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Ukraine and the Russian invasion, 2022-24

This poor Russian kid lost a leg when he went off to fight the Nazis in Ukraine. Of course he didn't find any Nazis to flight, he found Ukrainians defending their country, and that cost him his leg. For that he was given a medal which looks suspiciously Third Reich-like...


And the general who gave it to him....


Said to him, “I hope you’ll soon get back on your feet again.”
So, you want to finally win the war in the East you've been covertly fighting for years. First make your strategic goals clear to the Russian populace - the liberation of Donbas, along with vague demands for denazification that could mean anything. Launch a half hearted attempt to circle the capital on the other side of the country using a bunch of fresh infantry, conscripts and Chechnyans armed with whatever old tat's been sitting around taking up space in military bases since the Cold War. Realise the army's better than you thought and the leadership won't do a runner so resort to using missile strikes to bomb infrastructure and weaken the military. Sail a few ships off the coast of Odessa and start lobbing missiles elsewhere - anything to prevent the entire Ukranian army from charging East. Terrify the West into inaction with talks of nukes and Russian imperialism, neatly reminding both them and those at home what Russia was and could be again. Meanwhile use the army everyone in the Western media is pointing and laughing at to flatten the city linked to the forces you've been fighting for the last half decade and take over half the territory you originally wanted in the first place. Then when losses elsewhere get too much withdraw a little, resort to missile strikes and watch Western liberals shuffle their feet and mutter well an independent Donbas isn't so bad I suppose and a land corrider to Crimea isn't that unreasonable. Forces concessions from Zelensky by saying we'll fuck off from Kiev if you fuck off from Donetsk and Luhansk. Win the war by declaring your strategic goals met to a joyous Russia - and if they aren't joyous enough then arrest/exile them. Rebuild economic ties with the money grabbing elements of the West. Tip China a wink and say we told you we weren't plotting WW3. Win the next election on the back of jingoistic nationalist sentiment. Start planning the next land grab.

Ever get the feeling you've been cheated? Maybe I'm utterly wrong about this, but it's at least within the realm of possibilities that Putin has played the West, and in particular the Western media, like a fucking fiddle.
This poor Russian kid lost a leg when he went off to fight the Nazis in Ukraine. Of course he didn't find any Nazis to flight, he found Ukrainians defending their country, and that cost him his leg. For that he was given a medal which looks suspiciously Third Reich-like...

View attachment 316312

And the general who gave it to him....

View attachment 316313

Said to him, “I hope you’ll soon get back on your feet again.”
That medal is a cross pattée. Nothing nazi about it.
I think wrong because he is right Russian Federatin is fucked. I can't see the Russian people and or military would allow them do this sort of shit again.

Is now at its heart a sovereignty issue and Zalesky, the Kitchko brothers et al have forged Ukraines
This poor Russian kid lost a leg when he went off to fight the Nazis in Ukraine. Of course he didn't find any Nazis to flight, he found Ukrainians defending their country, and that cost him his leg. For that he was given a medal which looks suspiciously Third Reich-like...

View attachment 316312

And the general who gave it to him....

View attachment 316313

Said to him, “I hope you’ll soon get back on your feet again.”
Is that a general?

Concern in his eyes. :hmm:
I'm not sure what to make of this. Maybe it reflects the problems faced by the Russian military.

At this point I think they're engaged in a confusing mix of feinting, repositioning, and testing the ground for a way out. I suppose I'm not really saying anything there... Except that I'm not sure how much there's any grand strategic purpose to specific things they're doing beyond probing at what might work.
I'm not sure what to make of this. Maybe it reflects the problems faced by the Russian military.

It’s difficult to say - if they are withdrawing then that’s one thing, but if they are going to stay where they are and not attack (with the implication that the Ukrainian military shouldn’t attack them) then that is considerably worse.
It’s difficult to say - if they are withdrawing then that’s one thing, but if they are going to stay where they are and not attack (with the implication that the Ukrainian military shouldn’t attack them) then that is considerably worse.

They were doing a spot of digging in last week(ish), I wonder are they going back to those pre prepared positions now that things have not proceeded optimally? TBH if half the things I've been seeing on OSINT Twitter are true they may be chased out of that as well. I'm hoping this is the Russians desperately playing for time.
The likes of the ISW, often relying on reports from Ukraines military, hadnt seen evidence of Russian forces redeploying from the Kyiv region to other fronts. What they had seen was force rotation in the area, in an attempt to restore combat capability in future. eg some went back to Belarus. They expect Ukrainian forces to continue to take advantage of this temporary situation, regaining more territory in the area during this period.

