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Russia mobilises - consequences and reactions

And we were all mightily grateful, honest. Because nobody else had any conception lol

So you still have nothing to say about it, apart from 'stupid question'. Contemptible, transparent and predictable as shit.
All I can do is repeat that if you say you don't want me to have the last word, you should stop addressing me. Paritcularly with questions which are stupid due to it already being clear what I think about such things.

Nothing would satisfy you other than me saying I was at the fucking rally myself.
can we proclaim RD the winner of this thread then ban him from the sub forum

or just give him a participation award then ban him
Ban me from the whole fucking site for all I care.

Get a petition up.
All I can say is that the holy war stuff is perturbing the staff here at bot HQ.

Great bunch of lads and lasses, but they signed up to do a job for the gaffer and he's gone off-piste.

which brands of washing machines are going to be venerated?
the actions of NATO and the west generally made a reaction from the dominant section of the Russian elite inevitable
this is what you keep coming back . this is your entire argument. and its bollocks. And it - at the very least - partially excuses the invasion as something they were forced to do by the inexorable logic of Russia's power relationship with the west - and that the west are therefore partly responsible for the carnage. Its like saying that the USA toppling Allende in Chile or going to war in Vietnam was an "inevitable" reaction - rather than a deliberate choice driven by their own imperialist agenda.
Ban me from the whole fucking site for all I care.

Get a petition up.

as it would feed into your own idea of being attacked because of your own misguided view point

better to keep your around so we can call you an asshat but take away your favourite toy and ban you from new threads about Ukraine
It's impossible to consider specific examples in time post ww2 without considering the context of what happened in the middle East with Israel and Palestine
No, he can be a pain in the arse & sneeringly condescending but it’s not enough to warrant any kind of ban.

Other opinions are allowed.

you are right he would take a banning as some sort of validation

as he is more blinkered than a carriage horse
this is what you keep coming back . this is your entire argument. and its bollocks. And it - at the very least - partially excuses the invasion as something they were forced to do by the inexorable logic of Russia's power relationship with the west - and that the west are therefore partly responsible for the carnage. Its like saying that the USA toppling Allende in Chile or going to war in Vietnam was an "inevitable" reaction - rather than a deliberate choice driven by their own imperialist agenda.
Acting against Chile was all part and parcel of the US attitude towards Latin America as its backyard. And I do think that due to this imperialist thinking, there was a large degree of inevitability about it. I'm sure the Russians remember these things.

Vietnam less so, being on the other side of the world. Another completely avoidable war, and akin to Russia directly invading Mauritius. Or somewhere.
as it would feed into your own idea of being attacked because of your own misguided view point

better to keep your around so we can call you an asshat but take away your favourite toy and ban you from new threads about Ukraine
It's like being attacked with a feather duster. I can take it.

But go for the full ban.
All I can do is repeat that if you say you don't want me to have the last word, you should stop addressing me.
Or, you could just stop. You know, not type out a pointlessly snarky, mealy-mouthed response, not click 'post reply' .. or just stick me on ignore (I'd be honoured)
Paritcularly with questions which are stupid due to it already being clear what I think about such things.
It's clear you don't care, don't condemn, and don't care to hide it, or...
Nothing would satisfy you other than me saying I was at the fucking rally myself.
...why not leave me to decide what satisfies me? A simple, sincere, thoughtful response would be fine (if you can manage it).

Failing that, since you seem keener to condemn urban75's broadly left-wing, pro-working-class, mainly socialist/anarchist postership as 'war enthusiasts' than to straight up condemn Putin's Kremlin Holy War Flag Party for the abomination it was .. well, reasonable conclusions must be drawn.
Yes, it couldn't be anything else given the numbers. But not only broadly lefty, but broadly anti-war, broadly intelligent, broadly sensitive and sensible (I mean, for an internet forum!) and certainly not IMO 'war enthusiasts' .. though there are a few boys (and they are) around here who may be rather more invested in events in the ground than me, or you, or our mutual chum RD2003 .. Still doesn't make them 'enthusiasts'.

Anyway .. 'broadly'. Very :D
Is that the Russian ruling class that all along I've considered a major part of the slow-motion build up in this war, after their robbing the country blind led to the rise of Putin (who lets them continue but acts as referee)?

Robbing Russia was why Putin is where he is. He was on on the skank from at least the end of the USSR. He is the mafia boss of the ”Sistema”.
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