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The only relevant difference between this guy and Begum is that this guy is genuinely a dual citizen rather than a Javid defined dual citizen.

What makes you say that? They were both British born, and both automatically became citizens of their parents' countries when born. Do we know whether he took any steps to actively seek citizenship? Or had a Canadian passport? Or ever went to Canada? I'm not saying he hasn't; I just don't know.
What makes you say that? They were both British born, and both automatically became citizens of their parents' countries when born. Do we know whether he took any steps to actively seek citizenship? Or had a Canadian passport? Or ever went to Canada? I'm not saying he hasn't; I just don't know.
This guy is well aware that he has Canadian citizenship as well as British, the Canadian government have acknowledged he is (in the article) whereas it's clear from the various articles about Begum that neither she nor indeed the Bangladeshi government seemed to have much of a clue that she 'technically' is Bangladeshi.
I restate my other well-founded belief that Javid is trying it on to look tough on terrorism because he is a twat.
What makes you say that? They were both British born, and both automatically became citizens of their parents' countries when born. Do we know whether he took any steps to actively seek citizenship? Or had a Canadian passport? Or ever went to Canada? I'm not saying he hasn't; I just don't know.

He has/had a Canadian passport

“I feel British, I am British. If the UK accepted me, I would go back to the UK, but I don’t think that’s going to happen.” He said he did not know if his Canadian passport would still be valid.

Second Briton says he wants to be allowed back to UK from Syria
This guy is well aware that he has Canadian citizenship as well as British, the Canadian government have acknowledged he is (in the article) whereas it's clear from the various articles about Begum that neither she nor indeed the Bangladeshi government seemed to have much of a clue that she 'technically' is Bangladeshi.
I restate my other well-founded belief that Javid is trying it on to look tough on terrorism because he is a twat.

He knows now, but so does she (albeit it suits her and Bangladesh to deny it). Not seen anything to suggest he knew before he left, or chose dual citizenship.

Completely agree re Javid.
MickiQ why is this guy genuinely have dual nationality while Begum doesn’t. As far as I know they both only have dual nationality because of the birth place of their parent(s)? I don’t think JJ has lived in Canada any more than SB has lived in Bangladesh?
In the case of Letts however, I think we’ve been aware of his dual citizenship for some time so the fact that he’s not yet been stripped would seem to indicate incompetence on the part of brother Javid, as you say.

I think it just hasn't come up in the media during his tenure.
MickiQ why is this guy genuinely have dual nationality while Begum doesn’t. As far as I know they both only have dual nationality because of the birth place of their parent(s)? I don’t think JJ has lived in Canada any more than SB has lived in Bangladesh?

JJ actually has a Canadian passport. You have to take active steps yourself to achieve that.
Bangladesh citizenship is vague much like loads of people can have irish citizenship but unless you've got an irish passport it doesnt really count
jj has a Canadian passport so the UK or canada can revoke his citizenship but only one
MickiQ why is this guy genuinely have dual nationality while Begum doesn’t. As far as I know they both only have dual nationality because of the birth place of their parent(s)? I don’t think JJ has lived in Canada any more than SB has lived in Bangladesh?
He actually knew about it, for starters. It will have been news to Begum and no doubt thousands of other British people with a Bangladeshi mother that they have Bangladeshi citizenship automatically up to the age of 21, whether the Bangladeshi government has any record of their existence or not, and that they can potentially have their British citizenship stripped from them on that basis.

I don't agree with the idea that Letts should have his citizenship removed either, but his case is really not the same as that of Begum.
Bangladesh citizenship is vague much like loads of people can have irish citizenship but unless you've got an irish passport it doesnt really count
jj has a Canadian passport so the UK or canada can revoke his citizenship but only one

Javid will get in first with that - our business hours start 5 hours earlier on Monday.
As usually happens when you try on a dirty trick, he's dug a hole for himself here. He's already pissed off Bangladesh, and now he may have no choice but to piss off Canada as well if he's to avoid looking inconsistent, weak, and frankly racist.

I’m sure he has full confidence in his defence against accusations of racism.
Just fwiw - having followed all of the arguments and not to diminish the horrors that IS have carried out, or to dismiss who should be allowed to punish her for her part in that (and for sure, an objection against being able to legally strip someone of their citizenship) - my own issue is still almost solely down to the age that Begum was when she left, that she was still a child.
That's the bit that I can't get my head around.
the age that Begum was when she left, that she was still a child.
That's the bit that I can't get my head around.

She must have been very headstrong and very brainwashed. Its a massive thinf for any teenager to leave home and fly half way round the world to join a group of strangers...but to join IS?
She surely knew what she was doing.
She must have been very headstrong and very brainwashed. Its a massive thinf for any teenager to leave home and fly half way round the world to join a group of strangers...but to join IS?
She surely knew what she was doing.

Their recruitment videos weren’t exactly coy about the nature of the atrocities they were committing.
She must have been very headstrong and very brainwashed. Its a massive thinf for any teenager to leave home and fly half way round the world to join a group of strangers...but to join IS?
She surely knew what she was doing.

Of course she (/they) did! But she was 15.
I'm not arguing any point - just stating that that makes me feel uncomfortable. 15 is difficult.
MickiQ why is this guy genuinely have dual nationality while Begum doesn’t. As far as I know they both only have dual nationality because of the birth place of their parent(s)? I don’t think JJ has lived in Canada any more than SB has lived in Bangladesh?
Sorry been out to KFC so didn't read your post till just but other posters have answered it, legally speaking Begum is a dual national (UK and Bangladeshi) because her mother was from Bangladesh but was born in this country, had no Bangladeshi passport and had never been there. I would lay good money that she and many like her didn't know she was entitled to Bangladeshi citizenship, certainly it seems to be news to the Bangladeshi authorities whereas JJ is clearly aware of and playing on his dual nationality status.
Javid is using that fact to declare Begum persona non gratis, OK he's legally correct but he's using technicalities and knows it.
I'll give you another real life example, my daughter's 16 year old mate from across the road is ethnically Indian, born in this country to Indian parents born in this country, her grandparents came to this country from India, She is proud of what she is but considers herself first and foremost British.
However under Indian law, since both her grandfathers came from India her parents both inherited Indian citizenship from their fathers (Indian citizenship used to be only be inherited from fathers not mothers but can be inherited from either since 1992)
In 2004 India changed the law so children born abroad can't inherit Indian citizenship unless they are registered within 1 year of birth, she was born in 2002 so she is by default a dual citizen of India and the UK but I suspect she probably hasn't ever thought about it much.
Now she's a good kid who wants to be a scientist and is most unlikely to run off and join a death cult but her status is just as precarious as Begum's, if Javid gets his way. It's all very well saying people will only have their citizenship revoked for serious crimes but serious crimes is a moving target where does it end? Terror cults?, murder?, rape? burglary?, taking part in demonstrations?, aggressive begging? parking offences?
Lots of people would be happy about moving the scale rightwards but the further right you move it the easier it becomes to move it further.
I don't think my daughter's mate is ever likely to lose her British citizenship for taking part in a student protest but I don't think there should be even a theoretical mechanism for doing this and if that means we're stuck with the likes of Begum so be it.
He’s been pictured doing IS salutes, waving their flags etc. Haven’t seen him with a rifle though.

That’s hardened my attitude towards him somewhat. Doesn’t change my opinion on what is to be done, though.
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