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Ukraine and the Russian invasion, 2022-24

Jenkins is always a cunt wants to hand the Falklands over because why stand for a principle when you can bend over?
The problem if Russia comes away with any sort of victory they will be up for round 2 either the Baltics or Poland :rolleyes:

There was a draft bill submitted by a member of Putin's United Russia Party to revoke recognition of Lithuania's independence from the Soviet Union. Not sure what to make of that, but if there was round 2 it would probably be based on squeezing the Baltics.
the Baltics are NATO and EU though, and dare I say more integrated into the EU than many other Eastern European countries, so not sure how that would work out for Russia, like, actually. i think it's a distraction/bluff
the Baltics are NATO and EU though, and dare I say more integrated into the EU than many other Eastern European countries, so not sure how that would work out for Russia, like, actually. i think it's a distraction/bluff

I would normally assume the same - it's just blustercunt in the Cyrillic alphabet - but this is a not a regime that appears to have a particularly firm grip on reality.

Unfortunately, the danger of all this Billy big bollocks talk is that it boxes people into a corner - sooner or later you have to deliver. Desperate times, desperate measures....
Why shouldn't they have been there? Only people born in Ukraine should be able to fight the Russian invasion or something? They moved there years ago and both had married Ukrainians and made the country their home. Would you have deported them then, or just banned them from joining the Ukrainian military, and maybe other jobs as well then?

It looks to me that you're letting your position on the war and the surrounding issues confuse you on issues like this.

My agreement with Frogwoman's post " Shouldn't have been there maybe but nasty shit." is based on:

1) my unease about fighters who move from country to country joining foreign battalions and engaging in war/military combat and ;
2) unease about a death sentence.

Just to correct a small but obvious error, these two didn't go to Ukraine to fight the Russian invasion. They had fought together in Syria against ISIS and had contacts from there who had fought in Donbas, they went separately to Ukraine around 2018 in order to seek employment in fighting against the forces backing separatism. Both passed the necessary training and were issued with renewable fixed term contracts in the Marine Corps which enabled them to be involved in armed fighting against the separatists. I'm not going to dispute your point that they made Ukraine their home and that they have long term relationships with Ukrainian women, Pinner is married to one, and Aslin is engaged to one. However, their primary if not their sole motivation for going to Ukraine was about the military experience opportunities ie fighting rather than anything else. There's a lot of research about foreign fighters and the consensus is that they are a mixed bag, amongst others, some are politically motivated, others war junkies, others who cannot get the same experience from their own country's military, and others who find civilian life unrewarding following military service.

I don't know what your position was/is on the appalling situation in Donbas over the past 8 years or so or who you support in it . However, I don't support any side in that tragic conflict and certainly don't support or advocate foreign fighters engaging in it. So hence the agreement with "Shouldn't have been there maybe"

As for the death sentence. its quite simple. The legislation that barred foreigners from enlisting in the Ukranian Military was amended in 2016. These men have passed the induction and training, are on paid contracts and have enlisted in the Marine Corps, and are members of the Ukrainian Armed Forces . They should be treated accordingly. I agree with you that the sentence is either a make an example or a bargaining chip for some deal. ,Hence my agreement with 'but bad shit'

Don't know what problem you were trying to suggest that I wanted to resolve with suggestions of deportation, banning from military service, and banning from all jobs but if it's the alarming problem of foreign fighters ( on both sides) in Ukraine, whether that's pre or post invasion , then those suggestions however well intended are a bit simplistic in my view.
Jenkins is always a cunt wants to hand the Falklands over because why stand for a principle when you can bend over?
The problem if Russia comes away with any sort of victory they will be up for round 2 either the Baltics or Poland :rolleyes:
And it will be very bad news for Belarus. The already oppressive regime there gets worse by the day. After the 2020 protests Lukashenka did a deal with the devil, Putin helped him to crush any dissent brutally. Obvs Putin never helps anyone for nothing.

Russian military has used Belarus to hit Zhytomyr Oblast in the past 48 hours:

Missile launched from Belarus strikes Zhytomyr Oblast - Zhytomyr Oblast Military Administration

How do all you gung ho lot feel now? Looks like the Ukrainians are getting smashed up. Zelensky seems to me to be delusional.

The Russians are getting a pounding too, as they make small advances in one area, they are getting pushed back in other areas, strikes me as a bit of a stalemate ATM.

