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Ukraine and the Russian invasion, 2022-24

See, I can see Pickman's model's point that it's always worth being a bit sceptical about Great Triumphs, but I think the idea that this is some cunning ruse to arouse the Great Russian People in their Rightous Hatred of the Heirs of the Hitlerite Hoardes is well off kilter.

A false flag is a political operation to produce a desired result - is burning down an oil refinery going to do that? Nah, what will do that is killing 500 kids by bombing a junior school - and we know that Vlad has got the weapons grade ruthlessness to do that.

It's possible of course - and we've seen some spectacular incompetence - but only on a par with the possibility of Gillian Anderson inviting Eva Green and myself to a weekend of lusty debauchery at her Edinburgh flat.
I was in no way being sceptical of anything but felt waiting for confirmation better than declaring immediately.
Russia blowing up its own oil tanks REALLY doesn't make sense on any level.
Only possibility I'd see is a rogue couple of pilots who are saying fuck this war but with Hinds instead of a post on some social media which is more difficult to do since it now requires a VPN.
I reckon the US believe they have some visibility into the Kremlin ...

They very obviously have.

US and UK intelligence has been astoundingly accurate since the start of the campaign. It's why the French have fired their intelligence chief for being a bit shit.
I was in no way being sceptical of anything but felt waiting for confirmation better than declaring immediately.
That's fair enough.

It would certainly be a bold move from Russia though, having claimed to have neutralised Ukraine's Air Force, to then carry out a false flag attack on their own facility, so they can accuse the Ukrainian Air Force of having done it. Bit embarrassing, whichever it is.
There's some cheeky cunts in the Kremlin:

The Kremlin said on Friday that a Ukrainian strike against a fuel depot in the Russian city of Belgorod did not create comfortable conditions to continue peace talks with Kyiv.

But killing civilians by the thousand does obviously.
That's fair enough.

It would certainly be a bold move from Russia though, having claimed to have neutralised Ukraine's Air Force, to then carry out a false flag attack on their own facility, so they can accuse the Ukrainian Air Force of having done it. Bit embarrassing, whichever it is.
It also doesn't look good for Russian anti aircraft defence.
I'd go perhaps the Soviet invasion of Poland as a useful comparison given the way the gallant poles gave the Bolsheviks a bloody nose

Just to get on my soap box for a minute, really hate the term bloody nose regarding war... In reality means thousands, more likely tens of thousands dead, and made to sound like a Queensbury rules scrap. Part of the desensitisation process.
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I'm not Pickers and I'm not saying this is a false flag operation, just that imo it's a bit early to rule that out. You said you're persuaded it's Ukraine by the Ukrainian helicopters but I don't see how you can tell whose helicopters those are.
If the pilots weren’t sweating during the raid they were probably Fleet Air Arm.
There's some cheeky cunts in the Kremlin:

But killing civilians by the thousand does obviously.
But that's special military operations. Blowing up stuff within Russia that further hampers it's logistics thats , that's. Well it's very unfair and a bit war like. DI'd they not get the memo about Nazis and JK Rowling?
That's fair enough.

It would certainly be a bold move from Russia though, having claimed to have neutralised Ukraine's Air Force, to then carry out a false flag attack on their own facility, so they can accuse the Ukrainian Air Force of having done it. Bit embarrassing, whichever it is.
I can't see much about the special military operation which isn't embarrassing for Russia
There's some cheeky cunts in the Kremlin:

But killing civilians by the thousand does obviously.
TBF history teaches us that just prior to peace talks is often when one or more sides in a conflict decides to get some bloody licks in - DPRK, IRA, ETA etc.
I can think of a reason the Ukrainians wouldn't admit to it: striking in Russian territory could easily be regarded (in Russia) as an escalation of the war, and as such could lead to it being politically possible to mobilise even more troops and resources against Ukraine. Better to keep it ambiguous, do the damage to the supply lines you need to but don't admit it was you.
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