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Fascists, Fascism and the Invasion.

This twat is still in that embassy:

I love that instead of doing this interview by phone call or whatever the daft bastard was just sticking his head out of the embassy window.
Ecuadorian diplomats in australia have been out celebrating
Two far right returnees arrested and jailed in France for bringing arms back from Ukraine

Why bring all this military equipment back to France? This is the question that was asked all day Sunday to the two men arrested on Saturday evening in Paris (12th century) on their return from Ukraine . These suspects, linked to the movement of the French ultra-right, were arrested as they got off a bus at the Bercy bus station. They were sentenced on Monday to 15 months in prison, nine of which were suspended, said the prosecution.

According to our information, they were equipped with assault rifle magazines and sighting optics. Elements of weapons obviously prohibited throughout the national territory. They were placed in police custody for violation of the legislation on weapons in the premises of the second judicial police district. At the end of the referral, the public prosecutor ordered an appearance for the two men on prior admission of guilt, the Paris prosecutor's office told us this Monday.

They were already in the crosshairs of the DGSI​

These arrests were reportedly carried out during an apparently fortuitous customs check. The suspects are not unknown to the state services and in particular the General Directorate of Homeland Security. They were both the subject of a card for endangering the security of the State. One of them is an ultra-right activist who was precisely suspected of wanting to go to Ukraine. According to Mediapart, he is a former alpine hunter fired from the army following the revelation by the online media of his neo-Nazi commitment. His comrade is, meanwhile, linked to the far-right movement.

Still according to Mediapart , the DGSI has 400 French people who have joined the Ukrainian theater of war for a year. And, out of these 400 French people, a hundred of them would have taken up arms, including around thirty known members of the ultra-right.

Since the start of the war in Ukraine, French far-right movements have been opposing each other on which side to support. In Paris in particular, the former small group of the Zouaves was particularly involved in this fight. “They are longtime neo-Nazi supporters of the Ukrainian Azov Regiment,” wrote Street Press. In December 2019, Marc de Cacqueray-Valmenier, the leader of the dissolved small group, even made the trip to Ukraine to say hello to them.

Since the beginning of the Russian offensive, the casual West Telegram channel (close to the Zouaves) has multiplied tributes to Ukrainian fighters. Taking up the Nazi dialectic, they denounce the Asian contingents of Soviet imperialism which are once again sweeping over Europe . Without forgetting to add a very modern Islamophobia by targeting "Putin's Islamist dogs".

A little over a year ago, far-right activist Loïk Le Priol, indicted for killing ex-Argentinian rugby player Federico Martin Aramburu in Paris, was arrested in Hungary, on the Ukrainian border where he was about to surrender. According to the Hungarian authorities, three knives, a bulletproof vest and a helmet had been seized from his car. The former marine commando had explained that he wanted to go to Ukraine to fight.

I remember my granddad on my mother's side had his nose absolutely smashed in a clash with the BUF, in Harpurhey, I think it was, in the mid-late 1930s. I don't think he could ever breathe through his nose quite the same afterwards. He was far from a violent man, but he knew what was at stake in terms of local politiical organising, as well as the wider picture..

He died in 1979, but he had some fucking tales to tell. I used to wish he was still around when I got a bit older.

My Great-Grandfather, the son of immigrants from Cork, was in the blackshirts around that time in Manchester. Was pretty fucking spooky being told about that if I’m quite honest.
My Great-Grandfather, the son of immigrants from Cork, was in the blackshirts around that time in Manchester. Was pretty fucking spooky being told about that if I’m quite honest.
Think my granddad knocked your granddad out that day...

Seriously though, he always swore that his broken nose came from a copper's truncheon rather than a Blackshirt. He maintained the police always sided with the fascists. Especially those bastards from Collyhurst station.
Think my granddad knocked your granddad out that day...

Seriously though, he always swore that his broken nose came from a copper's truncheon rather than a Blackshirt. He maintained the police always sided with the fascists. Especially those bastards from Collyhurst station.

Apparently he had a shooter. Sounded like a real piece of work. Again, also worth pointing out he was the son of late 18th century emigres from Ireland.
This is frightening. Post war you try getting these weapons off these Nazis to be de-commissioned .

There was a position put forward just after the invasion that Azov had somehow been depoliticised and as evidence of that Biletsky was no longer Commander of Azov. Biletsky of course wanted to “lead the white races of the world in a final crusade…against Semite-led Untermenschen [subhumans]”

The Freedom of Russia Legion "We are Russians just like you."


Center: Maximillian Andronnikov known as 'Ceasar ' former member of the Russian Imperial Movement. An ultra right group designated by the US Department of State as a Specially Designated Global Terrorist (SDGT) entity.

First right: Alexey Duglov ( actually Ukranain)

Second right: Igor Ogorodniychuk another Ukrainian far right member who was serving in AFU
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Two side to every story


Side 1.

On July 2, 2023, our compatriot Oleg Vitaliyovych Fadeyenko (call sign "Malysh") died of wounds received in the war with the Russian invaders.

