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Fascists, Fascism and the Invasion.

No, I saw it on the news yesterday (the patch on the back). Made my heart sink a little.

The UA have been using the + as an ID during the recent attack, RU have used many of the the other obvious ones, O, Z so + seems reasonable. Although the way it has been painted on that tank looks....unfortunate, the gaps in the ERA fall just in the wrong (?) place.
The cross things do just seem to be ID tags for vehicles, but yeah, you don't have to delve too deep before you start coming across Bandera flags and shit like this.

With the red/black flags, you can sort of see it just from a Ukrainian nationalist perspective, but there is also a reasonable amount of straight up nazi shit going down on both sides.

This could go anywhere really but here is as good as anywhere. As if you needed another reason to hate influencers

Taking a leaf out of Israel's book with these propaganda 'techniques' too

Don't know if this is exactly the right place for this pro-Ukraine article, and I might not have put it here if not for being forbidden from posting on certain other threads, but I suppose these paragraphs apply:

'Another major consequence of Putin’s disastrous invasion of Ukraine is more long-term. With citizens now fleeing Russia in droves to avoid being conscripted and used as cannon fodder, countries in the surrounding region are preparing for an influx of foreigners. Coupled with Ukrainians who have been forced to flee Russia’s indiscriminate shelling of civilian areas, countries across Europe will once again be forced to grapple with domestic tensions that arise from migration.

So far, the wave of migrants from Ukraine and Russia are receiving a friendlier welcome than those who immigrated to Europe from the Middle East and Africa in 2015, when 1.3 million asylum seekers sought refuge. But when large numbers of foreigners arrive in countries, it inevitably leads to political instability, questions of identity and ethnic, religious and socioeconomic tensions.

Historically, such situations lead to a rise in populism, nativism and xenophobia, which far-right political parties use as leverage in the polls. Ironically, those fleeing to third-party countries are doing so to escape Russian atrocities, yet their arrival in new lands will likely give a boost to the same political parties that receive support from Russia. The fringes of these political movements go on to serve as the foot soldiers of the far right, and include neo-Nazis, white supremacists and a range of other ideologically motivated violent extremists. High-profile attacks against migrants and refugees have been carried out by far-right extremists over the past several years in Italy, Sweden, Hungary and elsewhere in Europe.'
(That the wave of migrants from Ukraine and Russia are so far receiving a friendlier welcome than those who immigrated to Europe from the Middle East and Africa in 2015, may or may not qualify as one of the great mysteries of our times...)

Don't know if this is exactly the right place for this pro-Ukraine article, and I might not have put it here if not for being forbidden from posting on certain other threads, but I suppose these paragraphs apply:

'Another major consequence of Putin’s disastrous invasion of Ukraine is more long-term. With citizens now fleeing Russia in droves to avoid being conscripted and used as cannon fodder, countries in the surrounding region are preparing for an influx of foreigners. Coupled with Ukrainians who have been forced to flee Russia’s indiscriminate shelling of civilian areas, countries across Europe will once again be forced to grapple with domestic tensions that arise from migration.

So far, the wave of migrants from Ukraine and Russia are receiving a friendlier welcome than those who immigrated to Europe from the Middle East and Africa in 2015, when 1.3 million asylum seekers sought refuge. But when large numbers of foreigners arrive in countries, it inevitably leads to political instability, questions of identity and ethnic, religious and socioeconomic tensions.

Historically, such situations lead to a rise in populism, nativism and xenophobia, which far-right political parties use as leverage in the polls. Ironically, those fleeing to third-party countries are doing so to escape Russian atrocities, yet their arrival in new lands will likely give a boost to the same political parties that receive support from Russia. The fringes of these political movements go on to serve as the foot soldiers of the far right, and include neo-Nazis, white supremacists and a range of other ideologically motivated violent extremists. High-profile attacks against migrants and refugees have been carried out by far-right extremists over the past several years in Italy, Sweden, Hungary and elsewhere in Europe.'
Op-ed by someone who works for a private Intel and security company called Soufan. I wonder what vested interests Soufan might have in this situation? Or in increasing western governments' / populations' paranoia wrt what Russia might do when it loses, or because it's losing...

I'd trust your fear mongering over his. You might seem to enjoy making people feel bad but I have a degree of confidence you're not looking to benefit financially from it.
Op-ed by someone who works for a private Intel and security company called Soufan. I wonder what vested interests Soufan might have in this situation? Or in increasing western governments' / populations' paranoia wrt what Russia might do when it loses, or because it's losing...

