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Jihadi Jack wants to come back because he misses Dr Who

Why don't these countries not remove citizenship first, it's not like it's out of blue
Because they're idiots. In the case of Letts the Canadians are pissed off with the UK for stripping him and Trudeau has said "a Canadian is Canadian is a Canadian".

Funnily enough they aren't rushing to get him back there to deal with him.
Because they're idiots. In the case of Letts the Canadians are pissed off with the UK for stripping him and Trudeau has said "a Canadian is Canadian is a Canadian".

Funnily enough they aren't rushing to get him back there to deal with him.
I do think it's a bit snide of UK, this lad was raised in UK, converted here, radicalised here*, does seem shitty to make him Canada's problem, but baffling they basically let it happen

*possibly Sudan (?) too I think, know he spent somewhere before syria/iraq
I do think it's a bit snide of UK, this lad was raised in UK, converted here, radicalised here*, does seem shitty to make him Canada's problem, but baffling they basically let it happen

*possibly Sudan (?) too I think, know he spent somewhere before syria/iraq
It's not Canada's problem. They're having nothing to do with him either. It's a Kurdish/Syrian problem because that'swhere he is and they could solve the issue very fucking easily.
His parents seem to have money and be gullible fools. They should just ransom him back to them and do the transaction in a third country.
Also people have been hashing out on the other thread and likely got bored/can't be arsed to contribute to this one.

But we won't ever know.

I was on an urban rest period for the first few months of this year but my position on him would be the same as Begum: anyone who decided to fuck off and play at being fascist cunts abroad for a few years shouldn’t be simply allowed back because it didn’t quite work out for them. Preferably they should be left to die in the bottom of some pit but at least they have some options.
Oh I don't know - plenty of AK-47's in circulation in that part of the world....

Such comments may be facetious, but if that's really the outcome the British state wants, then they should deploy British forces to perform the extrajudicial execution, and then face whatever consequences come from it. Why should Kurdish or other forces in the region take on the burden of doing so, because it is surely pretty clear by now that even executing the most deserving of people can have severe repercussions down the line. Expecting him to just die in a ditch somewhere is just as much shirking responsibility on the part of the British state as stripping their citizenship so they are burdened on another country.
Such comments may be facetious, but if that's really the outcome the British state wants, then they should deploy British forces to perform the extrajudicial execution, and then face whatever consequences come from it. Why should Kurdish or other forces in the region take on the burden of doing so, because it is surely pretty clear by now that even executing the most deserving of people can have severe repercussions down the line. Expecting him to just die in a ditch somewhere is just as much shirking responsibility on the part of the British state as stripping their citizenship so they are burdened on another country.
It's not neccessarily the outcome the state wants. They just, quite rightly, don't give a fuck what happens to him.
The UK (and France and the other wealthy, large nations) who had a load of their citizens (dual or not) sod off to Syria/Iraq should be coughing up the dough to have them dealt with over there. I think we are throwing cash at Iraq for this already...
Did Iraq ever get rebuilt by the Allied forces? They created the vacuum that all this shit occurred in. So they do have responsibility for it.
It's not neccessarily the outcome the state wants. They just, quite rightly, don't give a fuck what happens to him.

It has become a rather convenient fantasy. They do clearly give a fuck what happens to him, they just want to shirk their responsibility, either by hoping he will be detained or executed abroad or by palming him off on another country he has far less connection with.
France has said that they're happy for their jihadi scum to be tried abroad. Given that'll likely be in Iraq, there will be minimal fuss in proceedings.

Its one thing for an internationally recognised government like Iraq, its something quite different for the Peshmerga or other forces who are holding British prisoners. Its just cowardly abdicating responsibility.

If this twat or begum had been killed trying to escape etc then no one is going to blink an eye but for whatever reason there are forces holding prison that don't seem keen to execute them. As such they exist and they are a problem which Britain should deal with not pathetically hide behind diplomatic trickery.
Its one thing for an internationally recognised government like Iraq, its something quite different for the Peshmerga or other forces who are holding British prisoners. Its just cowardly abdicating responsibility.

If this twat or begum had been killed trying to escape etc then no one is going to blink an eye but for whatever reason there are forces holding prison that don't seem keen to execute them. As such they exist and they are a problem which Britain should deal with not pathetically hide behind diplomatic trickery.
Yep this. Both these idiots were made in Britain. Britain should take responsibility for that. Letts at least knew he had dual nationality, but even so, pretending he's really Canadian is pretty much nonsense. He isn't. With Begum it is even more clear-cut. Trying to make out she is really Bangladeshi is a disgusting, racist trick.

