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Nicola Bulley Missing

This isn’t a torrent of white water is it? I spent a disproportionate part of my early life mucking about in rivers. yes falling in is possible but you only need to standup in most cases.

Where’s the body? It cant go that far.

i bet is was the cops. They knew she had to leave her phone to avoid being tracked.

(i m high btw go easy)
This isn’t a torrent of white water is it? I spent a disproportionate part of my early life mucking about in rivers. yes falling in is possible but you only need to standup in most cases.

Where’s the body? It cant go that far.

i bet is was the cops. They knew she had to leave her phone to avoid being tracked.

(i m high btw go easy)
It's a body of water that leads to the sea. It's very deep and very cold.
I will make this one last post on this.

UN document on femicide be men


There have been too many women murdered by intimate partners. One case in psrticular over here being the Joe O Reilly case. He went on tv with his wife's mother to ask for help / witnesses. His mil said later that she had strong suspicions even that night on telly that he had murdered her daughter.

There are other murders of women who were murdered by their boyfriends / partners / exes. One woman is murdered by an intimate partner every 11 seconds...

In the case of missing person Nicola Bulley my mind went there when I saw the story and heard / saw the interviews online.
I hope I am 100% wrong.

Not motivated to cause any ill will or argument. And sorry for posts that upset anyone. There is no evidence of violence at all in this case...no evidence of any wrongdoing.

The worst of it is that two children will not have a mother anymore and a young woman has more than likely lost her life
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If he has dunnit, he's been very clever about it by leaving open many other more obvious possibilities.
In such cases there's usually a money or love motive that I'm sure is being looked into.
I hope I don't sound too callous, after all incidents like this are always tragic and awful for the family. However, I can't help but wonder why this woman gets all this attention compared to so many others who also disappear. Hundreds, if not thousands, go missing every year with far less attention being given to them.

Of course each and everyone who vanishes should get this level of attention. I'd like to think that there'd be resources for this to happen, but there isn't.
I will make this one last post on this.

UN document on femicide be men


There have been too many women murdered by intimate partners. One case in psrticular over here being the Joe O Reilly case. He went on tv with his wife's mother to ask for help / witnesses. His mil said later that she had strong suspicions even that night on telly that he had murdered her daughter.

There are other murders of women who were murdered by their boyfriends / partners / exes. One woman is murdered by an intimate partner every 11 seconds...

In the case of missing person Nicola Bulley my mind went there when I saw the story and heard / saw the interviews online.
I hope I am 100% wrong.

Not motivated to cause any ill will or argument. And sorry for posts that upset anyone. There is no evidence of violence at all in this case...no evidence of any wrongdoing.

The worst of it is that two children will not have a mother anymore and a young woman has more than likely lost her life
The rates of domestic violence against women are appallingly high.

They don’t tend to happen as a result of the partner planning an elaborate secret abduction from a public place, though.

This kind of baseless vilification and hounding has led incident people to suicide in the past. I really do hope it genuinely is your last post on the topic.
The rates of domestic violence against women are appallingly high.

They don’t tend to happen as a result of the partner planning an elaborate secret abduction from a public place, though.

This kind of baseless vilification and hounding has led incident people to suicide in the past. I really do hope it genuinely is your last post on the topic.
Christopher Jeffries has sprung to mind though he didn’t commit suicide did he
Christopher Jeffries has sprung to mind though he didn’t commit suicide did he

He was arrested for murder before being released without charge though.

I'm pretty sure if anyone was arrested for murder in this case 99% of Urbanites would be all over them and wouldn't wait for the trial verdict, in fact the actual verdict would probably be irrelevant to what people continued to think of them
He was arrested for murder before being released without charge though.

I'm pretty sure if anyone was arrested for murder in this case 99% of Urbanites would be all over them and wouldn't wait for the trial verdict, in fact the actual verdict would probably be irrelevant to what people continued to think of them

Yes it was the police who jumped to conclusions there
He was only arrested after he had appeared on telly talking to reporters with his funny hair and armchair experts had concluded he obviously was a weirdo.
It's perhaps the fact that this fàmily were quite far removed from being "on the fringes of society" that drives more intense police,media and wider public interest rather as in the case of the unfortunate McCanns.On top of that in this case you have the very tight timetable suggesting a conjuring into thin air .
I hope I don't sound too callous, after all incidents like this are always tragic and awful for the family. However, I can't help but wonder why this woman gets all this attention compared to so many others who also disappear. Hundreds, if not thousands, go missing every year with far less attention being given to them.

Of course each and everyone who vanishes should get this level of attention. I'd like to think that there'd be resources for this to happen, but there isn't.

I've done some reading on this and it's about the circumstances. The vast majority of people who go missing, do so after a reason, mostly family conflicts, and are are located soon afterwards. Others get reported missing after some considerable time out of touch, and are therefore considered to be "lost contacts" which the police do not investigate because there are few, if any, leads to follow and many thousands of such cases. These are mainly pursued by charitable organisations or privately. Over 300,000 people are reported missing in the UK every year but 80% of them (mostly children) are found with 24hrs.

Very few people with seemingly happy and secure personal lives go missing whilst walking the dog and remain unfound after a week. There's usually a publicised search in such cases and the fact that this woman's dog and telephone were quickly found by a fast flowing, cold and deep river, has lent urgency and intrigue to the case.
The rates of domestic violence against women are appallingly high.

They don’t tend to happen as a result of the partner planning an elaborate secret abduction from a public place, though.

This kind of baseless vilification and hounding has led incident people to suicide in the past. I really do hope it genuinely is your last post on the topic.

It WAS my last post on the "topic" as you call this.

Here's a post just for you though.

Your statement last night that I'm a "hardhearted woman" was shit and wrong and whether you care or not, it really hurt me.
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Perhaps, she was trying to hitch a ride with Jesus, but like St Peter was lacking in faith.

Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. 30 But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!”

31 Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?”

32 And when they climbed into the boat, the wind died down. 33 Then those who were in the boat worshiped him, saying, “Truly you are the Son of God.”

Has anyone already suggested that she might've fallen in, but been rescued by a passing canoeist or rower who had to shoot her when she got boat happy?

Maybe, she was picked up, paddled to East Midlands International, and is now in Panama awaiting for the dog to turn up with the proceeds of her life insurance policies.

John Darwin, the 'canoe man' who faked death, released from jail
It's a body of water that leads to the sea. It's very deep and very cold.

All rivers lead to the sea. Her location was miles away and the water isn’t fast moving.


That is just outside of town towards the sea. A small river. Not white water or even fast flowing.

The police have capitulated.
All rivers lead to the sea. Her location was miles away and the water isn’t fast moving.

View attachment 361971

View attachment 361972
That is just outside of town towards the sea. A small river. Not white water or even fast flowing.

The police have capitulated.

Bollocks, you don't know the flow rate over the last week, or in fact anything at all about the river which you've probably never actually seen other than in photographs.

She was wearing an ankle-length padded gilet, a waist-length coat, and wellington boots. Anyone falling in with that lot would be in difficulty. There's 15km to the sea which has been searched over the past week and continues to be searched. Not sure why you think the police have "capitulated"?
Bollocks, you don't know the flow rate over the last week, or in fact anything at all about the river which you've probably never actually seen other than in photographs.

She was wearing an ankle-length padded gilet, a waist-length coat, and wellington boots. Anyone falling in with that lot would be in difficulty. There's 15km to the sea which has been searched over the past week and continues to be searched. Not sure why you think the police have "capitulated"?

Because they literally have. It’s a cop out.
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