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Cricket World Cup 2023

They keep showing Sam Curran sitting on the bench. Why has he not been getting a game? He's the most expensive overseas player in the IPL and knows all the grounds like the back of his hand.
That was a terrible decision. I notice they haven't shown ball tracker though. I think it would have been 'umpire's call' anyway.
Looking at the dismissals, Bairstow, Root, Brook, Buttler and Ali were all soft. Malan needless. So they dug a hole for themselves there. Yes, Stokes and Woakes have got them out of jail but it was nearly a terrible performance again. They're lucky the Dutch fell to pieces in the last few overs.

Batting averages tell the story. Malan and Stokes both in the 40s. Nobody else in the top order over 30. Bairstow, Ali, Buttler and Livingstone all under 20. Bairstow and Buttler have both played all eight games and batted eight times. It's a decent sample size.

England are going to win this, but it's still been a misfiring performance.
Stokes should not be playing. I know he's their best player but he should under the surgeon's knife right now.
Pretty sure I know what will happen post-WC.

England's bowling numbers are ok. They restricted India to 229, which was a good effort, and they've been left with nothing to defend a few times. Woakes has come good. Rashid's been consistently very good. Topley was good before his injury. Willey's done ok. Wood has been very patchy but not consistently awful.

It's the batting that hasn't worked.

But they're going to stick with this top order, more or less, and axe a bunch of bowlers.
Stokes should not be playing. I know he's their best player but he should under the surgeon's knife right now.
Well you could argue that this is England's most important game of the tournament so far. It really is a must-win. And Stokes saved the innings from petering out into something not much more than 200.
Pretty sure I know what will happen post-WC.

England's bowling numbers are ok. They restricted India to 229, which was a good effort, and they've been left with nothing to defend a few times. Woakes has come good. Rashid's been consistently very good. Topley was good before his injury. Willey's done ok. Wood has been very patchy but not consistently awful.

It's the batting that hasn't worked.

But they're going to stick with this top order, more or less, and axe a bunch of bowlers.

I thought Willey had a tantrum over not getting a contract so has retired?
Looks like we could* have a celebrated victory against old but equally matched adversaries here :)

*assuming we don't fuck it up again
Rain predicted for tomorrow's NZ/SL game. Gotta feel for them. Scoring 400 and losing on DLS and a possible no result tomorrow.
Rain predicted for tomorrow's NZ/SL game. Gotta feel for them. Scoring 400 and losing on DLS and a possible no result tomorrow.
That would be very tough on NZ, although they would still qualify if England beat Pakistan and SA beat Afghanistan.
I'll be amazed if India lose, and surprised if Aus lose. I won't be surprised if England beat Pakistan. England do still have it in them to put together some batting and the bowling, while not scary, is ok.
Lol. Did anyone else clock that England fan in the crowd waving a sign saying 'We beat Bangladesh'
I remember years ago, when England were on some awful losing run, some wag - perhaps Private Eye - came up with the headline 'England Win Game of Cricket!' I know it's not their first win in the tournament, but we're pretty much in that territory.
England have used nine players in the top seven this tournament. Five of them average under 20 and another two average under 30. This is a good win, but none of the underperforming batters performed.
Realise it isn't the same squad, but will any of the players who have fucked up here lose out (as a result) in the next test squad? I'd guess Harry Brook should be okay, but Bairstow?
Realise it isn't the same squad, but will any of the players who have fucked up here lose out (as a result) in the next test squad? I'd guess Harry Brook should be okay, but Bairstow?

I wouldn't have thought so. As you say it's a totally different squad, different coaches and everything, and I don't think anyone will get the push for not performing in the one day game. Regardless of the performance here though the test squad is getting pretty old and what this world cup does show I think is the danger of drifting along with the same old team based on past glories. They do need to start bringing in some new players and Bairstow definitely could be one on the way out soonish.
I was planning a nice chilled day watching the cricket and being workshy but this could be over pretty quickly
Pitiful from SL really. Played like a t20.

Could be bubbling up into a potentially enormous injustice if I have the rules correct. I believe 20 overs minimum needed. So they could come off after 19 overs with NZ 5 short of victory and it would be a no result.
Well NZ are quite good at receiving injustices at these kind of things. But they're clearly one of the 4 best sides in the tournament so it would be a shame.

They need to get this 10th wicket pronto and then go beserk with the bat.
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