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UK reaction / response to the invasion

They should be able to freeze his assets in the UK, AFAIK he's put Chelsea up for sale, friends of Putin should not be able to make off with the loot.
I suppose one person's "stringent laws to enable the swift seizure of foreigners' assets" is another person's "authoritarian over-reaching government". Perhaps the UK government's power's have been insufficient in this regard, or perhaps not.

Are any other European countries managing to effect the swift seizure of mansions belonging to Russians with no easy paper trail connecting them to Putin?
The aim of this exercise is not to punish russian oligarchs but to allow them to extricate their money in light of their tender favours to the Tory party over the years
I think that if Ukraine had a strong military, and the sanctions had been clearly spelt out, and the political shift within Europe - German rearmament, Sweden and Finland seriously thinking about NATO membership - in the event of an invasion had been clearly spelt out, all 6 months ago, then it's quite possible that Putin/the people around him would have decided that the game wasn't worth the candle.

Just how big a military build up by the west into Ukraine do you think wouldve put Putin off?
The scale required would so clearly be seen as a provocation I'm really surprised to see you make it, and others agreeing.

Well I guess from your point of view that wish will now become a reality, and this will supposedly make the world a safer place. For me it feels like the opposite is true.
ust how big a military build up by the west into Ukraine do you think wouldve put Putin off?
The scale required would so clearly be seen as a provocation I'm really surprised to see you make it, and others agreeing.

Well I guess from your point of view that wish will now become a reality, and this will supposedly make the world a safer place. For me it feels like the opposite is true.

And the sanctions, the political/military alignment?
And the sanctions, the political/military alignment?

well im partiucalry interested in the military aspect here, especially as that is a live issue right now still. whatever else happens that one issue would trump all other concerns.

but also not sure what you even meant. "the sanctions had been clearly spelt out - in the event of an invasion - 6 months ago" - so are you saying six months ago NATO shouldve armed Urkaine to the teeth set out what massive sanctions would happen if Putin invaded and also made it clear Sweden and Finland should join NATO asaps - and that would avoid a war ?
It seems so ridiculous to me that Im baffled by it
well im partiucalry interested in the military aspect here, especially as that is a live issue right now still. whatever else happens that one issue would trump all other concerns.

but also not sure what you even meant. "the sanctions had been clearly spelt out - in the event of an invasion - 6 months ago" - so are you saying six months ago NATO shouldve armed Urkaine to the teeth set out what massive sanctions would happen if Putin invaded and also made it clear Sweden and Finland should join NATO asaps - and that would avoid a war ?
It seems so ridiculous to me that Im baffled by it

But given what was done obviously didn't work, and Putin was clearly wanting to invade, what do you think might have put him off?
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What an absolute scumbag, who may also well be a security risk himself:

A year from now people will be saying the news that he served Russian caviar and vodka to oligarchs at a No. 10 event immediately afterward must surely be the last straw.
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