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Russia mobilises - consequences and reactions

Do you think that those who can see through all this are in favour of rape and murder or something?

Funnily enough I've never noticed such enthusiasm for other western -backed wars involving just the same kind of atrocities. There's something about this one that's really captured the imagination of the liberal left. And not a sign of a critique of the build -up, nor amy acknowledgement of its avoidability.

of course Ukraine should of just surrender to Russia Military before a shot was fired to avoid any blood shed

is that the view point you are promoting RD
Yes the ones you keep insisting only did what they had to do, provoked as they were by NATO. Poor lads, simple victims of western exploitation. No choices to make, no chance to do anything different. Just the US and EU had that luxury.

Anyway you've certainly expressed no solidarity with any of the people sitting under fire in the woods and fields, you keep suggesting at least some of them should be left to die, and calling everyone on here ignorant and warmongers when they disagree. Complaining about a lack of "politics" while offering none of your own. No analysis, no solutions, no ideas. You revel in your own negativity.

But here we are discussing you again. Cute.

What did you think of the Moscow "holy war" rally? Any reaction? Or would you care to point out any such thing happening in Ukraine or the rest of Europe?
Wrong again. There's a difference between saying that the actions of NATO and the west generally made a reaction from the dominant section of the Russian elite inevitable and supporting it.

Whether you agree with me or not, I've offered more analysis of how this completely avoidable war came about than many or most. For what that's worth. Also, I'm at a loss as to how repeatedly wringing your hands on here is any kind of solidarity with those suffering in the war. It might make you feel better but it achieves precisely nothing. Can you show me where I've suggested anybody should be left to die?

I didn't ask anybody to discuss me.
if he keeps this going till tomorrow

can he just get another thread ban to think it over ? :hmm:
Well you’re taking a position that few other are. What insight do you have that they don’t?
Nothing that isn't shared, in one way or another, by those who write in the links some people object to me posting up (despite posting links themselves quite often.)

I've never been one for the herd mentality.
Wrong again. There's a difference between saying that the actions of NATO and the west generally made a reaction from the dominant section of the Russian elite inevitable and supporting it.

Whether you agree with me or not, I've offered more analysis of how this completely avoidable war came about than many or most. For what that's worth. Also, I'm at a loss as to how repeatedly wringing your hands on here is any kind of solidarity with those suffering in the war. It might make you feel better but it achieves precisely nothing. Can you show me where I've suggested anybody should be left to die?

I didn't ask anybody to discuss me.
this is not the 'how did we get to this point handwringing thread' but the 'russia mobilises consequences and reactions thread'. and you're far from alone in pointing out that the origins of this situation lie back in the 1990s with nato expansion so don't puff yourself up like a great bladder and pontificate about how clever you are when you're being an arse on the wrong thread.
Wrong again. There's a difference between saying that the actions of NATO and the west generally made a reaction from the dominant section of the Russian elite inevitable and supporting it.
In that case, there's a difference between condemning Russian actions and supporting NATO, or enthusing about war. Right?
Whether you agree with me or not, I've offered more analysis of how this completely avoidable war came about than many or most.
Not really, you've just posted a bunch of guardian links. You've offered no actual insight. Which is pretty shameful considering your post count on this thread is currently 4x greater than anyone else's.
For what that's worth.
It's not even true, so not worth a lot.
Also, I'm at a loss as to how repeatedly wringing your hands on here is any kind of solidarity with those suffering in the war. It might make you feel better but it achieves precisely nothing.
On the other hand your stream of semi-consciousness achieves precisely nothing and makes people feel worse.
Can you show me where I've suggested anybody should be left to die?
Why would I bother? Your posts and their subtext remain in full view for all to read.
I didn't ask anybody to discuss me.
And yet you comment on yourself in just about every post you make.
In that case, there's a difference between condemning Russian actions and supporting NATO, or enthusing about war. Right?

Not really, you've just posted a bunch of guardian links. You've offered no actual insight. Which is pretty shameful considering your post count on this thread is currently 4x greater than anyone else's.

It's not even true, so not worth a lot.

On the other hand your stream of semi-consciousness achieves precisely nothing and makes people feel worse.

Why would I bother? Your posts and their subtext remain in full view for all to read.

And yet you comment on yourself in just about every post you make.
My post count wouldn't be the biggest if people could restrain themselves from whining about me. Proper criticisms are fine, but it all comes up in my alerts.

As for the rest, so innaccurate that not worth bothering with.
this is not the 'how did we get to this point handwringing thread' but the 'russia mobilises consequences and reactions thread'. and you're far from alone in pointing out that the origins of this situation lie back in the 1990s with nato expansion so don't puff yourself up like a great bladder and pontificate about how clever you are when you're being an arse on the wrong thread.
Far from puffing myself up, I've acknowledged just above that my views are mostly taken from other sources (like most people's.)

Don't think it was me responsible for going off topic.
My post count wouldn't be the biggest if people could restrain themselves from whining about me. Proper criticisms are fine, but it all comes up in my alerts.

As for the rest, so innaccurate that not worth bothering with.
Yea, thought not. Just blame everyone else. Whining lol.

By the way, no thoughts on your hero's Holy War party yesterday?

Obviously not.

...and the last word goes to...
Yea, thought not. Just blame everyone else. Whining lol.

By the way, no thoughts on your hero's Holy War party yesterday?

Obviously not.

...and the last word goes to...
All I can say is that the holy war stuff is perturbing the staff here at bot HQ.

Great bunch of lads and lasses, but they signed up to do a job for the gaffer and he's gone off-piste.
Just as this stupid war and the annexation that preceded it isn't Russia's fault, perhaps.

Seriously, I would really like to know what RD2003 thinks about this:

the context for the war, sure, that was shaped in part by nato expansion. daft imo to omit that from a causes of the war discussion. but yeh as you say the decision to go on this war was putin's. nato wouldn't have countenanced a ukraine membership application due to the ongoing contested ukraine borders. so until feb 24 putin was sitting quite pretty. now the war's having effects all over the world and in particular on burning more fossil fuels and creating hunger in many countries. it's not a regional war, it has global repercussions. rd2003 treats this like it's all some great debating contest when it's people's lives on the line.
Just as this stupid war and the annexation that preceded it isn't Russia's fault, perhaps.

Seriously, I would really like to know what RD2003 thinks about this event:

What do you think I think about it? I tried to warn people how it would go months ago.

Somebody who doesn't want me to have the last word should refrain from asking stupid questions.
the context for the war, sure, that was shaped in part by nato expansion. daft imo to omit that from a causes of the war discussion. but yeh as you say the decision to go on this war was putin's. nato wouldn't have countenanced a ukraine membership application due to the ongoing contested ukraine borders. so until feb 24 putin was sitting quite pretty. now the war's having effects all over the world and in particular on burning more fossil fuels and creating hunger in many countries. it's not a regional war, it has global repercussions. rd2003 treats this like it's all some great debating contest when it's people's lives on the line.
My posts treat it like a debating contest while other peoples' posts don't seems to be what you're saying. And yet here we are, all debating each other on the same message board.
What do you think I think about it? I tried to warn people how it would go months ago.
And we were all mightily grateful, honest. Because nobody else had any conception lol
Somebody who doesn't want me to have the last word should refrain from asking stupid questions.
So you still have nothing to say about it, apart from 'stupid question'. Contemptible, transparent and predictable as shit.
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