To be clear, that isn't a comment on them or what they've done. It's not about that imo. It's a comment on 'us' and what 'we' do. Anyone supporting the UK govt on this has accepted a really shitty standard for collective behaviour.
The same liberals will argue that foreign people in the UK shouldn’t be deported for committing crimes whilst in the UK argue the opposite when UK nationals commit crime abroad.
Whose side are they on?
The same liberals will argue that foreign people in the UK shouldn’t be deported for committing crimes whilst in the UK argue the opposite when UK nationals commit crime abroad.
Whose side are they on?

Do they. Name names?

I'll admit I think that someone who's lived in the UK since the age of 3 shouldn't be deported if they've been caught shoplifting when they are 52. I'm hoping though we can draw distinction in cases like joining a death cult who are murdering and raping their way across a continent versus mortgage fraud.
Do they. Name names?

I'll admit I think that someone who's lived in the UK since the age of 3 shouldn't be deported if they've been caught shoplifting when they are 52. I'm hoping though we can draw distinction in cases like joining a death cult who are murdering and raping their way across a continent versus mortgage fraud.

What do you mean name names? The same people who would stop a jet from flying off with a rapist on board would be the same ones as those fighting for Jihadi rape supporters to be returned.
What do you mean name names? The same people who would stop a jet from flying off with a rapist on board would be the same ones as those fighting for Jihadi rape supporters to be returned.

Well I certainly wouldn't stop a rapist being deported under most circumstances. Though I think I know where you're coming from, this is about the various grooming gangs of South Asian background?
Well I certainly wouldn't stop a rapist being deported under most circumstances. Though I think I know where you're coming from, this is about the various grooming gangs of South Asian background?

Just that liberal arguments are that if an immigrant commits a crime here, it’s racist to deport them as part of their punishment.
Yet the reverse appears to be argued when the boot is on the other foot: it’s racist to not repatriate folk who commit crime abroad.
And there are numerous examples, yes.
The same liberals will argue that foreign people in the UK shouldn’t be deported for committing crimes whilst in the UK argue the opposite when UK nationals commit crime abroad.
Whose side are they on?
Just that liberal arguments are that if an immigrant commits a crime here, it’s racist to deport them as part of their punishment.
Yet the reverse appears to be argued when the boot is on the other foot.
But there are numerous examples, yes.
Do these posts have anything to do with what's been posted on this thread, or are you just doing a bit of freestyling now?
Just that liberal arguments are that if an immigrant commits a crime here, it’s racist to deport them as part of their punishment.
Yet the reverse appears to be argued when the boot is on the other foot.
But there are numerous examples, yes.

Well they're twats though I do wonder how many people there are exactly as you suggest. This though, is different. These prisoners are not being held by 'official' governments with prentence of a justice system and extradition agreements. I'm talking about those prisoners held in prison camps in the desert by various militia. They have no idea what to do with them and no means, just leaving them to deal with them is bollocks.
Do these posts have anything to do with what's been posted on this thread, or are you just doing a bit of freestyling now?

I think he is drawing together various threads from over the years. A homage if you will.
Yep this. Both these idiots were made in Britain. Britain should take responsibility for that. Letts at least knew he had dual nationality, but even so, pretending he's really Canadian is pretty much nonsense. He isn't. With Begum it is even more clear-cut. Trying to make out she is really Bangladeshi is a disgusting, racist trick.
Nobody is pretending he's Canadian and nobody was making out that Begum was Bangladeshi.
But the current arguing that position. Maybe that’s you Andy?

Often difficult to tell some anarchists and liberals apart.
Your recent posts have genuinely lost me.

What supposedly liberal position are you suggesting I'm arguing? (at least, I think that's what you're saying :confused: )
Its just cowardly abdicating responsibility .... As such they exist and they are a problem which Britain should deal with not pathetically hide behind diplomatic trickery.
Cobblers. We can't execute them and we can't even guarantee they'd spend the rest of their lives in a UK prison. Super Saj has guaranteed that they'll never set foot in this country again and, moreover, ensured that they're not imprisoned here only for some future wanky lefty Home Secretary to release them.
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