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Rugby World Cup 2023

I don't understand how one brick shithouse can run full speed into another brick shithouse and get slammed backwards with both of them getting up with nothing broken and just trot off :eek:
SA back row are on fire and why not when they can switch out their pack in the second half

And 14 for the rest of the game no surprise
For the sake of rugby I really hope the All Blacks win this. That's absurd you can be sent off for what is what I always believed was a totally reasonable tackle when I was playing. WTF..
Disappointing game so far. And I suspect that will be a red based on the new laws that you can't tackle in rugby anymore.
I normally find you depressing on this thread but I can't argue with that, I've not seen a single tackle in this game so far.

South Africa tackles: 0
New Zealand tackles: 0

I wonder what they've been doing the whole time. What the game really needs is some good head-on-head-splitting concussive tackling that fucks them up for the rest of their lives :thumbs:
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