What do you suggest the Ukrainians do, retreat and let the Russians take the whole country?
How do all you gung ho lot feel now? Looks like the Ukrainians are getting smashed up. Zelensky seems to me to be delusional.
it's a bloody mess, where the ukrainians are losing men they can ill afford and the russians the same. where supplying heavy weapons to ukraine will likely mean a shortage of the same for the donor countries - sure we all recall the us running out of cruise missiles before, these things don't build themselves. i wouldn't be in the slightest surprised if zelensky is delusional, it would be unfair to have all the delusion on the russian side.
What do you suggest the Ukrainians do, retreat and let the Russians take the whole country?
Suggesting what one side or the other should or shouldn't do is a moot point. Once war is unleashed (and that was 100% Putin's choice) war has its own logic and all the participants can do is try to steer events in the best direction for them.

If Ukraine is to exist as a coherent independent state, the Ukrainians have to fight. And that decision has been taken. If they are going to fight they need more and more weapons from whoever will supply them. The west is only too happy to give them arms so they can welcome Ukraine into the western neo-liberal bloc (lots of big money opportunities in Ukraine to be expolited, which Zelensky seems happy to oblige) and to blunt Putin's ambitions to expand Russian influence. They could try to end the war by giving up Donbas and the occupied South, leaving a rump Ukraine that is weaker and remains at risk from future invasion. Or they can continue to fight in the hope that through attrition and western sanctions having an effect Russia finds itself unable to continue. Who knows how much patience western governments have to stick with this for the long run?

Putin has found, as have many before him, that the best laid war plans can go awry. His lightening strike on Kiev failed, his full scale invasion went wrong in the north, his attempt at a wide ranging encirclement of Donbas failed. He had success occupying Kherson and the south, before running into trouble at Mariupol but the early stages of the war didn't go well for him.

Putin, however, isn't a man to accept defeat and after Plan A, Plan B and Plan C failed the Russian army has readjusted; instead of Russian tank columns getting blown apart by Ukrainian anti-tank rockets the Russian army is now relying on artillery to flatten all that's before it in a small area and then take over the rubble before moving onto the next place. It seems that their artillery superiority is all the Russian army have going for them and they struggle once people have to go in to seize the smoking remains of Mariupol or Seivierodonetsk, suffering horrific casualties. But as long as they can keep firing rockets they'll get there eventually, unless Ukraine can get the west to give them longer range artillery to balance the artillery war. That carries risks for the west, in getting drawn further into the war, in depleting their own stocks of weapons or of the Ukrainians using those weapons in a way that provokes a devestating and terrible Russian reaction. It carries risks for the Russians too - how long can they keep up throwing Russian lives at the problem? It seems Putin has no plans to stop any time soon, willing to see thousands of young Russians (and the Ukrainians he seeks to conquer) butchered and maimed all so he can claim success.

Without knowing what the exact strategy is for each side or the state and sustainability of their people and equipment (which none of us do) it's hard to know where it will go. And nor do Putin or Zelensky either; as the war progresses new logic will arise and they'll do what the war dictates needs to be done and it will go where the war takes it. This was all set in train in February when Putin gave the order to invade. There's still the potential for it to expand into a bigger conflagration, or something might happen to force one side or the other back to the negotiating table. Events and circumstances will decide that more than what Putin or Zelensky want to happen.
Do you work in Zelensky’s press office or something?
There are always other options other than fight until you are all dead.

Such as?

Bearing in mind that Putin has no interest in any negotiations and wants to continue pushing on to grab as much land as he can, and ideally the whole country, before probably moving into Moldova, and who knows which country would be next. Whereas Ukraine just wants to push the Russians back to the border, to stop his grand plan.

I await with interest your magical solution to this total shit-storm, that seems to have escaped everyone else.
Such as?

Bearing in mind that Putin has no interest in any negotiations and wants to continue pushing on to grab as much land as he can, and ideally the whole country, before probably moving into Moldova, and who knows which country would be next. Whereas Ukraine just wants to push the Russians back to the border, to stop his grand plan.

I await with interest your magical solution to this total shit-storm, that seems to have escaped everyone else.
Give Putin the big strong man what he wants. After all, what the Ukrainians need is the smack of firm government.
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Such as?

Bearing in mind that Putin has no interest in any negotiations and wants to continue pushing on to grab as much land as he can, and ideally the whole country, before probably moving into Moldova, and who knows which country would be next. Whereas Ukraine just wants to push the Russians back to the border, to stop his grand plan.

I await with interest your magical solution to this total shit-storm, that seems to have escaped everyone else.
No one has any interest in negotiations until they do. Neither zelensky nor putin have any interest on substantive negotiations on ending the war now.
Does seem akin to reckoning the Spanish Republic should have realised they were on a hiding to nothing and let Franco start his dismal rule and round-up of opponents a few years earlier.
You equate Putin with Franco? Really?
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