I'd trust your fear mongering over his. You might seem to enjoy making people feel bad but I have a degree of confidence you're not looking to benefit financially from it
I like being thought of as only a second-tier fear-monger. I suppose if your're gonna mong fear, you might as well make some money. But this is why I feel I've had a bit of a fucking second-tier life.

Interesting that you point out who he is, and his vested interest, however. Frankly, I'd be amazed if many, or even any 'pro-Russian westerners' heeded any call to sacrifice themselves in terrorism for Russia.
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I like being thought of as only a second-tier fear-monger. I suppose if your're gonna mong fear, you might as well make some money. But this is why I feel I've had a bit of a fucking second-tier life.

Interesting that you point out who he is, and his vested interest, however. Frankly, I'd be amazed if many, or even any 'pro-Russian westerners' heeded any call to sacrifice themselves in terrorism for Russia.
You do yourself a disservice, I never said and wouldn't say 'second-tier' fear monger. A non-profit fear-monger maybe?

On topic, I suspect any pro-Russian terrorism would be entirely Kremlin-sponsored anyway, therefore carried out by Russians or ex-soviet state citizens who are ex-security services or special forces, or would be carried out online from inside Russia. I agree it's unlikely to be non-natives of Russia's direct sphere of influence, tankies are good at shouting and making banners, but I'd think twice about asking them to plant bombs or poison people.

Soufan and other companies like them will doubtless make a load of money from fear-mongering anyway, that's their business model.
New Russian Nazi group ( some ex Azov) fighting for Ukraine using the imagery of the Russian Liberation Army who fought alongside the Nazis.

No, I saw it on the news yesterday (the patch on the back). Made my heart sink a little.

The UA have been using the + as an ID during the recent attack, RU have used many of the the other obvious ones, O, Z so + seems reasonable. Although the way it has been painted on that tank looks....unfortunate, the gaps in the ERA fall just in the wrong (?) place.
Yea Ive seen the cross used a lot, but Im not sure this example's resemblance to the Balkenkreuz is unintentional they seem to have carefully avoided the edges of the ERA segments accentuating the gaps.
Thought Azov were more Borscht and Salo kind of guys tbh
Fucking Salo! Friend who visited Poland brought me some back (smoked, aged in paprika). Problem is, while I don't mind pork at all, it's so strongly flavoured that I've only been able to use it in cooking!!!
Yeah I bet Prokopenko and his jewish nazi mates can't wait to make everyone get microchipped and wear a face nappy. They're probably bang on the old chemtrails as well
Fucking Jewish Nazi conspiraloons. You can bet they're descended from those bastards that wrote The Protocols, & founded the Illuminati! :hmm: :hmm:
Are fascists interested in 'free and fair' debate and discussion in the 'marketplace of ideas'? Are those who have literally fought fascists just a load of thick, thuggish 'working class types'?
IME fascists are only interested in debate IF they know they're on home ground, with home support. In any other situation they know they'll get a physical & intellectual shoeing. Every time they step off of home ground, we've been waiting for them. Martin Webster (National Front leader) got so he couldn't even go into his local pubs or go to the shops without people barracking him for being a greasy Nazi cunt - I know, because I was one of the barrackers! ;)
Violence, even that which stops short of killing is awful, damaging to all involved and traumatic. If I remember a similar discussion on here regarding clashes with the BUF, a poster mentioned the consequences of it. Permanent impairment from broken limbs, the loss of eyes, brain damage etc.

People aren't inherently this or that, but contested ideologically speaking. But a threat eventually can become a case of my violence must defeat your violence. I couldn't punch the skin off a bowl of rice pudding, and don't get a thrill from living vicariously through the actions of those who do use it, but it is necessary. I put the bit you bolded in quotation marks, because that has been and is used to describe those who do put their bodies on the line combating a threat that would kill if it had a chance, with all its centrist smugness and classist baggage.
Anyone who says "violence is never a solution", has never had to quite literally stand guard on their council estate, in order to stop British Movement & National Front supporters from bricking the windows of black & Asian residents. The only way to dissuade those pricks was to run them off, & give them a kicking. It worked. Yes, I have regrets, but they're mostly about the arthritis in my busted knuckles, not about defending my community. I will ALWAYS defend my community, because without community (in the original sense of the word), what are we?
He’s clearly a top end wrong ‘un.

I searched the thread and found this in it.

Explanation re Boatman nickname amongst other stuff here.

I read the first few sections but it’s very long. Hopefully I haven’t unwittingly spread some sort of disinformation.

(Boatman is called as such because of the knots used to hang his victims, lovely stuff).

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