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transport minister misses train, throws wobbly

Greater Anglia have acknowledged that the train should have been held. Transport minister is right, urban75 hate mob is wrong. End of.
Well, they said that if - as claimed in a later tweet from thingybob, the minister - he had literally been at the door of the train, then they should have let him on, but we still only have his word for that, dont we?
My trip back to Pembrokeshire every Tuesday would usually pause outside Swansea, accompanied by a message from the guard stating that we "were awaiting a platform". Shortly afterwards, a train would depart from Swansea - a short 2-car DMU - and we would enter the platform and disembark.

Only my onward connection was that short 2-car DMU, and a number of us would form a deputation to the station office, where someone would resignedly arrange for a taxi to be available at Carmarthen to pick us up from the next (and last) arrival at that station to take those of us not wanting the boat train to Fishguard to complete our journeys.

So, no, it doesn't always happen, but I guess it's easier to enable it when you're not in a complex network where delaying one train has a potential knock-on effect across a wide area, as it would in a more built-up area, perhaps.

Funnily enough, at least one of these was the trip back to Pembrokeshire via that same route. Might even have been Swansea...
It's on public record that the train left between 15 and 60 seconds early.

Unfortunately though, people here want to side with the profit making rail company rather than the passengers, who they want to demonise as "stupid" for missing a train through no fault of their own. And then laugh at those passengers. Just like the Daily Mail told them to.
It's on public record that the train left between 15 and 60 seconds early.

Unfortunately though, people here want to side with the profit making rail company rather than the passengers, who they want to demonise as "stupid" for missing a train through no fault of their own. And then laugh at those passengers. Just like the Daily Mail told them to.

15 seconds early = on time

Stop trying to stir shit to get a worker in to trouble, bourgeois, gentryfying Tory arselicker.
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If it’s a different company operating the connecting train as is the situation in much of the country (although not this case), they’ll not usually wait because the incoming train is nothing to do with them and they’re not going to damage their punctuality figures due to some other firm’s tardiness. Pre-privatisation they’d usually wait. The tories made it this way on purpose so frankly fuck him.
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urban75 hate mob earlier
hate mop
If it’s a different company operating the connecting train as is the situation in much of the country (although not this case), they’ll not usually wait because the incoming train is nothing to do with them and they’re not going to damage their punctuality figures due to some other firm’s tardiness. Pre-privatisation they’d usually wait. The tories made it this way on purpose so frankly fuck him.

Hmmm. Aside from the ebola thing, that's not a bad argument.
In this case, it *was* a different operator.

It's an oversimplification to say that privatisation has created a system where connections wait less often. The network is also very much busier than it was in BR days.

Anyway, none of that is relevant to whether it's OK to laugh at ordinary decent working people (quite possibly going to funerals), for missing a train when it wasn't their fault, and calling them stupid.
In this case, it *was* a different operator.

It's an oversimplification to say that privatisation has created a system where connections wait less often. The network is also very much busier than it was in BR days.

Anyway, none of that is relevant to whether it's OK to laugh at ordinary decent working people (quite possibly going to funerals), for missing a train when it wasn't their fault, and calling them stupid.
yes you're right we oughtn't to laugh at ordinary hard-working tory ministers
In this case, it *was* a different operator.

It's an oversimplification to say that privatisation has created a system where connections wait less often. The network is also very much busier than it was in BR days.

Anyway, none of that is relevant to whether it's OK to laugh at ordinary decent working people (quite possibly going to funerals), for missing a train when it wasn't their fault, and calling them stupid.
But he's not an "ordinary decent person" - he's a fucking Tory transport minister.
This obsession with train passengers on their way to funerals is a little reminiscent of the Daily Mail (circa 1978/9) obsession with the unburied dead.

Meanwhile a plane passenger on their way to Gatwick is quietly incubating that new ebola virus as the in-flight movie plays...
This obsession with train passengers on their way to funerals is a little reminiscent of the Daily Mail (circa 1978/9) obsession with the unburied dead.
I wonder whether any of the passengers who missed the connection were on their way to, or returning from, a dogging hot-spot. Or on their way to a funeral which had occurred due to death at a dogging hot-spot.
In this case, it *was* a different operator.

It's an oversimplification to say that privatisation has created a system where connections wait less often. The network is also very much busier than it was in BR days.

Anyway, none of that is relevant to whether it's OK to laugh at ordinary decent working people (quite possibly going to funerals), for missing a train when it wasn't their fault, and calling them stupid.
Nobodys laughing at ordinary people, its the tory minister we are laughing at and to be honest its just a satisfied smirk for me at this point, and you do know that the spurious reason for people travelling that you are making up are adding to my enjoyment of this.
I look forward to your next heart string tugging invention.
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