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transport minister misses train, throws wobbly

It should have been held in the circumstances. Why it wasn't is moot. The point is that posters on this forum with no empathy for others are happy to sit and jeer alongside the Daily Mail, at people who have missed their train as a result of a system not performing well.
It's like you've never run for a train/bus and seen it pull away. Happens every day...the staff concerned are almost certainly doing what they've been told to do and countermanding would probably land them in trouble.

Stop being such a ridiculous fun-sponge; everyone was enjoying the story.
maybe they'd arranged a tryst with a toothsome counterpart and the idea there was some horrid disease needing identification was part of the cover lest their partner enquire

Of course they haven't done that - the researcher in Norwich is the ex-wife of the researcher catching the train and they haven't spoken for 5 years, not since their aid worker daughter died in that ebola outbreak that the Norwich researcher said was a strain that would never make the leap to humans.

Now the human race *and* the Norwich researcher's route to redemption and closure has been jeopardised by this smirking twat who couldn't wait 15 seconds.
Of course they haven't done that - the researcher in Norwich is the ex-wife of the researcher catching the train and they haven't spoken for 5 years, not since their aid worker daughter died in that ebola outbreak that the Norwich researcher said was a strain that would never make the leap to humans.

Now the human race *and* the Norwich researcher's route to redemption and closure has been jeopardised by this smirking twat who couldn't wait 15 seconds.
they'll have to chat

He's right though, it should have been held in the circumstances.

Because you lot are so enthusiastic in your hate-mongering you forget about the other passengers, none of whom were transport ministers, and some of whom may have missed hospital appointments or the funerals of loved ones. People may have died as a result of this but you people are too callous to care; the perfect daily mail audience. Congratulations.

They were all train passengers though, so fuck 'em, silly cunts should have gone by car like grown-ups do. East Anglia has some fine roads for blatting it about.
He's right though, it should have been held in the circumstances.

Because you lot are so enthusiastic in your hate-mongering you forget about the other passengers, none of whom were transport ministers, and some of whom may have missed hospital appointments or the funerals of loved ones. People may have died as a result of this but you people are too callous to care; the perfect daily mail audience. Congratulations.
If he'd been any good at his job the inbound service would have been on time.

What about the poor passengers that were already on the train? They would have been inconvenienced by minutes :mad:
He's right though, it should have been held in the circumstances.

Because you lot are so enthusiastic in your hate-mongering you forget about the other passengers, none of whom were transport ministers, and some of whom may have missed hospital appointments or the funerals of loved ones. People may have died as a result of this but you people are too callous to care; the perfect daily mail audience. Congratulations.
:D :D

Thanks, this post has really cheered me up. You have a compelling sense of the dramatic :thumbs:
I don't think I've ever seen a train wait for someone, ever. Not unless they have physically managed to get some part of their body or possessions into the door.

Buses on the other hand wait all the time. This is one of many reasons why I don't use buses, I will have no truck with tardiness.
I don't think I've ever seen a train wait for someone, ever.

Really? I've been told by staff that trains are being held when my connecting service is late, and also have been on trains and heard the announcement that we'll be chilling for a couple of minutes because of some passengers on a connecting service which is a few mins late.

These cases might have been the last connecting service of the day in a rural area - the specifics temporarily escape me.
He's right though, it should have been held in the circumstances.

Because you lot are so enthusiastic in your hate-mongering you forget about the other passengers, none of whom were transport ministers, and some of whom may have missed hospital appointments or the funerals of loved ones. People may have died as a result of this but you people are too callous to care; the perfect daily mail audience. Congratulations.
Really? I've been told by staff that trains are being held when my connecting service is late, and also have been on trains and heard the announcement that we'll be chilling for a couple of minutes because of some passengers on a connecting service which is a few mins late.

These cases might have been the last connecting service of the day in a rural area - the specifics temporarily escape me.
I've known it for last trains of the day, in fairly major stations, but in other circumstances it would usually not make sense to do so. It would then delay another train, which would in turn delay another, etc etc.

Also, we only have the one would be passenger claiming it was only fifteen seconds, and even if he wasn't a tory minister, I'd be suspecting he was telling mild porkies.
I don't think I've ever seen a train wait for someone, ever. Not unless they have physically managed to get some part of their body or possessions into the door.

Buses on the other hand wait all the time. This is one of many reasons why I don't use buses, I will have no truck with tardiness.
This packed lunch made the train without its owner, and still the train wouldn't wait

Really? I've been told by staff that trains are being held when my connecting service is late, and also have been on trains and heard the announcement that we'll be chilling for a couple of minutes because of some passengers on a connecting service which is a few mins late.

These cases might have been the last connecting service of the day in a rural area - the specifics temporarily escape me.
It's most commonly a member of train staff is on a late running service. I've had that one quite a lot.
Greater Anglia have acknowledged that the train should have been held. Transport minister is right, urban75 hate mob is wrong. End of.
He's right though, it should have been held in the circumstances.

Because you lot are so enthusiastic in your hate-mongering you forget about the other passengers, none of whom were transport ministers, and some of whom may have missed hospital appointments or the funerals of loved ones. People may have died as a result of this but you people are too callous to care; the perfect daily mail audience. Congratulations.
When we had a non-privatised railway, with this Byzantine arrangement of penalties, charges, contracts, subsidies, et al, it was commonplace for a connection to be held. That all went out of the window when the rail system was privatised, and has been kept that way by, in large party, Tory governments like that in which this character is a minister.

They can't have it both ways. We, the humble rail user, have been being told for years that punctuality is important and that, regrettable as it is, connections can't be held in today's fast-moving profit-driven every-path-is-£££ railway.

Only I don't need to be telling you this, teuchter, because I know you're not that naive ;)
Really? I've been told by staff that trains are being held when my connecting service is late, and also have been on trains and heard the announcement that we'll be chilling for a couple of minutes because of some passengers on a connecting service which is a few mins late.

These cases might have been the last connecting service of the day in a rural area - the specifics temporarily escape me.
My trip back to Pembrokeshire every Tuesday would usually pause outside Swansea, accompanied by a message from the guard stating that we "were awaiting a platform". Shortly afterwards, a train would depart from Swansea - a short 2-car DMU - and we would enter the platform and disembark.

Only my onward connection was that short 2-car DMU, and a number of us would form a deputation to the station office, where someone would resignedly arrange for a taxi to be available at Carmarthen to pick us up from the next (and last) arrival at that station to take those of us not wanting the boat train to Fishguard to complete our journeys.

So, no, it doesn't always happen, but I guess it's easier to enable it when you're not in a complex network where delaying one train has a potential knock-on effect across a wide area, as it would in a more built-up area, perhaps.
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