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Russia; pariah state watch

I'm hopeful it will turn against him
Easier to blame the evil West.
But if people did turn against him, what difference would it make? Very few have any power and even among those that do, no one will want to be the first to say anything in case they're on their own, ergo ->->-> chop!
Or do you think there could be an army mutiny? How would that happen? Generals??

I thought this was an interesting piece

Though I dont trust the arguments of a Russian founder of an investment company for letting the multimillionaries get their money out, I think the general point that this is all very complicated, that the Russian ruling class has insulation, and that theres possible counterproductive outcomes, is likely true.
Apparently Russian airlines lease a lot of their planes from Irish aviation leasing companies who are now hoping that they'll give them back.

“Last night I heard from one source, who works for a Russian carrier in Moscow, they had already received a demand to return 10 Boeing 737s passenger planes to Ireland.”

Ireland is the aviation leasing capital of the world and the majority of planes used by Russian carriers are rented, not owned by them.

As such, if the carriers comply with their contracts, Russian travellers can expect many months, if not years, of travel chaos.

“They [the Russian airlines] could try to… defy this order,” Mr Corcoran continued.

“But they’re going to have to get parts, get servicing and once these contracts end with leasing companies, eventually they’ll want to be able to work with them again.

eta: short podcast with a fuller report on this
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Well it appears that Mastercard and VISA have block Russia from its networks

And Nike have suspended sales to the Country
They’ll all be paying for shit in bitcoin at this rate, which will end up an environmental catastrophe.

Well they'll need to find some way to use the surplus oil and gas, so if you can combine the environmental catastrophe with fucking over your populace with a clunking non-starter of a currency then that sounds like a win/win for Putin.

On the other hand, if russia does start to come dependent on cryptocurrencies then I suspect there'll be a lot of people happy to unload their positions at inevitably high prices.
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