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Ukraine and the Russian invasion, 2022-24

China do seem to be a country that want ‘order’ in international relations although unlike the west they don’t clothe it with talking about ‘good’.

If Russia does substantially weaken itself economically and militarily I see no reason why China wouldn’t take advantage. ‘Countries have interests not friends’ . And the Russians did sell Alaska to the Americans after all. How much do they really need Vladivostok?
IIf the Ruskies sent their Baltic fleet to counter the threat from the Japanese Defense force that really would take thsee military operations to a new level of 'special' as is seems on a par with when they did just that
I think the problem is as the article suggests - that this stuff takes far longer to produce than it can be manufactured.

The UK bought 14,000 NLAWS, the 6,000 we've just said we'll transfer to Ukraine is probably the last of them. The current Javelin production run is about 600 a year - the Ukrainians are probably popping that off a week.

While the orders have been going in like it's Christmas, there's going to come a time, and not far off into the future, when the pot of stuff we've got, but isn't in our strategic, war reserve, is going to run dry.

This is Ukraine's problem - we (and everyone else in NATO) would quite like them to win, but we're not prepared to bet the house on it, and we genuinely believe that if Ukraine loses, Russia will come to our border - and then we'll need those Javelins ourselves...


We can also look at articles like the following one, which explores Zelenskys tailored shame-inducing campaign. Unlike the tone of this article and its conclusion, I still have larger questions about what it will ultimately achieve in practice. At a minimum it ensures that countries will continue to fall over themselves in order to be seen to be doing something, but what that actually entails remains to be seen. Obviously we will learn a bit more about that today via the gathering of NATO countries leaders, but even then it will take some time to judge concrete deeds rather than the strong words and pledges.

China is now repeating the Kremlin's line on supposed secret American biological warfare labs in Ukraine, probably only a matter of time before they start claiming COVID first arrived in Wuhan with a shipment of frozen borscht.

"Accusing China of spreading disinformation on Ukraine is disinformation in itself,” Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said at a daily briefing Thursday. He said China has acted in “an objective and just manner." Wang claimed the international community continues to have “grave concerns” about U.S. biolabs in Ukraine, despite rebuttals from independent scientists.

“The U.S. cannot muddle through with silence or claiming that as disinformation. The U.S. should make serious clarifications on whether that is disinformation or not,” Wang said.
China is now repeating the Kremlin's line on supposed secret American biological warfare labs in Ukraine, probably only a matter of time before they start claiming COVID first arrived in Wuhan with a shipment of frozen borscht.

"Accusing China of spreading disinformation on Ukraine is disinformation in itself,” Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said at a daily briefing Thursday. He said China has acted in “an objective and just manner." Wang claimed the international community continues to have “grave concerns” about U.S. biolabs in Ukraine, despite rebuttals from independent scientists.

“The U.S. cannot muddle through with silence or claiming that as disinformation. The U.S. should make serious clarifications on whether that is disinformation or not,” Wang said.
Already seen a story today claiming UK media have proved Covid came from a Pfizer lab, with the source some complete loon site even Facebook blocks.
Lab twaddle been bubbling on for weeks even on mainstream news portals.
Yep I agree...

I think the more hawkish elements in the Chinese government were arguing that western countries are only interested in corporate profits so the response to them taking Taiwan would be tokenistic, short term and bearable. The response to Ukraine has probably put them on the back foot for now, although I suppose they might make the case that Ukraine directly concerns the security of European countries in a way that Taiwan doesn't.
If China controlled the semiconductor industry it would be felt in Europe as it would all over the world. So hopefully both Ukraine and Taiwan would be given equal support.
IIf the Ruskies sent their Baltic fleet to counter the threat from the Japanese Defense force that really would take thsee military operations to a new level of 'special' as is seems on a par with when they did just that
What's left of the Lowetsoft fishing fleet better be careful then...
I’ve got to admit I find this Infosys angle a bit of a red herring. India haven’t sanctioned Russia and aren’t even officially condemning them so Infosys is still trading there. Meanwhile, Infosys is the 600th largest publicly traded company in the world, worth $100bn+, and there probably isn’t a pension fund out there that doesn’t own shares in it. It’s always nice to see Sunak embarrassed and his wife’s stake is such that she could actually move the dial on their corporate decisions, so it’s fair to question her and, by implication, him. But as a question of moral culpability, the principle of having investments in a multinational company that does things like this is on a spectrum in which “global capitalism” is the real villain.
I’ve got to admit I find this Infosys angle a bit of a red herring. India haven’t sanctioned Russia and aren’t even officially condemning them so Infosys is still trading there. Meanwhile, Infosys is the 600th largest publicly traded company in the world, worth $100bn+, and there probably isn’t a pension fund out there that doesn’t own shares in it. It’s always nice to see Sunak embarrassed and his wife’s stake is such that she could actually move the dial on their corporate decisions, so it’s fair to question her and, by implication, him. But as a question of moral culpability, the principle of having investments in a multinational company that does things like this is on a spectrum in which “global capitalism” is the real villain.
Aye, but like you say, I do like to see him squirm.
If he was a smarter man he could have wriggled out of that question.
This is an interesting map for those wanting to visualise the Russian gains (and territory recaptured by Ukraine) over the last month:

Note the substantial chunks of yellow which have appeared recently.

This map too, in terms of visualising firm areas, which are under firm control of various forces:

Note all the caveats in the linked tweets around estimations and accuracy.
Pilot-flown aircraft have been rather irrelevant in the war so far, it must be said. The bomber plane, as a thing, seems to be pretty much out.

And yes everyone should be aware that David Clapson is full of shit
Cobblers. And fuck off. If you can't understand my posts, ignore them. Don't try for a pile on just because you know fuck all. By the way, Russian bombers have been very active. Many of the cruise missiles are launched from them. Do some reading.
Cobblers. And fuck off. If you can't understand my posts, ignore them. Don't try for a pile on just because you know fuck all. By the way, Russian bombers have been very active. Many of the cruise missiles are launched from them. Do some reading.
I can understand your posts, and they are replete with excrement
Well now.


El Putino's claim that Ukraine is Nazi is a load of fucking shite. That still leaves a lot of room for nasty behaviour (I won't post the pics of alleged Roma allegedly tied to lampposts by Ukrainian vigilantes, you can find them easily enough if you want to).

I wouldn't want to be an ethnic Russian on the wrong side of the lines when eastern Ukraine is liberated from the invaders.
Here's a fascinating interview with Vindman in today's Washington Post. Well worth a read. https://www.washingtonpost.com/magazine/2022/03/23/ukraine-russia-putin-war-alexander-vindman/ He chimes well with Timothy Snyder who was on C4 News the other day, with Krishnan Guru-Murphy asking all the right questions as per usual Ukraine is ‘defending all of us’ from Putin – Timothy Snyder Interview

That Washington Post interview is a very interesting read - paywall busted link archive.ph
Well now.

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El Putino's claim that Ukraine is Nazi is a load of fucking shite. That still leaves a lot of room for nasty behaviour (I won't post the pics of alleged Roma allegedly tied to lampposts by Ukrainian vigilantes, you can find them easily enough if you want to).

I wouldn't want to be an ethnic Russian on the wrong side of the lines when eastern Ukraine is liberated from the invaders.
Just to point out that Budapest is in Hungary.
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