This is reported by the Pervomayska City Council.

Oleg Fadeyenko was born on May 9, 1996 in the city of Pervomaiskyi. From the first days of the war, he defended Ukraine. Oleg Fadeyenko was one of the leaders of the Kharkiv Centuria, the commander of the reconnaissance platoon of the 1st assault battalion of the 3rd separate assault brigade. From the first days, "Malysh" defended Kharkiv and liberated Kharkiv Oblast as part of the special unit of the GUR "Kraken", and later fought heroically as part of the 3rd OSH near Bakhmut.

Friends and comrades said about him: "This is a real warrior who wielded cold and firearm weapons, words and fists with equal skill."

"Malysh" bravely performed the most dangerous tasks, for which he was recently awarded the Order of Courage III degree.

The civil memorial service for the fallen Hero, Oleg Fadeyenko, will begin on July 4, 2023 at 1:00 p.m. on the square near the Chemist PC.

Side 2

A related group, based in Kharkiv, is NordStorm. One of its apparent leaders, identifiable in photographs from his tattoos and towering frame, is Kharkiv resident Oleg Fadeenko, who has been active in National Corps and National Militia and was one of the leaders of the Centuria column at the 2020 March of Defenders of Ukraine. NordStorm is openly neo-Nazi, with its Telegram channel full of open praise and quotes of Adolf Hitler and, not surprisingly, explicit anti-Semitism and calls for violence. NordStorm focuses on combat training, and its members seem to enjoy knives; the group hosted a knife fight tournament on Hitler’s birthday, a tournament which Centuria promoted on its Telegram channel. NordStorm also hosted a July 2021 knife fight tournament in honour of Sviatoslav the Brave’s conquest of the Khazars, a tournament in which Centuria members also took part.
Interesting article containing broader assertions than suited for this thread, but seeing as I can't put it in the main one it might as well go here, if only for the following:

'For it is not true, contra widely held opinion, that Zelenskyy wants the world to support him forever as he completes a full Reconquista — including Crimea. His current offensive — the push towards the Black Sea to cut off Russian forces further west – is a clear demonstration of this. It was deliberately calculated to push Moscow to the negotiating table or risk losing tens of thousands of soldiers to captivity or death.

But Zelenskyy has consistently refused to spell out the fact that he has a “limited aim” of reaching a negotiated peace without Crimea. And he has done so for both military and personal reasons.

The military reason is straightforward and common to every war: to advance at all, Ukrainians on the front line cannot fight in a “limited” way. They must believe that their absolute commitment and self-sacrifice can end the war in victory.

The personal reason is that Zelenskyy is a Jew, as is his defence minister, Oleksii Resnikov. And like the countless Jews who fought for their countries up and down Europe in the last century, the pair remain suspect in the eyes of the Ukrainian ultra-nationalists who are commonly antisemitic.

It is, for them, no small irony that Ukraine should be led in its struggle for existence by two Jews since its founding hero, Bohdan Khmelnytsky, was Hitler’s only predecessor as a genocidally-antisemitic national leader; but instead of opprobrium, he has a city, a region, countless streets and Zelenskyy’s own Presidential Guard brigade named after him. Given the nationalists’ bigoted mistrust of the president, in spite of his stellar leadership from the first night of war, he cannot be seen to be a compromiser.'

I mean the Jews have been persecuted as infiltrators and untrustworthy outsiders for millenia. Religious dogma and tyranny the usual reasons. The superpower USA is moving toward Christian Nationalist. The idea that a Jew cannot take a moral stance and act in accordance with his nation's conscience is absolute nonsense.

You've actually raised an interesting point, in your usual 'authoritative' but insubstantial attempts to pour scorn on a country desperately resisting.
I mean the Jews have been persecuted as infiltrators and untrustworthy outsiders for millenia. Religious dogma and tyranny the usual reasons. The superpower USA is moving toward Christian Nationalist. The idea that a Jew cannot take a moral stance and act in accordance with his nation's conscience is absolute nonsense.

You've actually raised an interesting point, in your usual 'authoritative' but insubstantial attempts to pour scorn on a country desperately resisting.
I've raised nothing, nor poured scorn on anything, as I didn't write the article. I posted it in this thread because of the passages I highlighted, which consist of the opinion of the author, Jewish himself, combined with some factual back-up regarding historical anti-semitism in Ukraine.

The article is actually more interesting where it broadens out, and for its conclusion:

'So here’s our paradox. Even though all three key parties want to end the war, the fighting still continues. Why? Because of a virtue that is also a sin. The Ukraine war is not an all-out war like the First or Second World Wars. It is a “limited war”, with US and Russian embassies still functioning in Moscow and Washington, US and Russian astronauts sharing space capsules, concerned phone calls by the CIA director when Moscow is briefly in turmoil. It is bound by reciprocal restraint. The Russians do not attack US aircraft and vessels bringing weapons to their enemy, the Americans do not supply weapons to Ukraine that can attack Russian cities. Putin himself has silenced threats of nuclear attacks by Russian hotheads, declaring that he would only use nuclear weapons if Russia were faced with imminent destruction — that is, inevitably, nuclear destruction.

