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Fascists, Fascism and the Invasion.

He’s clearly a top end wrong ‘un.

I searched the thread and found this in it.

Explanation re Boatman nickname amongst other stuff here.

I read the first few sections but it’s very long. Hopefully I haven’t unwittingly spread some sort of disinformation.

(Boatman is called as such because of the knots used to hang his victims, lovely stuff).

He's currently in the Kraken Unit , which along with SSO Azov and Azov Dnipro are newer units formed by Azov. As I understand it they are not part of the AFU but report to the Ukrainian Ministry of Intelligence. . Kraken, whose commander is a National Corps member ( Azov's Political wing) have been accused of torture and execution of Russian POWs, Ukrainian citizens suspected of being pro Russian and were allegedly behind the kidnapping and execution of the Chilean Gonzalo Lira .
You mean the conspiracy theory touting, alt right, friend of George Galloway, Gonzalo Lira who was posting YouTube videos only four hours ago from Ukraine on the false flag dirty bomb operation America is about to launch in Ukraine? Can't believe they got to him!

Not denying there's some awful people on the Ukraine/Azov side, but when you start posting such demonstrably false rumours/bullshit, it doesn't half make me go :hmm: about everything else you post on this subject
Anyway, I decided to do some reading on Korotkikh as not really heard anything about him before. Nasty piece of work, although it's grimly ironic that him being one of Azov's most high profile wrong uns, who can justifiably be called a white supremacist, neo-Nazi, is actually a Russian man, who then got Belarussian citizenship before making his way over to Ukraine. Even the actual Ukrainian Nazis turn out to be Russian :D
You mean the conspiracy theory touting, alt right, friend of George Galloway, Gonzalo Lira who was posting YouTube videos only four hours ago from Ukraine on the false flag dirty bomb operation America is about to launch in Ukraine? Can't believe they got to him!

Not denying there's some awful people on the Ukraine/Azov side, but when you start posting such demonstrably false rumours/bullshit, it doesn't half make me go :hmm: about everything else you post on this subject

Your inability to read the word allegedly may seem a minor issue for you but I'd keep an eye out if it happens on a regular basis. I think btw that there's been a few posts about the Russian connections inside Ukraine and the network with the Ukrainian far right they built up.
Your inability to read the word allegedly may seem a minor issue for you but I'd keep an eye out if it happens on a regular basis. I think btw that there's been a few posts about the Russian connections inside Ukraine and the network with the Ukrainian far right they built up.
'Allegedly' is doing a lot of heavy lifting, given Lira is alive and well and living in Kharkiv.
I've actually never come across Lira before tbh. Like I say just keep an eye on not recognising words that people post.
I've actually never come across Lira before tbh. Like I say just keep an eye on not recognising words that people post.
If we're going down this pedantic route, no, you made a poor choice of words. The journalist had provably not been murdered, as was clear with about 30 seconds of googling.

If you'd said that Azov were responsible for an alleged murder of Lira, that would have been misleading, but technically correct. Your phrasing of it as them being allegedly responsible for his murder implies the murder has definitely happened and the identity of the culprit is the thing which is under question.

You need to keep an eye on the words that you post if you want to be taken seriously.
We aren't going anywhere and tbh neither of us takes the other seriously. There is a lot of information and disinformation around, some lead with the disinformation and in other cases, disinformation only comes to light later. I won't be the first to post something in good faith that turns out not to be true. The fact that this fella is alive doesn't alter the fact that there were allegations months back that Kraken had killed him. I've altered my notes on Kraken accordingly.
Anyone who says "violence is never a solution", has never had to quite literally stand guard on their council estate, in order to stop British Movement & National Front supporters from bricking the windows of black & Asian residents. The only way to dissuade those pricks was to run them off, & give them a kicking. It worked. Yes, I have regrets, but they're mostly about the arthritis in my busted knuckles, not about defending my community. I will ALWAYS defend my community, because without community (in the original sense of the word), what are we?

