tatarinov. who runs a Telegram channel and he said it on a radio broadcast around the end of July. It's allegedly based on obituaries by region, pages of village and city councils from the period June 1st 2022 to June 1st 2023.
Rumour has it that General Staff Valery Gerasimov is no more following the battering Ukraine gave Crimea yesterday.

Hell of a rumour and sounds v unlikely to me.

But it is all over twitter so we'll see. Nothing at all concrete yet aside from no sign of him for a week. Cunt probs on holiday.
3rd most senior Russian military figure was just hanging out in Crimea at night in a building or base not protected from missile strikes and gets hit by one of the relatively few cruise missiles launched? And the Ukranians had accurate enough info for this to target him?

I really don't buy it.
So...Sanctioned Vladimir Kolokoltsev was allowed to attend a UN meeting in New York about police chiefs, but used the oppertunity to nip to Washington to deliver Putin's upgraded offer of peace:

Sharing Crimean sovereignty with Ukraine.
Hand back Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Station and the town of Enerhodar to Ukraine.
Discuss handing back in full the Kherson and Zaporizhzhia regions to Ukraine.

In return he wants:

Donetsk and Luhansk to be handed over in full to Russia, including the bits they couldn't get in 2 years of all-out war.
A promise to supply water to Crimea.
Russia to dictate how much military Ukraine is allowed to posses.
Russia to dictate whether Ukraine can form alliances with other nations.
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