In other words, the good news is that the Ukraine war is, a polite, “limited war”, just like those of the 18th century that were later envied in the terrible 20th century of all-out, unlimited wars. But the bad news is that as long as only the Ukrainians are under fire, none of the other protagonists has an impellent reason to end the fighting. So like the 18th-century Seven Years’ War, it risks dragging on for at least another 500 days.'
It is an all out war for Ukraine. Everything else in an art that suckers like you drone on about. It's pathetic.
You need to stop railing against phantoms and read the article.

Well you keep throwing half articles in every time you change your mind as in posts 703 and 705. I guess I will have to meticulously quote you..
You need to stop railing against phantoms and read the article.
I don't think it can be easily classified as a 'limited war'. Russia wants, or wanted, to annex, dissolve and rule the territory of a sovereign country. An existential threat.

A limited war is now broadly defined as a war that is fought for ends far short of the complete subordination of one state’s will to another’s and by means involving far less than the total military resources of the belligerents, leaving the civilian life and the armed forces of the belligerents largely intact and leading to a bargained termination. More narrowly, it is defined as a local nonnuclear war. Limited war is therefore a matter of degree. It is also a matter of perspective, since a war that is limited for one belligerent might be close to total for another. Furthermore, a limited war may be restricted in some respects and not in others. Thus, a civil war or insurrection may be fought by limited means for the total stake of controlling a government.

Yet despite the impossibility of defining limited war by simple and absolute criteria, it is not difficult, historically, to distinguish limited wars from wars of great scope and intensity.

I don't think it can be easily classified as a 'limited war'. Russia wants, or wanted, to annex, dissolve and rule the territory of a sovereign country. An existential threat.

Aside from the fact that nobody knows what Russia's ultimate goal was/is, as it has, to my knowledge, never been publically stated, you may be right.
Denys Prokopenko, a commander of the controversial nationalist Azov regiment, has reportedly returned to the frontlines after he was released in a prisoner exchange with Russia.

As we reported earlier, Moscow was annoyed when Ukraine president Volodymyr Zelenskiy returned from Istanbul last month with five top commanders who were supposed to have remained in Turkey until the end of the conflict under a deal with Russia which saw dozens of its soldiers released.

Radio Free Europe reported that Prokopenko said in Lviv in July: “We will definitely have our say in the battle.”
Denys Prokopenko, a commander of the controversial nationalist Azov regiment, has reportedly returned to the frontlines after he was released in a prisoner exchange with Russia.

As we reported earlier, Moscow was annoyed when Ukraine president Volodymyr Zelenskiy returned from Istanbul last month with five top commanders who were supposed to have remained in Turkey until the end of the conflict under a deal with Russia which saw dozens of its soldiers released.

Radio Free Europe reported that Prokopenko said in Lviv in July: “We will definitely have our say in the battle.”
Former member of the ' White Boy Club' returns to lead the 'controversial nationalist' Azov.
Interview with Denis ‎White Rex Nikitin (Kapustin) leader of the RVC. The Russian Volunteer Corps is a military formation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Denis is pretty clear about his politics when he says "Hitler is the man who dragged the country out of poverty and the shame of Versailles peace and who restored the empire from a completely devastated country”.

(use chrome to translate)

Interview with Denis ‎White Rex Nikitin (Kapustin) leader of the RVC. The Russian Volunteer Corps is a military formation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Denis is pretty clear about his politics when he says "Hitler is the man who dragged the country out of poverty and the shame of Versailles peace and who restored the empire from a completely devastated country”.

(use chrome to translate)

He has a wikipedia page now.

Denis Kapustin (militant) - Wikipedia
This is frightening. Post war you try getting these weapons off these Nazis to be de-commissioned .

Its an NLAW nightmare if your in a Russian Mainbattle tank. if your just wanting to fuck random stuff up your better off with these RPG-18 - Wikipedia and similar much lighter and less bulky
NLAW does have a bigger warhead but it's a shaped charge designed to punch a hold hole through armour not spread the blast around.

before the war Ukraine was awash with weapons they were laughing when the MoD was over their paying a $100 per rpg7 round as that was "tourist" price plenty of dumb weapons to go around NLAW really isn't of much use for anything other than hunting tanks it's a big heavy bulky beast of missile.

unless your Target is in a main battle tank just about anything is more useful for general being a homicidal nazi.
Following on about the standing ovation given to the Ukrainian who fought in the Waffen SS by the Canadian Parliament here's an article about how these Nazis came to Canada

"What little we know of their war record is bad,” wrote Beryl Hughes, who was handling the issue for Britain’s Home Office. “We’re still hoping to get rid of the less desirable Ukrainian PoWs either to Germany or Canada,” Hughes added in another note in 1948."

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