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UK reaction / response to the invasion

I'm getting a bit sick (understatement) of politicians and commentators emoting outrage at the UK's slack response to Ukrainian refugees when just four months ago they were maintaining 'balance' about inflatable boats crossing the Channel.

This is the 'Hostile Environment' policy actually working, doing what it's supposed to do. No use screaming at Priti Patel when you wankers facilitated and encouraged the UK's provincial, sullen barbarism. Enough. Just enough.

Sorry, just posting this because it pissed me right off.

It's like Bosnia never happened. No massacres, no ethnic cleansing, no German businessmen driving down from Munich to Kraijina to take pot shots at the Muslims. No Srebrenica. No one being pitchforked to death around Mostar. The years of ineffective UN and EC peace talks and interventions.

I get his basic point, but fuck me. Countless thousands dead, in the heart of Europe and how quick they forget.
I get his basic point, but fuck me. Countless thousands dead, in the heart of Europe and how quick they forget.
aye....and if you asked 100 people in the street what war in the last 20 years has killed the most people (somewhere between 3-5.4 million excess deaths) I doubt you'd get a single correct answer unless they were from the Congo <Im not judging anyone for that, it never had the media focus so why should people know. But the public consciousness around war is interesting, in what is seemed important, what the causes are, whether it really matters, whether it is remembered, acknowledged etc. I think a lot of people in the UK barely even know about our own most recent regime change bombing of Libya for example
aye....and if you asked 100 people in the street what war in the last 20 years has killed the most people (somewhere between 3-5.4 million excess deaths) I doubt you'd get a single correct answer unless they were from the Congo <Im not judging anyone for that, it never had the media focus so why should people know. But the public consciousness around war is interesting, in what is seemed important, what the causes are, whether it really matters, whether it is remembered, acknowledged etc. I think a lot of people in the UK barely even know about our own most recent regime change bombing of Libya for example
sad but true.

And is a mixutre of not wanting to know and a decline in journalism. Still, New series of Love Island starts soon.
The inevitable response from Starmerites

I presume most of urban agree with him
Waste of money as ever, just fuels an arms race imo

They do need to at least stop the latest round of cuts, which were based on absurd reasons at the time but which appear even more absurd now.

They’ve also got to stop the phenomenal wastes of money on things like procurement, PFI and housing (which in their defence in terms of housing they are attempting with Annington), such things might have been allowed a few years ago but not now. I think by 2025 Europe has to be ready to defend itself against any conceivable conventional threat (on the assumption that Trump will take the US out of NATO).
Just been up the local high street, someone has set up a stall with a massive Ukrainian flag and blue and yellow balloons
Went over to see what it was about...have a guess??? Local Torys campaigning ahead of the upcoming local elections
this below has to be understood with the above - dirty business

What the fuck is wrong with people?

The United Nations refugee agency (UNHCR) has called on the United Kingdom to review its Homes for Ukraine scheme, following reports that some refugee women felt at risk from their sponsors.

...there are growing concerns that women are being put at risk via the programme, which more than 150,000 people signed up to as hosts in the days leading up to its launch on March 18.

Last week, an undercover investigation by The Times newspaper revealed how some single British men were proposing sharing beds and sending inappropriate and sexually suggestive messages to women fleeing war.

What is going on here? It would be easy to fall into the potential rabbit hole of Russian influence over the vermin perhaps but maybe it is just petulance on their part:

Sanctions? what sanctions? You can tell how loudly money talks

Now all thats to be heard is sabre rattling as weapons flow and money quietly goes about its business
What is going on here? It would be easy to fall into the potential rabbit hole of Russian influence over the vermin perhaps but maybe it is just petulance on their part:

TBF doing that (seizing the money and giving it to the Ukrainians) is a terrible idea, at least at this stage.
For once I find myself broadly in agreement with Govt on this. It is way too early to start talking now about rebuilding Ukraine and forcing Russia to pay for it. The fighting needs to have stopped and the dust settled first.
What happens if it turns out the reason the fighting is over is because Mad Bad Vlad has fallen out of an upstairs window? The last thing we want to do is to heap all the blame and cost on the people that have replaced him, at least at first.
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