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Tour de France 2023

Fuck, cav down.

Abandoned, shit. Just a crappy little crash mid race. Shoulder.
It's terrible news but TBH he had a better tour than Mas & Carapaz and he proved he was well up in the mix on his final appearance. He should be proud.
Realistically how soon could he recover from a broken collar bone and race again? Is the Tour of Britain too soon?
Broken collarbone, dislodged pin from previous injury for Cav.

The invite from Astana is also open. Adam Blyth reckons unlikely to unretire, Robbie McEwen less sure. Pogi also shrugs and says 'maybe not <retire>'. We shall see, we shall see. Hope he takes the time to think it through.
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It wasn't quite Ventoux, given it had no switchbacks, but it has definite similarities. That long angle shot of it as Jorgenson approached it was so daunting.

I think this is the thirtieth anniversary of my first Tour watched, and it's difficult to remember having two riders so good and so far ahead of the others in GC. Contador and Schleck maybe.
Heartbreak for Jorgenson today. Didn't you feel for him. Great ride for Woods. Good day for Pog.
Not really. Once they knew the peloton was a quarter of an hour behind it basically became like a one day race and he attacked way too soon (was it 38km?) and was riding solo into a headwind for part of that time while the clever guys stayed tucked in and saved energy. I can hardly remember Pierre Latour getting mentioned in commentary and yet he came second.
Not really. Once they knew the peloton was a quarter of an hour behind it basically became like a one day race and he attacked way too soon (was it 38km?) and was riding solo into a headwind for part of that time while the clever guys stayed tucked in and saved energy. I can hardly remember Pierre Latour getting mentioned in commentary and yet he came second.
Jorgenson wouldn't have beaten Woods though if they'd started the climb at the same time. He's a TT specialist, isn't he? He was best breaking on his own and hoping the climbers left it too late.
Jorgenson wouldn't have beaten Woods though if they'd started the climb at the same time. He's a TT specialist, isn't he? He was best breaking on his own and hoping the climbers left it too late.
He should have chosen another stage to be in the breakaway like Stage 2 which I bet on him for the win :D Great rider and I'd love to see Movistar get something out of this race after Enric Mas had to leave on stage one. I really fancied him to round off the podium.

In other news, Fabio Jakobsen is leaving Quick Step mainly because next year it'll be all in for Remco.
The fuck is going on today?

Currently there's a break with about 15 seconds, then the peloton, then a large group with Gaudu and Powless among others (e2a: inc Bardet) about 2'30 back. Tempted to go back and watch the start.
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Seems to have worked itself out. Good break though, with Ala and O'Connor chasing on at the moment.
Totally unsubstantiated, but I heard Ineos were going to break the bank to get Remco for next year.
That's been going on since the end of last season and now rumours are circulating that QS has been sold.
Long article here - if it's behind a paywall, paste into a private window in chrome - but worth a read as it contains lots of other transfer rumours.

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Another mad day in the Massif Central.
I much prefer this to the high mountains but it's been a good tour so far. After years of boredom from Indurain through Armstrong to the Skybots I sort of hated this three week gap in the calendar but this has been fun.
That start was insane. 90km of riders kicking lumps out of each other for… reasons that weren’t always entirely apparent.

AG2R riding hard to protect, errr, 16th place on GC was wonderfully French.

Brilliant to watch :D
Slightly concerned that Pogi has indeed ridden into form, and that he'll either just steadily chip away at Vinge's lead, or just take it all in one go. We shall see I suppose.
Forgive my newbie question but here's the stage today


My question is - why do they have the sprint just after climbing a not quite categorized hill? They had 80km before that on fairly flat land. Why wouldn't you do the sprint earlier?
Two more mountain stages tomorrow and next day. Pog will be in yellow in 24, if not 48 hours.
Does he want yellow yet? If Vingegaard has it then Jumbo have to expend more energy defending it.

Adam Yates was great today, dropping back and then nonchalantly heading back to the front to attack. His out-of-the-saddle style reminds me of peak Contador.

Finally, and I've been meaning to ask this for a few days, who approved the tepid green for the points jersey this year? It was a lot easier to spot back when it was luminous.
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