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What stupid shit has Biden done today?

Except he didn't say "exactly" what you claim he did.

The video mentions nothing about him liking kids more than people. And nothing solid about him refusing to speak out against the camps.

What we do hear is this:

"the idea that I'm not gonna speak out against what he (Xi) is doing in Hong Kong, what he's doing with the Uighurs in the western mountains of... of... China... and Taiwan, China... and One China policy" and then he trails off, saying that Xi "gets it" and then says "culturally there are different norms in each country and their leaders are expected to follow".

Which seems to sound like he was going to rubbish the idea that he wouldn't speak out for fear of being accused of being culturally insensitive, but got lost along the way.

So, we get far right loons like Cernovich and such noted unbiased outlets; the New York Post and Daily Sabah jumping on his word salad.

And that's it.

It sounded similarly to me, to be honest, but we’re just interpreting what that means differently, I guess (yes I realize that doesn’t make perfect sense but I’m tired).

And do you really want me to go find the video where he says everybody knows he likes kids better than people.. I said it was in the same speech, not the same video. I’m honestly surprised you haven’t already seen that one, as I assumed this thread was probably more for lighthearted mockery of gaffes, what with the dem kid gloves and all. That’s why I posted that in the first place.

eta Im not trying to inject some shady, lurid undertones into that sentiment, it was just some stupid shit he said (about liking kids better than people bc, obvs kids are people..)
Not sure it's been 'simping from libs', several things he's reversed from Trump policies have been good. I don't think anyone's expecting a great deal once he's reversed them.
Not sure it's been 'simping from libs', several things he's reversed from Trump policies have been good. I don't think anyone's expecting a great deal once he's reversed them.

Reversing some of Trump's shit just isn't good enough. I'm not sure if you've noticed, but there's kind of a ratcheting effect that's been going on in US electoral politics the past couple of decades. The Republicans do their damndest to implement policies which will hurt people, and when the Democrats get re-elected, the best they've been able to do is nothing significant to reverse the situation. It started with the neo-cons, then Tea Party took over the Repubs, and now it's Trump and Q. The overall direction of travel could not be any more obvious!
Yep I agree. He's still been reversing some of Trump's policies which are the only things that i've been acknowledging. Of course he needs to do shitloads more and of course he's not going to, doesn't mean that we shouldn't recognize when he's reversed something specific early on. And conversely we should recognize when he's broken promises as you've highlighted just.
It's going to be a long time before I think of anything Biden does as being stupid enough to be worth mentioning.

The contrast between him and Trump is so stark. I'm simply grateful that Trump is gone. Nothing Biden does could be as stupid as what Trump did on a near-daily basis. And anything good that Biden does is a bonus. I wake up every morning without any dread of what I'm going to learn that my president has done overnight or plans to do in the next several hours. I know that whatever Biden is doing, the goal is to make America better, and he has competent people on the job. I'm just not worried about any hiccups of stupidity along the way.

But I'm still interested in reading what you folks have to say about him. :)
Reversing some of Trump's shit just isn't good enough. I'm not sure if you've noticed, but there's kind of a ratcheting effect that's been going on in US electoral politics the past couple of decades. The Republicans do their damndest to implement policies which will hurt people, and when the Democrats get re-elected, the best they've been able to do is nothing significant to reverse the situation. It started with the neo-cons, then Tea Party took over the Repubs, and now it's Trump and Q. The overall direction of travel could not be any more obvious!
If Biden actually cared he would fight to get shit done. But he doesn't care.
So let me get this straight, this air strike was in response to a US contractor (i.e. mercenary) getting killed a month ago... in Iraq. Not Syria.

At least under Biden we can be thankful that this attack was 👏 diverse 👏 and 👏 progressive 👏

So let me get this straight, this air strike was in response to a US contractor (i.e. mercenary) getting killed a month ago... in Iraq. Not Syria.

At least under Biden we can be thankful that this attack was 👏 diverse 👏 and 👏 progressive 👏

And at least the deadly missiles won't be fired from bases named after confederate heroes. Pretty sure all the brown people they're killing will be glad they weren't killed by racist missiles. That would be terrible.
He's said he's going to suspend arms sales to Saudi Arabia, which I'm not sure any previous presidents have done.
It took Trump 4 months to bomb Johnny Foreigner. The Democrats just over a month

The US was bombing Afghanistan and parts of Iraq and Syria heavily during the period when Trump took office - the last major bombing raid under Obama was on the 19th of January, 2017, and I'd be surprised if the first under Trump happened much later than 20th Jan.

When the Democratic presidential debates were held in Miami back in June 2019, several candidates visited the Homestead Temporary Shelter for Unaccompanied Children, an unlicensed and for-profit detention center that held thousands of migrant children who came to the U.S. without their parents throughout the administrations of presidents Barack Obama and Donald Trump. The shelter became the subject of national scorn because of reports of sexual abuse, negligent hiring practices, overcrowding, and human-rights violations. Some children described crying themselves to sleep at night, worrying they would never be released.

The Democratic candidates and campaign representatives who visited Homestead that summer — Kamala Harris, Pete Buttigieg, Julian Castro, Kirsten Gillibrand, Marianne Williamson, Elizabeth Warren, John Hickenlooper, Bill de Blasio, and Tulsi Gabbard, plus Bernie Sanders' wife and adviser Jane — made some speeches, stood on ladders to get a look at the shelter behind a tall fence, and summoned the attention of national media outlets.

Conspicuously absent was Joe Biden, who announced his candidacy for president in April 2019 and served as vice president when the Obama administration opened the shelter in 2016.

Just a few months after the Democratic debates, the shelter was shuttered in October 2019. But this morning, the Miami Herald reported that the Biden administration plans to reopen the Homestead center, which is now called the Biscayne Influx Care Facility.

Immigrant-rights and social-justice groups who previously ran a grassroots campaign to shut down the facility are already decrying the decision to reopen the shelter.

Lis-Marie Alvarado, director of the American Friends Service Committee in Florida, one of the organizations that advocated for the center to be shuttered, tells New Times the Biden administration has no business reopening the facility.

"This is not a place for children," Alvarado says. "This is a place that is going to be impossible to maintain COVID safety regulations. We're already putting these children in danger. This detention center doesn't have safety measures for hurricanes. The operators hire random people who don't have experience or knowledge on how to work with children, especially children facing trauma from leaving their home countries. They're at risk of getting sexually assaulted, and many of them did. They have zero access to education. They just draw on little papers the whole day and play soccer. There is zero investment in them."
More on Homestead:


More on the minimum wage surrender by Biden here. In truth, there wasn’t much of a surrender, it was more a case of him being persuaded not to do something he didn’t want to do in the first place:

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