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Russia; pariah state watch

Steve posted this on the aviation thread
This leaves them even more cut off than during the USSR.
That sounds correct to me. The isolation, physical and cultural, is going to be profund....strong North Korea vibes...the effect of this could go one of two ways now, and theres every reason to worry that its a fascistic near future that will win out

That Z thing has made my blood run cold
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Steve posted this on the aviation thread

That sounds correct to me. The isolation, physical and cultural, is going to be profund....strong North Korea vibes...the effect of this could go one of two ways now, and theres every reason to worry that its a fascistic near future that will win out

That Z thing has made my blood run cold

A bridge already crossed?

A polity who's government proposed, and who's parliament waved through, 15 year sentences for spreading 'untruths', that switches off the internet, that demands international broadcasters play patriotic messages or be banned, that bans journalism, that invades others states, and then conscripts it's population to fight in its wars hasn't really got a long journey to undertake in order to get to fascism, has it?
A bridge already crossed?

A polity who's government proposed, and who's parliament waved through, 15 year sentences for spreading 'untruths', that switches off the internet, that demands international broadcasters play patriotic messages or be banned, that bans journalism, that invades others states, and then conscripts it's population to fight in its wars hasn't really got a long journey to undertake in order to get to fascism, has it?
yes agreed , though i would add a degree of counterpoint to that in that Russian people are long in the tooth with dealing with State propaganda and repressive rule and many know how to navigate it and keep their heads down and read between the lines. But this next stage of being cut off makes that resistance much harder and raises the potential for it to wither into a weak minority position
yes agreed , though i would add a degree of counterpoint to that in that Russian people are long in the tooth with dealing with State propaganda and repressive rule and many know how to navigate it and keep their heads down and read between the lines. But this next stage of being cut off makes that resistance much harder and raises the potential for it to wither into a weak minority position
I'm really worried some of the sanctions are just going to help him in this.

This is very big news.

The European Commission aims to make Europe independent from Russian fossil fuels by 2030. By diversifying gas sources and speeding up roll-out of renewables, they are aiming to reduce European demand for Russian gas by 2/3 by the end of this year.

Whither Russia?
today's pointless russophobic shite. the very worst thing you can do ffs.

today's pointless russophobic shite. the very worst thing you can do ffs.

Yeah stuff like this emerging is just poison, only going to fuel terrible outcomes.

Ridiculous, stupid, self-defeating idiocy. Moronic apparatchiks learn nothing from history.

Amusingly, I'm reading about Oleg Gordievsky - one of the triggers for him deciding to spy against the Soviet Union was a posting to Copenhagen, where he was able to listen to music that was banned in the Soviet Union, and to read books he was banned from reading in the Soviet Union...
«Это заглушит все антивоенные голоса в России» Западные сервисы не должны изолировать российских пользователей: это не поможет остановить войну. Заявление «Роскомсвободы». Полный текст — Meduza

Statement about the damaging impact of restricting western communication services in russia

Companies thoughtlessly hit everyone with sanctions, but they miss the mark. And they fall into the most vulnerable groups of journalists, activists and IT people who have always opposed military operations and bravely did their job. This not only destroys the trust they had in technology when they could not hope for the law, but also creates the conditions for digital darkness, which plays into the hands of aggressors who spread fakes and zombify the population.
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