Wasn't it Red Action who organised sleepovers for South Asian housing estate residents harrased and terrorised by Nazi dregs? Half a dozen football hooligans in sleeping bags waiting in the hallway of a family home for when the fash would come out in the early hours to kick doors in and brick windows. But 'violence doesn't solve anything,' until the bullies and cowards are confronted by the above.
Wasn't it Red Action who organised sleepovers for South Asian housing estate residents harrased and terrorised by Nazi dregs? Half a dozen football hooligans in sleeping bags waiting in the hallway of a family home for when the fash would come out in the early hours to kick doors in and brick windows. But 'violence doesn't solve anything,' until the bullies and cowards are confronted by the above.
If violence doesn't solve anything why is it pretty much the first tool the state reaches for against eg protestors?
Wasn't it Red Action who organised sleepovers for South Asian housing estate residents harrased and terrorised by Nazi dregs? Half a dozen football hooligans in sleeping bags waiting in the hallway of a family home for when the fash would come out in the early hours to kick doors in and brick windows. But 'violence doesn't solve anything,' until the bullies and cowards are confronted by the above.
Not sure tbh , ELWAR or Newham Monitoring might also be contenders . Perhaps the same tactic was tried by different groups . The principal remains the same .
Wasn't it Red Action who organised sleepovers for South Asian housing estate residents harrased and terrorised by Nazi dregs? Half a dozen football hooligans in sleeping bags waiting in the hallway of a family home for when the fash would come out in the early hours to kick doors in and brick windows. But 'violence doesn't solve anything,' until the bullies and cowards are confronted by the above.
That was mostly Newham, Tower Hamlets & Hackney, as I recall, at least to start with. I was living in Battersea, & part of the problem was that greasy cunt Martin Webster, who lived in the area. His footsoldiers would gather nearby, get cidered up, then go looking for trouble. We solicited help from the local SWP, but they wouldn't get involved in "physical direct action", because members might "get in trouble with the police"! A couple of them joined us on the QT, though. We ran them off of every estate from Clapham Junction to Nine Elms, because the usual thing with boneheads applied - they're very brave when there's 20 of them all geeing each other up, & bugger all opposition. When someone starts belting them though, they're not so keen.
That was mostly Newham, Tower Hamlets & Hackney, as I recall, at least to start with. I was living in Battersea, & part of the problem was that greasy cunt Martin Webster, who lived in the area. His footsoldiers would gather nearby, get cidered up, then go looking for trouble. We solicited help from the local SWP, but they wouldn't get involved in "physical direct action", because members might "get in trouble with the police"! A couple of them joined us on the QT, though. We ran them off of every estate from Clapham Junction to Nine Elms, because the usual thing with boneheads applied - they're very brave when there's 20 of them all geeing each other up, & bugger all opposition. When someone starts belting them though, they're not so keen.
which years approx was this?
That was mostly Newham, Tower Hamlets & Hackney, as I recall, at least to start with. I was living in Battersea, & part of the problem was that greasy cunt Martin Webster, who lived in the area. His footsoldiers would gather nearby, get cidered up, then go looking for trouble. We solicited help from the local SWP, but they wouldn't get involved in "physical direct action", because members might "get in trouble with the police"! A couple of them joined us on the QT, though. We ran them off of every estate from Clapham Junction to Nine Elms, because the usual thing with boneheads applied - they're very brave when there's 20 of them all geeing each other up, & bugger all opposition. When someone starts belting them though, they're not so keen.

I wasn't meaning to portray those affected as being helpless victims who the white heroes had stepped up on their behalf, as it was based on inter-ethnic working class solidarity in combating a real fascist threat in shared communities. I think the lumpens and water-treading lower middle class who made up the lower ranks of the fascists were sold on the image painted by their leaders of their targets being easy pickings, not thinking they were going to require stays in hospital.

My memory is like a sieve, but I recall a photo posted on here from the 1980s of South Asian women in London who had learned self-defence tactics. It was taken at a demonstration they attended, holding a sign identifying themselves as the Sari Squad.

The full George Washington University (GWU) i here : Far-Right Group Made Its Home in Ukraine’s Major Western Military Training Hub | illiberalism.org
Azov's Day of the Dead ceremony 2022. They now have two battalions , reports say on way to a third. There's another video out showing the 'viking boat' they've set fire to with an Assasins Creed Valhalla soundtrack .

First win the war then de nazify. If some idiot wants to go into harms way with dirlewanger patch. Let him if he lives. He can be taught why that patch is inapproprite afterwards.
First win the war then de nazify. If some idiot wants to go into harms way with dirlewanger patch. Let him if he lives. He can be taught why that patch is inapproprite afterwards.
So nazis are fine if they're Ukrainian then? You have no concerns about people like that being in the Ukrainian armed forces? This is just such a fucking awful, garbage take.

What the fuck happened to punching nazis? You are literally coming across as a nazi sympathizer.
So nazis are fine if they're Ukrainian then? You have no concerns about people like that being in the Ukrainian armed forces? This is just such a fucking awful, garbage take.

What the fuck happened to punching nazis? You are literally coming across as a nazi sympathizer.
Should have seen the main thread when war enthusiasm was in full sway. A fair number of the liberals falling over themselves to make excuses for Ukrainian fascists, as was commented on at the time.
Ukraine is at war with Russia because apparently, they are Nazis so why not wear nazi regalia to piss them off some more?
A lot of SS fandom in the Baltics and Ukraine is aimed at deliberately pissing off Russia and supporting nationalism.
They had 50 years of Soviet occupation that will rather colour your response to NAZIs bad.
whys that village empty?
first, the Russians came and killed the landlords
the Nazis came and killed the partisans
then the Russians came back and killed the collaborators.
Pissing off Russia and pissing on the occupation history is a legitimate political point the "great patriotic war" war memorials in the former Soviet sphere share the same space as confederate memorials in the south of the US. The Soviets didn't liberate eastern Europe they just changed the occupier
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