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Ukraine: Unsubstantiated rumours and speculation

I wonder when they'll start requesting Apache attack helicopters? Seems like the next step.
I wonder when they'll start requesting Apache attack helicopters? Seems like the next step.
They have a Black Hawk bought privately that they’re getting on OK with. Though attack helicopters aren’t particularly resilient in an environment with lots of air defence, what they have they’re using for stand-off strikes with unguided rockets, which seems barely worth the risk.
Claims that Russia's 72nd Brigade and Wagner have been having contretemps over Bakhmut, to the point of a Lt-Col of the former being captured by the latter and made to do a video in which he says he's been a very naughty boy currently percolating - bizarre:

Claims that Russia's 72nd Brigade and Wagner have been having contretemps over Bakhmut, to the point of a Lt-Col of the former being captured by the latter and made to do a video in which he says he's been a very naughty boy currently percolating - bizarre:

This elsewhere on the makeup of 72nd:

Claims that Russia's 72nd Brigade and Wagner have been having contretemps over Bakhmut, to the point of a Lt-Col of the former being captured by the latter and made to do a video in which he says he's been a very naughty boy currently percolating - bizarre:

Now being shifted into the still not substantiated but aired in the less crackpot places column

Maybe the Russians are trying to get one step ahead of the farmers this time.
Maybe the Russians are trying to get one step ahead of the farmers this time.
An easy mistake to make.
Maybe the Russians are trying to get one step ahead of the farmers this time.
Perhaps this useful infographic will help confused Russian soldiers?

Now being shifted into the still not substantiated but aired in the less crackpot places column

Now Venevetin reported as denouncing Wagner in a different possibly-under-duress video:

...“The tension with the Wagners for me and my brigade began from the first days of our transfer to the [Bakhmut] direction,” said Venevitin in a new video, which was uploaded to the Internet and sent to journalists earlier this week. “This was due not only to provoking our fighters into conflicts with their audacious behaviour and constant threats to [kill] us, but also by their concrete actions.”

Venevitin, whose identity relatives have previously confirmed to the Guardian, claimed that this soldiers had been systematically kidnapped, abused, and sometimes subjected to sexual violence, using a slang for prison rape. He also claimed that Wagner had stolen two T-80 tanks, four machine guns, as well as a truck and an armoured fighting vehicle...

This is obviously hyperbolic nonsense. But there's some convincing chat/images about a decree relating to Wagner in the comments below the Tweet.

These are possibly true, given the rumours that Shoigu has ordered all PMCs to be placed under direct control of the Russion Armed Forces.

There also more unsubstantiated crap around this, such as:

This could all be NAFO/UKR disinfo, but I think there's a decent chance that something is sparking here.
Would it be the first civil war ever to be fought predominantly in a neighbouring country? Is there a precedent?
I wonder when they'll start requesting Apache attack helicopters? Seems like the next step.
somebody in the AAC reckoned sending apache would be a short weekend the Russians have an insane amount of low level air defence kit virtually every bmp carried at least one man portable sam and with that level of missiles heading in your general direction even the best flying and defensive aids can only do so much:eek:.
as captain flasheart said the average life expextancy of a pilot is 20 minutes!
Murky shenanigans in South Africa:

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