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What chance does Trump have of winning the 2024 Presidential Election?

According to the BBC news Putin would prefer Biden over Trump in the whitehouse. Perhaps he could get his hackers to rig the election. :)
According to the BBC news Putin would prefer Biden over Trump in the whitehouse. Perhaps he could get his hackers to rig the election. :)

Ignore Putin's words and instead pay attention to his actions. Both the DNC and the RNC got hacked, but it was the DNC's stuff that got leaked all over the place. It was the Republicans who got the Russian thumb on the scales in their favour during the election. The NRA got Russian funding. Putin gave Tucker Carlson an interview. The pattern of actions is consistent. The words are worthless fluff.
Ignore Putin's words and instead pay attention to his actions. Both the DNC and the RNC got hacked, but it was the DNC's stuff that got leaked all over the place. It was the Republicans who got the Russian thumb on the scales in their favour during the election. The NRA got Russian funding. Putin gave Tucker Carlson an interview. The pattern of actions is consistent. The words are worthless fluff.
Yep. And he may well judge that making it be known that he would prefer Biden helps Trump.
Ignore Putin's words and instead pay attention to his actions. Both the DNC and the RNC got hacked, but it was the DNC's stuff that got leaked all over the place. It was the Republicans who got the Russian thumb on the scales in their favour during the election. The NRA got Russian funding. Putin gave Tucker Carlson an interview. The pattern of actions is consistent. The words are worthless fluff.
Which election? Last one where trump lost or the one before when he won?

If it was the first then Putin may have changed his mind after seeing the tangerine loon in action. :)

“Defendant’s motions to dismiss have been denied,” Merchan said, before adding: “We’re moving ahead to jury selection on March 25.”

The trial date means the Manhattan case will be the first of four criminal cases against Trump to go before a jury. While the trial date was open and shut for Merchan, Trump’s team fought his scheduling decision, claiming it violated Trump’s rights. Trump’s attorney Todd Blanche pointed to the ex-president’s classified documents case in Florida, which is expected to start in May.

Trump could not possibly prepare for that trial, Blanche argued, if he were present for the Manhattan case.
“That is a constitutional violation in our view, judge,” Blanche said of Trump being unable to prepare for his defense in the other case, later saying: “It’s truly an impossible position for anyone to be in.”

Regardless of whatever Putin's motive is for claiming to prefer Biden, has Trump responded to it at all yet? He likes to get the last word in :D
Assuming potential Republican voters pay attention to affairs on the Eastern European front, they must know Putin's a bit of cunt, even for them. If he's "endorsing" Biden then Biden must be a baddun too, hence let's vote for Trump, which is what Putin wants.
Putin only has to say it once for all the dipshits to go ‘look, here’s proof Putin supports Biden not Trump, election interference was a lie, case proven’. That’s possibly why it was done.
Maybe he just can't fucking stand Trump, and can you blame him?
They don't control what the actual results are but they do control who has the money to stand and what those standing stand for. It's not so different here. We live in heavily 'managed' democracies.
Monster Raving Loony Party are part of the shadowy behind the scenes system 😱
The real issue is: what are the chances of a fair election? I'd rate them as pretty slim. There's just too much at stake now, WW3 is looming, and the US Deep State is simply not prepared to take a chance of going into WW3 with Trump as Commander-in-Chief.
I'd say they were pretty good, we're the Republicans to put forward a credible candidate...instead they have Donald Trump comparing himself to Al Capone
I'd say they were pretty good, we're the Republicans to put forward a credible candidate...instead they have Donald Trump comparing himself to Al Capone
Yes, they'll tolerate anyone they can control. But they can't control Trump. That's why the MSM frenzy against him is unprecedented. It shows how tight their leash usually is.
Forgiven a shedload of student debt
Trillion dollar infrastructure bill
Economy and job figures all up
Little personal issues (Hunter Biden stuff is embarrassing but no evidence thus far Joe was involved, and the Republicans are being made to look silly in the hearings regarding it).
Already beaten Trump in an election.

I understand he's not going to get motors running on this board, but for your US voters (most Dems and undecideds) he's not had a bad first 4 years tbh.

Who else would you go with?
No evidence Joe was involved? Not so
Forgiven a shedload of student debt
Trillion dollar infrastructure bill
Economy and job figures all up
Little personal issues (Hunter Biden stuff is embarrassing but no evidence thus far Joe was involved, and the Republicans are being made to look silly in the hearings regarding it).
Already beaten Trump in an election.

He also kept his promise to get the US out of Afghanistan after 20 years, though a lot of Americans weren't thrilled to discover that the war had been lost and everyone who died there died for nothing
and 5 more to find these.


The funniest part was when it emerged that the clown leading the Oversight Committee had also loaned his brother money, in circumstances sketchier than the Biden loan

This news delays the case again:


The Supreme Court will decide if ex-President Donald Trump is immune from being prosecuted on charges of trying to overturn the 2020 election.
The decision has the potential to seriously delay the trial, which was originally scheduled for March.
Arguments in the Supreme Court case are scheduled for the week of 22 April, and any trial will have to wait until after a decision is made.
Although a decision could come swiftly, the justices could rule that the former president is immune from prosecution, or issue a decision that further delays legal action.
Justice Department guidelines limit prosecutorial action in politically sensitive investigations from within 60 days of an election - meaning prosecutors face a deadline of early September.
And if Mr Trump wins in November, there is a growing possibility that the case never reaches trial. His Justice Department officials could drop or indefinitely suspend the special counsel investigation or he could take the unprecedented step of issuing a pardon for himself.

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