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Ukraine and the Russian invasion, 2022-24

I just been reading on the sky news website updates from Ukraine and this was from 5 hours ago according to intelligence reports the war going in Russia favour now

That to me is not good sign for the Ukraine I would of thought?

The comedy of errors of the Russian invasion has been replaced by them just levelling Ukraine as they go. It’s very hard to counter that sort of strategy if your the one being invaded
Death toll now 13 in mall attack and expected to rise - G7 leaders have denounced it as a war crime, not that those words are going to mean anything to those murderous Russian cunts.
the whole reason they did it (IMO) is to say to the G7 we are going to do war crimes on non-combatants so while youre thinking about extending this war with more arms have a think about this
A 21st century take on being invaded — sue the invaders.

Russia have predictably said that since they have withdrawn from the ECHR, they don’t recognise jurisdiction.
Wow, imagine living in country with an inept leadership so psychotic and focused on their own self preservation. to the exclusion of all else, that they withdrew from the ECHR...
The comedy of errors of the Russian invasion has been replaced by them just levelling Ukraine as they go. It’s very hard to counter that sort of strategy if your the one being invaded
you say that and indeed it seems difficult for ukraine to counter the russians without getting bigger and better guns. but i'd have thought (and i'm sure kebabking could comment usefully on this) that it's the sort of thing light infantry or special forces might be able to deal with, something - say - the parachute regiment from the british army or the rangers from the american might be tasked with (or the sas or delta force, i don't know). every time you see images of artillery in this war you don't see a guarding force, and i wonder how easy it would be to flank them, to hold them in place with something like a drone strike, while units of infantry either debus and assault or having worked their way round the back take out the gun crews and destroy at least some of the guns.
Wow, imagine living in country with an inept leadership so psychotic and focused on their own self preservation. to the exclusion of all else, that they withdrew from the ECHR...
to be fair russia was chucked out of the council of europe so it doesn't really reflect the actualité to say russia withdrew from the echr
you say that and indeed it seems difficult for ukraine to counter the russians without getting bigger and better guns. but i'd have thought (and i'm sure kebabking could comment usefully on this) that it's the sort of thing light infantry or special forces might be able to deal with, something - say - the parachute regiment from the british army or the rangers from the american might be tasked with (or the sas or delta force, i don't know). every time you see images of artillery in this war you don't see a guarding force, and i wonder how easy it would be to flank them, to hold them in place with something like a drone strike, while units of infantry either debus and assault or having worked their way round the back take out the gun crews and destroy at least some of the guns.
I think the scale of the task is massive, and I suspect our special/light/skirmishing forces aren't extensive enough to hit enough of them. But that's probably by-the-by, because the main issue is going to be getting the political will to put soldiers into harm's way on that scale - it would, effectively, be a declaration of war with Russia.

I think we may well end up there anyway, and history will judge us harshly for our tremulousness and unwillingness to commit early enough to avoid such carnage and destruction as is being inflicted on Ukraine now, but 'twas ever thus.

We're banking on the fact that he doesn't appear to be considering the nuclear option yet, presumably because he knows that could well result in a full NATO mobilisation, but I wonder how long we can rely on that?
I think the scale of the task is massive, and I suspect our special/light/skirmishing forces aren't extensive enough to hit enough of them. But that's probably by-the-by, because the main issue is going to be getting the political will to put soldiers into harm's way on that scale - it would, effectively, be a declaration of war with Russia.

I think we may well end up there anyway, and history will judge us harshly for our tremulousness and unwillingness to commit early enough to avoid such carnage and destruction as is being inflicted on Ukraine now, but 'twas ever thus.

We're banking on the fact that he doesn't appear to be considering the nuclear option yet, presumably because he knows that could well result in a full NATO mobilisation, but I wonder how long we can rely on that?
I hadn't uk forces or us but Ukrainians in mind. Getting them 30 miles behind enemy lines difficult I grant you but certainly imo not impossible
history will judge us harshly for our tremulousness and unwillingness to commit early enough to avoid such carnage and destruction as is being inflicted on Ukraine now, but 'twas ever thus.
twas ever 100% the opposite of thus - history will judge the UK for being permanently at war
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Re sending SF to nobble Russia's guns, why on earth risk your best troops behind enemy lines to use short range weapons on Russian artillery? Maybe Rambo would have a go. But in the real world, Ukraine's donated artillery has longer range than the Russian stuff. That's why Ukraine asked for it. We're going to have artillery battles. They've already started.
Re sending SF to nobble Russia's guns, why on earth risk your best troops behind enemy lines to use short range weapons on Russian artillery? Maybe Rambo would have a go. But in the real world, Ukraine's donated artillery has longer range than the Russian stuff. That's why Ukraine asked for it. We're going to have artillery battles. They've already started.
if you actually read the posts you'd have seen i suggested light infantry could do this as the tricky bit is what in the trade is known as passage of lines. by the time you get there all that would need to be done is gun down the artillery crews and spike the guns. how long do you think it will take, how many shells do you think it will take, to destroy the russian artillery? how much easier to simply send in some troops to kill the artillerymen, how much quicker, and frankly how much more effective.

but then you're hellbent on making yourself look as thick as two very short planks so i have no doubt you'll just carry on posting vapid shit
I find it hard...feel eyes rolling, to navigate the information about the war.
Following polar opposite sources ATM gives a sense that RU are winning by a country mile. Putinbot telegram channels are sharing very specific accounts of gains that get a begrudging acknowledgement in the UK media days later, which respecting the propaganda origin suggest a certain amount of truth.
UKR are in gradual retreat, the hi spec weapons NATO are supplying appear non existent. It looks like an artillery and trenches war that is slowly going in the Putin regimes favour.
I don't see the strikes ok on shopping malls as terrorism as we are being propogandised into believing, I think UKR are stashing the NATO kit in these places and RU informers, which are probably quite prevelent giving info where to strike, I suspect huge amounts of hi tech munitions are going up in these strikes, the UKR mil is reduced to hiding resources like the regime in Iraq during the invasion.
They appear shambolic and uncoordinated
UKR are in gradual retreat, the hi spec weapons NATO are supplying appear non existent. It looks like an artillery and trenches war that is slowly going in the Putin regimes favour.
I don't see the strikes ok on shopping malls as terrorism as we are being propogandised into believing, I think UKR are stashing the NATO kit in these places and RU informers, which are probably quite prevelent giving info where to strike, I suspect huge amounts of hi tech munitions are going up in these strikes, the UKR mil is reduced to hiding resources like the regime in Iraq during the invasion.

When you 'think' is doesn't really work out well, does it?
You think UKR are stashing "NATO kit" in shopping centers, lol

Jog on
Yea these weapon dumps are a primary stated target and because UKR has the air defense of a tortoise lying on its back in the sun they are hiding them in places where civilians might be hit.
Yea these weapon dumps are a primary stated target and because UKR has the air defense of a tortoise lying on its back in the sun they are hiding them in places where civilians might be hit.
i've noticed that the Palestinians do that sort of stuff as well. Time and time again. Time and time again. It's almost as if they never learn from bitter experience. Or even, just possibly, that there is some other explanation.
Lumping missiles into another country from the safety of your own gaff isnt necessarily about destroying actual specific things- whats the greatest benefit of having this rescource?
I don't think RU is firing cruise missiles for the purpose of killing a handful of civilians in a shopping mall perhaps you do, I think that is ridiculous!
The purpose would be to destroy economic infrastructure and terrorise the populace. Human shields only work against armies that might try not to kill civilians in the first place. That is to say they very rarely work but particularly not against the Russians.
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