I do not completely rule out the possibility that Russia will actually change priorities or attempt to negotiate more seriously, but for now it doesnt seem possible to tell the difference between genuine changes in that regard and Russia simply dressing up the current situation as being something else in order to save face and cover this period where they arent going to make gains there and will probably lose some ground instead. So a similar possible underlying reality as seen with their line last week when Russia publicly announced that they were focusing their efforts on the east instead. That stuff may just have been a temporary excuse to cover for the fact they'd failed to make the progress they told the Russian public to expect in regards Kyiv.
A few quotes from a recent ISW report in relation to what I just said, although of course any of these assessments could change in future:

Russian forces have not abandoned their objective to encircle and capture Kyiv, despite Kremlin claims that Russian forces will concentrate on eastern Ukraine. The Ukrainian General Staff directly stated on March 28 that Russia continues to deploy additional forces to the Kyiv front and are unsuccessfully seeking to resume major offensive operations to encircle the city “despite statements by officials from the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff of the Russian Federation regarding changes in plans and priorities.”[6] ISW continues to assess that the Kremlin has not abandoned its efforts to capture Kyiv and other major Ukrainian cities; we have not observed any Russian redeployment of combat power away from Kyiv to support operations in eastern Ukraine

Ukrainian forces recaptured the Kyiv suburb of Irpin on March 28. The Mayor of Irpin, Oleksandr Markushin, stated on March 28 that Ukrainian forces liberated Irpin and are conducting a “sweep” of the area, but warned that the city remains dangerous and asked civilians not to return to their homes yet.[8] Ukrainian forces additionally shared photos of themselves in Irpin on March 28.[9] Markushin said Ukrainian forces intend to use Irpin as a staging ground for further counterattacks on Bucha, Vorzel, and Hostomel. Ukrainian forces began counterattacks in the Irpin area on March 22.[10] Kyiv Obalst military authorities confirmed the recapture of Irpin on Mach 28, removing Irpin from their published list of Russian-occupied Kyiv suburbs.[11] The Ukrainian General Staff stated on March 28 that Ukrainian counterattacks are intended to deter further Russian offensive operations.[12] Ukrainian forces will likely seek to take advantage of ongoing Russian force rotations to retake further territory northwest of Kyiv in the coming days.

Russian forces northwest of Kyiv did not conduct any offensive operations in the past 24 hours.[13] The Ukrainian General Staff reported Russia is withdrawing units from the Eastern Military District to Belarus to restore combat capability, and additionally specified on March 27 that Russia withdrew two BTGs from the 106th Airborne Division from the Kyiv front.

Oh and just because I've said that, doesnt mean I am excessively skeptical about the talks. There might be real progress there, I've got a very open mind about that. Just because the realities on the ground make it convenient for Russia to dress some of the resulting implications up as being a deliberate gesture rather than a consequence of the military situation, doesnt mean nothing real and substantial can come from the talks.
The BBC fact checking team have been looking at the footage of people being shot in the legs that was mentioned here the other day.

They havent gone as far as to say they've verified all aspects yet, but they then run through a lot of details that all seem to me like they point in the direction of genuine so far.

I also note that despite the initial statement by Ukraines armed forces commander in chief, someone elses follow up comment is more reflective of the sort of thing they'd say if they thought there was a fair chance it was real, or at least didnt want to look bad by not taking it seriously or ruling its authenticity out prematurely.

Ukrainian armed forces Commander-in-Chief Valerii Zaluzhnyi said Russia was "filming and distributing staged videos" in order to discredit Ukraine's treatment of Russian prisoners.

However, Oleksiy Arestovych, an adviser to the Ukrainian president, Volodymyr Zelensky, said there would be an immediate investigation and added: "I would like to remind all our military, civilians and defence forces that abusing prisoners of war is a war crime."
well thats very weird. he didn't just go rogue presumably? 'any peace deal with Ukraine means humiliating defeat for Russia' kind of goes well with the story of delegates being poisoned.
I think it’s a case of being bitten by your own propaganda. Putin has persuaded Russian nationalists that Ukraine must be subdued and taken over for its own good and for Russian security. He has underlined this as being crucial to the very existence of Russia, worth threatening the west with everything Russia has to achieve it. Every mouthpiece he has got has been used to reinforce that message. So what happens when they fail to subdue Ukraine and take it over? Do the people he has persuaded with the truth of his rhetoric just go, “oh okay then”? Or do they react with panic and rage?
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Just a random thought on the encirclement of Mariupol or indeed any place now in this war or any other for that matter - could you resupply by drone? Perhaps under cover of night as well.

If so, manoeuvring to produce pockets or encircling cities for sieges would seem to be greatly undermined.

Provided you have the drones...
Just a random thought on the encirclement of Mariupol or indeed any place now in this war or any other for that matter - could you resupply by drone? Perhaps under cover of night as well.

If so, manoeuvring to produce pockets or encircling cities for sieges would seem to be greatly undermined.

Provided you have the drones...
You would need a lot of drones to get anything like enough food and water in to make a difference I think.
they frozen more asset of his that the foot ball club all over Europe

sure he missing them as well

very weird that people are trying to defend Roman who said nothing for years about Putin. but the moment it's his wallet and made him a international pariah,
he suddenly had a change of heart about the man

ballocks he is trying to find ways to come out of this with most of his wealth intact

how many people that the russian have wanted to kill have they only mildly poisoned with less that a 24 hour recovery time
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