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Fascists, Fascism and the Invasion.

Another collector of enemy dead body parts, this time a Spaniard Pedro Diaz who allegedly was boasting of selling key rings made from Russian fingers was killed at Bakhmut
Mentioned by Dogsauce over on the pro-Putin left thread, but there's some right dodgy bastards involved in the upcoming "anti-war" rally in Washington DC:
There was a twitter thing a couple of days ago with a captured Wagner recruit, showing his extensive collection of fascist tattoos. I didn't bother linking it at the time because it's generally pretty poor form to show POWs in degrading conditions. The lad had somehow managed to get a big black eye, so I guess he wasn't being treated with cups of tea and cake.

I don't know much about Russian prison culture either, so there's a reasonable chance he was an ex-prisoner dragged into the fight and maybe extensive nazi tats are a thing on the inside, but they looked like pretty well executed tattoos, even if the subject matter was the mark of a twat.

If I get a chance and can be arsed I'll try and dig it out
The older ones he's got are def coded Russian prison tattoos - the swastikas on his back are trad anti soviet images; spiders/webs indicating a thief etc. The fresh ones - ACAB and Blood and Soil aren't as well done and look recent so probably not done in prison.
Members of the Ukrainian nationalist Revanche Division ( now part of Azov) flying the flag of the Republic of Salo in Bakhmut around Feb 17 this year.


Revanche ( Revenge) are influenced by Casa Pound and Italian fascist futurist design

Members of the Ukrainian nationalist Revanche Division ( now part of Azov) flying the flag of the Republic of Salo in Bakhmut around Feb 17 this year.


Revanche ( Revenge) are influenced by Casa Pound and Italian fascist futurist design

This can't possibly be happening-they've got a Jewish president.
Not really fash but I'd put the CEO of Turning Point Uk/ misogynistic influencer in the far right category

Could've been on the BBC going down the pan thread too. They don't even bother checking out people they're doing write-ups of. 😡 Unless they're happy to showcase far-right bellends.
Surprised Turning Point aren’t on Putin’s bandwagon, given their love of authoritarianism and chauvinism. I imagine the US lot are all over that shit, like MAGA dickheads generally.
Ukrainian and some Western sources claimed Russia was making a false flag accusation but it seems around 40 RSF have attacked and stopped vehicles Russian civilians, some reports alleging/speculating hostages being and others suggesting children were fired at and are now being engaged by Russian troops

Fella on the right is Alexei Kozhemyakin who joined Azov 2015

Yeah, the false flag stuff is bollocks, see this claim way too much, and seems pointless given what sort of escalated response would Russia be trying to justify, given they’re already trying to freeze the Ukrainian population and fire low-precision missiles into residential areas. They don’t need a ‘provocation’ as things are already pretty escalated (though there were some well documented false flags in Donbass before the invasion commenced, for local digestion)

This particular mission seems odd, basically seems to be a border incursion by some dodgy characters (claiming one border guard killed), then posing for photos as some kind of ‘gotcha’ to humiliate Russia and publicise their call for uprising in Russia itself before scuttling out again. Russia is claiming they shot up a schoolbus which has been denied by the local chief/mayor.
Sounds like a bunch of cowboys doing their own thing.
Doubt they have been sanctioned by to do anything .
Although if they want to go and commit "Geneva suggestions" in Russia I doubt anyone in Ukraine is going to be terribly bothered.
The Right Sector: Bandera supporters whose aim is to "build a nationalist Ukrainian state and stage a nationalist revolution".a Ukraine "just for Ukrainians".

Could kind of go either here or on the pro-Putin left thread, podcast interview about the big left/right crossover pro-Putin US demo in February:
Daniil Lyashuk , call name Modzhahed, was a Belarussian neo Nazi


He was sentenced to 10 year in prison in 2017 for multiple crimes involving torture, rapes, amputations and murders, including against children when he was in the Tornado Squadron. The Tornado Squadron was put together by members of Azov and Aidar, their victims were Ukrainians in the East. . Converted to Islam and became an ISIS supporter.

Quoted as once saying “Without torture, life would not be life. Nothing raises the tone when you have someone's life in your hands"

Released last year after serving less than 5 years to fight for the Ukrainian Army against the Russians, died at Bakhmut
"Putin's number one fan"/the "Aussie Cossack" is apparently now doing an Assange in the Russian embassy in Australia:
Arrest warrant issued for ‘number one Putin fan’ seeking refuge from police in Russian Consulate

Some of Boikov's past adventures covered here:
This twat is still in that embassy:

“The Aussie Cossack”, Simeon Boikov, was on parole for breaching a suppression order when he was told by police he was wanted after the alleged assault of a pro-Ukrainian protester. Rather than face arrest on the eve of a planned trip to Moscow in December, he drove straight to the Russian consulate.

Now Boikov has had his main channel silenced and has urged the fearsome Wagner Group to capture Australians fighting for Ukraine so he can be traded in a prisoner swap...

The anti-vaccination Boikov leant out of the window to update the Herald last week after YouTube permanently terminated his channel. He claims it was because he shared comments by South Australian senator Alex Antic about COVID-19 vaccines and excess deaths.

Boikov said being banned from YouTube was not a disaster, but three months ago he fled his comfortable life in Breakfast Point hoping to keep his broadcast alive.
“I was driving on the Anzac Bridge, I rang Day Street [police], they connected me to the inspector he said ‘come in, hand yourself in, you’re going back inside, parole wants ya’,” Boikov said.
“I said ‘yeah nah’. I gunned it to the consulate hoping I wouldn’t get picked up.”

Boikov had been given 10 months in prison for breaching a suppression order and naming an alleged paedophile at an anti-lockdown rally in May 2022. He was paroled and booked a ticket to Russia.

Then he spotted a pro-Ukraine protest at Town Hall and decided to start filming.

An older man confronted Australia’s most vocal pro-Putinist, and Boikov pushed him away. The older man was injured tumbling down the steps.

Police charged Boikov with assault and causing actual bodily harm. His passport and parole were revoked on the eve of the flight to Moscow...

If Boikov reaches Russia he said he would avoid the conflict zone because it would be a “waste of talent” to hand him a Kalashnikov.
I love that instead of doing this interview by phone call or whatever the daft bastard was just sticking his head out of the embassy window.
This twat is still in that embassy:

I love that instead of doing this interview by phone call or whatever the daft bastard was just sticking his head out of the embassy window.
The prisoner swap idea is ambitious but novel.
Israeli Ambassador to Ukraine Mikhail Brodsky announced on April 11 that after his conversation with the mayor of Kiev, Vitali Klitschko, he canceled the initiative to name one of the streets of Kiev after Vladimir Kubiyovych, a Ukrainian political figure during the Second World War who actively collaborated with the Nazis during the occupation, and also became one of the initiators of the creation of the SS division "Galicia".

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