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Ukraine and the Russian invasion, 2022-24

Excellent piece on the war in the L'Unità newspaper today. Attacco folle dell’Ucraina in Russia: solo Putin può scongiurare la Terza Guerra Mondiale


The Madness of the West in Arms

Ukraine's Crazy Attack on Russia: Only Putin Can Avert World War III

There is no point in pretending that nothing has happened. We are on the brink of the third world war. In a condition in which there is only one hope that this war can be avoided.

Editorials - by Piero Sansonetti
August 17, 2024 at 07:00

The enthusiasm that the crazy attack by Ukraine on Russian territory has aroused in the establishment and in the mainstream Western press – especially the Italian one – is astonishing. Anyone who is capable of reasoning – completely outside of their political ideas – cannot fail to understand that we have entered a phase of the war from which it will be very difficult to emerge. And that the war, now completely evident and without any possibility of misunderstanding, is between Putin 's Russia and NATO.

This war directly and dramatically involves Europe above all. Which, however, is at this moment an entity without a government or political idea, with its two leading countries experiencing a very acute crisis of leadership – the German Social Democracy is exhausted, the Macronists and the French Socialists are in a clear minority – and finds itself completely at the mercy of the United States, which, in turn, is experiencing a crisis of leadership that they have not known since at least the 1930s. There is no point in pretending that nothing has happened. We are on the brink of the third world war . In a condition in which there is only one hope that this war can be avoided. And that hope, paradoxically, is Putin. The only possibility of avoiding Armageddon is for the Russian dictator to prove himself wiser than Western leaders and save the world as Nikita Khrushchev did in 1962 at the time of the Cuban crisis.

It is in this situation that politics shows its agony. It is not there. It has closed the shutters. Let the big lobbies, the weapons manufacturers, the agglomerates of economic power that control the intellect and information, let them decide. Or let the fate of humanity be entrusted to the hands of a few leaders, weak, unprepared, without personality, capable only of making some electoral calculations based on polls. Do you remember how the First World War began, which produced about 25 million deaths and then caused Nazism? No, you don't remember, because no one knows exactly why it broke out. They say it was the fault of a certain Gavrilo Princip. Student. There. Who knows if there will still be anyone alive in the world to say that it was a whim of a certain Zelensky...
If by "excellent" you mean "incoherent", sure. As "phases of the war" go I see no serious step change here. Russia's not going to invade anywhere else, while Europe and the US have made it clear their enthusiasm, beyond the aid already promised, is pretty much limited to a bit of vague cheerleading (largely because, as the piece notes, the EU lacks energy while the US has internal chaos).

The reality atm seems to be that Ukraine's taking a gamble that the political fallout from an "invasion" of a slice of fairly nondescript land will force Putin to a compromise, while the Kremlin is largely not taking the bait and continuing to grind through towards key interim targets. The editorial makes no case explaining why this situation would be more likely to escalate into WW3 in comparison to any other point in the war.
Doubtless this has already been posted extensively about but I wouldn't know as I've not been reading the thread. Great, informative piece here from the Wall Street Journal on the Kursk operation. amazingly it doesn't seem to be paywalled atm, worked fine for me anyway. If, however you find it's paywalled there is an archive link as well which is missing a lot of the images/graphics:

Behind Ukraine’s Russia Invasion: Secrecy, Speed and Electronic Jamming
Have we actually mentioned an obvious consequence of Ukraine's invasion?

I really hope Russian forces aren't going to annihilate them.

There are huge risks - the force could get tied down and destroyed in place, they could retreat and it could turn into a rout, they could stay there and be great and the Russians could instead concentrate all their force on smashing through the Ukrainian lines in the east - if they get to Kyiv, what does it matter that the Ukrainians hold Kursk....

The flip side is that OS research is showing that the Ukrainian invasion, and holding, of Ru territory is having a political effect in Russia - that comments/trends on Russian social media have become markedly more hostile to Putin and the whole concept of war with Ukraine over the last two weeks - so the longer they hold it, the more damage they do to Putin, but the longer they stay, the greater the risk.

Personally, I have a bad feeling about it.
There are huge risks - the force could get tied down and destroyed in place, they could retreat and it could turn into a rout, they could stay there and be great and the Russians could instead concentrate all their force on smashing through the Ukrainian lines in the east - if they get to Kyiv, what does it matter that the Ukrainians hold Kursk....

The flip side is that OS research is showing that the Ukrainian invasion, and holding, of Ru territory is having a political effect in Russia - that comments/trends on Russian social media have become markedly more hostile to Putin and the whole concept of war with Ukraine over the last two weeks - so the longer they hold it, the more damage they do to Putin, but the longer they stay, the greater the risk.

Personally, I have a bad feeling about it.
Even if they get out in an orderly fashion there is likely to be some negative fallout, it’d be seen as a pointless waste of men and equipment, Russia will boast of a crushing victory. The way they would have to look at things then would be that they’ve destroyed or captured a lot of the enemy in the process, but how that balances up isn’t really known. At the moment they are still pushing forwards without significant resistance, mostly facing young conscripts who seem not massively keen on dying. Note that conscripts aren’t allowed to fight on foreign soil so haven’t generally been deployed to Ukraine, hence their use here on the ‘motherland’.
My armchair worry is that if they are advancing so far and fast then they are leaving the rear of the advance relatively undefended and Russia could come around the back of the advance, cut supply lines and they'll be stranded .
My armchair worry is that if they are advancing so far and fast then they are leaving the rear of the advance relatively undefended and Russia could come around the back of the advance, cut supply lines and they'll be stranded .
I think it might be better to pull back now and try and hold a smaller amount of territory than keep going and try and hold too much.

Explanation of what this map tell us is here...

They have destroyed 2 of the 3 bridges now.

And damaged the third.

The continued advance makes more sense if they have decided to take an area which has optimal geography for defense.

Does anyone have a map which shoes where the river goes in relation to where Ukrainian forces currently hold? If they are holding an area pretty much surrounded by a river it is feasible that they could set up supply lines and dig in for the long haul.

Could be a turning point?
Does anyone have a map which shoes where the river goes in relation to where Ukrainian forces currently hold? If they are holding an area pretty much surrounded by a river it is feasible that they could set up supply lines and dig in for the long haul.

I think this is the one (they're now saying the third bridge is totalled too)

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My armchair worry is that if they are advancing so far and fast then they are leaving the rear of the advance relatively undefended and Russia could come around the back of the advance, cut supply lines and they'll be stranded .
They will live off the land. Welcomed by the people.

(not a prediction of impending death, one of my kids was on them for years and is very alive)
Yeah, have been on them for years myself. Never achieved anything close to that spherical perfection though. A side effect is aggressive outbursts - just what you want in a nuclear armed dictator.
All this pro NATO excitement. Your despondency has lifted! (For a bit).
For my part there is no pro NATO excitement to be had anywhere and I am not particularly interested in you assertion that there may be. Regarding your position on this as evidenced by your tagline I would refer you to this blog piece which I have posted before from a Syrian activist:

There it is flying by, fuck. Fucking flying over again, fuck. It’s all fucking fucked up! Everything. It’s fucked as fuck. They’re fucking bombing it since 2.30 am,… Show more

Bill Paxton is alive and well...and living in a small village outside Volgograd
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