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Ukraine: Unsubstantiated rumours and speculation

Isn't it possible for both things to be true? ie that Erdogan is a cunt and that it would be a mistake for Greece to attack Turkey?
It would be a mistake for Greece to attack Turkey, but it isn't going to happen and even it did Turkic755 would still be a cuntlet.
I’d make a comment about a former libdem leader and squirrel murder, but like most recent leaders of that party I can’t remember their fucking name, the pointless non-entity.
The answer is still the same.

Not unrelated: the US has been looking to test 'true' hypersonic boost-glide weapons on the eastern (LRHW) and western (ARRW) test ranges in recent days.
The answer is still the same.

Not unrelated: the US has been looking to test 'true' hypersonic boost-glide weapons on the eastern (LRHW) and western (ARRW) test ranges in recent days.
The Kinzhal is claimed to be manoeuvrable in hypersonic flight and able to hit moving target. You know this to be false?
As per the CSIS chart: hypervelocity aeroballistic missile is mid-course high-speed (mid-course) maneuvering weapon following a quasi-ballistic trajectory. Not a class of hypersonic weapon.
Do you have a direct link to this chart so I dont have to wade through their website?

ETA...with Hypervelocity defined as 3000m/s + and hypersonic as Mach 5+ then a hypervelocity object must if travelling in the atmosphere also be hypersonic, i'm confused aa to why you imply it isnt hypersonic (I see wikipedia tries to make the distinction also)
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FSB building in Rostov-on-Don has just spontaneously combusted.


There's an allegation on twitter that the 17th century Peter and Paul Church on Novaya Basmannaya in Moscow is on fire, though it's not clear that this is a new fire or just the same old fire from May last year. Seems like the old fire tbh.

People are crowing about it but it seems barbaric to celebrate the destruction of heritage, even though that's what Putin is doing in Ukraine.
Not sure what to make of this, nor the way it's been reported here.

Apparently Chinese companies, including one connected to the government in Beijing, have sent assault rifles, drone parts and body armour to Russia.

‘Hunting rifles’ — really? China ships assault weapons and body armor to Russia

The shipments took place between June and December 2022, according to the data provided by Import Genius, a customs data aggregator.

China North Industries Group Corporation Limited, one of the country’s largest state-owned defense contractors, sent the rifles in June 2022 to a Russian company called Tekhkrim that also does business with the Russian state and military. The CQ-A rifles, modeled off of the M16 but tagged as “civilian hunting rifles” in the data, have been reported to be in use by paramilitary police in China and by armed forces from the Philippines to South Sudan and Paraguay.

Russian entities also received 12 shipments of drone parts by Chinese companies and over 12 tons of Chinese body armor, routed via Turkey, in late 2022, according to the data.

Although the customs data does not show that Beijing is selling a large amount of weapons to Moscow specifically to aid its war effort, it reveals that China is supplying Russian companies with previously unreported “dual-use” equipment — commercial items that could also be used on the battlefield in Ukraine.

It is the first confirmation that China is sending rifles and body armor to Russian companies, and shows that drones and drone parts are still being sent despite promises from at least one company that said it would suspend business in Russia and Ukraine to ensure its products did not aid the war effort.
Tip of the Iceberg I'm sure and similar things involving other countries on both sides of this. Im wondering when someone will blow the cover on India
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Amendments to the law on military duty and military service released by Kremlin 11th April:

  • Citizens subject to conscription for military service (before that, the wording in the law was “citizens who are not in reserve”) receive summonses in writing, but they are also duplicated in electronic form. Summons may be sent by registered mail and are considered delivered on the day the registered mail is delivered to citizens. An electronic summons is considered to be served from the moment it is posted in the citizen's personal account on the State Services.
  • After receiving the summons, the citizen must confirm receipt of the summons personally by coming to the military registration and enlistment office or through the State Services.
  • Citizens who are subject to conscription and who have received summons are prohibited from leaving Russia as a temporary measure from the day when the summons is considered to have been served. Information about this is entered into the Military Registration Register, and a notice is sent to the citizen in his personal account at the State Services, in the department of the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  • Failure of a citizen to appear without a valid reason on a subpoena within 20 days entails the application of other temporary measures: a ban on registration as individual entrepreneurs, a ban on registration as a self-employed person, suspension of real estate transactions, a restriction on driving vehicles and a ban on registering a vehicle, refusal to issuance of credits and loans. The decision to take such measures is signed by the military commissar's electronic signature and sent to the citizen's personal account at the State Services and to state bodies. The decision to cancel these measures is made within 24 hours after the appearance of the citizen on the agenda or confirmation of good reasons for non-appearance.
  • The state authorities of the constituent entities may establish additional temporary bans, in particular, limit payments, benefits, support measures. The decision to apply provisional measures may be appealed.
  • It is possible to appeal against decisions made under the law on military registration in pre-trial order in the draft commission, including in electronic form. “The complaint should not contain obscene or offensive language, threats to life, health and property of officials of the military commissariat, the draft commission, the commission for placing citizens on military registration or members of their families,” the law emphasizes.
  • A citizen may be denied consideration of a complaint, for example, if it contains insults or is sent again
Amendments to the law on military duty and military service released by Kremlin 11th April:

  • Citizens subject to conscription for military service (before that, the wording in the law was “citizens who are not in reserve”) receive summonses in writing, but they are also duplicated in electronic form. Summons may be sent by registered mail and are considered delivered on the day the registered mail is delivered to citizens. An electronic summons is considered to be served from the moment it is posted in the citizen's personal account on the State Services.
  • After receiving the summons, the citizen must confirm receipt of the summons personally by coming to the military registration and enlistment office or through the State Services.
  • Citizens who are subject to conscription and who have received summons are prohibited from leaving Russia as a temporary measure from the day when the summons is considered to have been served. Information about this is entered into the Military Registration Register, and a notice is sent to the citizen in his personal account at the State Services, in the department of the FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  • Failure of a citizen to appear without a valid reason on a subpoena within 20 days entails the application of other temporary measures: a ban on registration as individual entrepreneurs, a ban on registration as a self-employed person, suspension of real estate transactions, a restriction on driving vehicles and a ban on registering a vehicle, refusal to issuance of credits and loans. The decision to take such measures is signed by the military commissar's electronic signature and sent to the citizen's personal account at the State Services and to state bodies. The decision to cancel these measures is made within 24 hours after the appearance of the citizen on the agenda or confirmation of good reasons for non-appearance.
  • The state authorities of the constituent entities may establish additional temporary bans, in particular, limit payments, benefits, support measures. The decision to apply provisional measures may be appealed.
  • It is possible to appeal against decisions made under the law on military registration in pre-trial order in the draft commission, including in electronic form. “The complaint should not contain obscene or offensive language, threats to life, health and property of officials of the military commissariat, the draft commission, the commission for placing citizens on military registration or members of their families,” the law emphasizes.
  • A citizen may be denied consideration of a complaint, for example, if it contains insults or is sent again
So a polite "Go fuck yourself"
Will not be acceptable?

An alleged leak of US classified military documents reportedly contains information suggesting 50 UK special forces have been deployed alongside other western forces in Ukraine. The Ministry of Defence says there is "a serious level of inaccuracy" in leaks which claim UK special forces have been operating in Ukraine

An alleged leak of US classified military documents reportedly contains information suggesting 50 UK special forces have been deployed alongside other western forces in Ukraine. The Ministry of Defence says there is "a serious level of inaccuracy" in leaks which claim UK special forces have been operating in Ukraine

It's been discussed on another Ukraine thread. Thoughts were likely surveillance, close protection for security services/diplomats, and maybe some training.
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