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Fascists, Fascism and the Invasion.

Ukraine is at war with Russia because apparently, they are Nazis so why not wear nazi regalia to piss them off some more?
A lot of SS fandom in the Baltics and Ukraine is aimed at deliberately pissing off Russia and supporting nationalism.
They had 50 years of Soviet occupation that will rather colour your response to NAZIs bad.
whys that village empty?
first, the Russians came and killed the landlords
the Nazis came and killed the partisans
then the Russians came back and killed the collaborators.
Pissing off Russia and pissing on the occupation history is a legitimate political point the "great patriotic war" war memorials in the former Soviet sphere share the same space as confederate memorials in the south of the US. The Soviets didn't liberate eastern Europe they just changed the occupier
FFS are you seriously suggesting that the likes of Stepan Bandera and other Eastern European nazi collaborators who participated in the Holocaust and contributed to the nazi war effort were simply trolling Russia? And btw Eastern European nationalist collaboration with western intelligence agencies goes back to atleast the Bolshevik seizure of power and is linked later on to nazi collaboration, which also involved those western intelligence agencies, there were Russians who were on their side aswell. Theres quite a fascist history there y'know (a bit of a tradition you might say). I'm not for one second letting Russian nationalism/fascists or past USSR imperialism off the hook either, nor the current Russian irradentism - I am against all of those aswell.

Jeezus, people really have lost their fucking minds :facepalm:
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Ukraine is at war with Russia because apparently, they are Nazis so why not wear nazi regalia to piss them off some more?
A lot of SS fandom in the Baltics and Ukraine is aimed at deliberately pissing off Russia and supporting nationalism.
They had 50 years of Soviet occupation that will rather colour your response to NAZIs bad.
whys that village empty?
first, the Russians came and killed the landlords
the Nazis came and killed the partisans
then the Russians came back and killed the collaborators.
Pissing off Russia and pissing on the occupation history is a legitimate political point the "great patriotic war" war memorials in the former Soviet sphere share the same space as confederate memorials in the south of the US. The Soviets didn't liberate eastern Europe they just changed the occupier
Yup the history of Ukrainian fascism is just a light hearted thumbing of the nose to Russia .
Ukraine is at war with Russia because apparently, they are Nazis so why not wear nazi regalia to piss them off some more?
A lot of SS fandom in the Baltics and Ukraine is aimed at deliberately pissing off Russia and supporting nationalism.
They had 50 years of Soviet occupation that will rather colour your response to NAZIs bad.
whys that village empty?
first, the Russians came and killed the landlords
the Nazis came and killed the partisans
then the Russians came back and killed the collaborators.
Pissing off Russia and pissing on the occupation history is a legitimate political point the "great patriotic war" war memorials in the former Soviet sphere share the same space as confederate memorials in the south of the US. The Soviets didn't liberate eastern Europe they just changed the occupier
More idiocy.
So nazis are fine if they're Ukrainian then? You have no concerns about people like that being in the Ukrainian armed forces? This is just such a fucking awful, garbage take.

What the fuck happened to punching nazis? You are literally coming across as a nazi sympathizer.
Their in a war of national survival. Is some prick wants to cos play as SS when the chances he might be dead in a week. Who cares? Winners get to decide the future. Purging the ranks can wait till they win. They did it with the Azov battalion.
Their in a war of national survival. Is some prick wants to cos play as SS when the chances he might be dead in a week. Who cares? Winners get to decide the future. Purging the ranks can wait till they win. They did it with the Azov battalion.
Aside from the inconvenient fact that its not just 'some prick' but many, tell me about when and how 'they' purged Azov?
Their in a war of national survival. Is some prick wants to cos play as SS when the chances he might be dead in a week. Who cares? Winners get to decide the future. Purging the ranks can wait till they win. They did it with the Azov battalion.
There was plenty of cos-playing (whatever that means) as SS in Ukraine long before anybody was likely to be dead within a week.
Russian fascists spotted and recognised as such (small numbers of paramilitary dregs, not the state which isn't fascist) . Ukrainian fascists spotted but they're just cosplaying. And how should we characterise the self-exiled Russian fascists based in Ukraine who have been fighting for the Ukrainian side? Anyway, Waffen SS patches look better on corpses to be brutally honest.
If they fight
Russian fascists spotted and recognised as such (small numbers of paramilitary dregs, not the state which isn't fascist) . Ukrainian fascists spotted but they're just cosplaying. And how should we characterise the self-exiled Russian fascists based in Ukraine who have been fighting for the Ukrainian side? Anyway, Waffen SS patches look better on corpses to be brutally honest.
Push them to the front. If they survive. Deal with them post war. Can't think of a better place for a fascist than facing russian tanks.
There was a twitter thing a couple of days ago with a captured Wagner recruit, showing his extensive collection of fascist tattoos. I didn't bother linking it at the time because it's generally pretty poor form to show POWs in degrading conditions. The lad had somehow managed to get a big black eye, so I guess he wasn't being treated with cups of tea and cake.

I don't know much about Russian prison culture either, so there's a reasonable chance he was an ex-prisoner dragged into the fight and maybe extensive nazi tats are a thing on the inside, but they looked like pretty well executed tattoos, even if the subject matter was the mark of a twat.

If I get a chance and can be arsed I'll try and dig it out
Azov have expanded since the war and despite casualties, as did the Georgian Legion albeit via foreign recruits. I wonder if its the same for the Russian Nazi grouplets?
"Putin's number one fan"/the "Aussie Cossack" is apparently now doing an Assange in the Russian embassy in Australia:
Arrest warrant issued for ‘number one Putin fan’ seeking refuge from police in Russian Consulate

Some of Boikov's past adventures covered here:
Germany has just announced they’re supplying 88 Leopard 1 tanks, having earlier announced 14 of the more modern Leopard 2s. Putinist bellends on Twitter are seeing some significance in those numbers, definitely a secret message to Zelensky that these are tanks for the Nazis. :facepalm:
Germany has just announced they’re supplying 88 Leopard 1 tanks, having earlier announced 14 of the more modern Leopard 2s. Putinist bellends on Twitter are seeing some significance in those numbers, definitely a secret message to Zelensky that these are tanks for the Nazis. :facepalm:
Wasn’t sure to post this at an earlier juncture but meh. BBC co anchor in Kiev last year may have got some bad shit from Ukraine Nationalists during their stint last year because of skin colour. Not going to name them but it’s a bit worrying if this was true
Wasn’t sure to post this at an earlier juncture but meh. BBC co anchor in Kiev last year may have got some bad shit from Ukraine Nationalists during their stint last year because of skin colour. Not going to name them but it’s a bit worrying if this was true
He's denied it

The story was basically getting repeated by a bunch of bots using exactly the same wording, with no evidence provided whatsoever.
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