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Bullfighting in Mexico City has been cancelled

Never walk behind one.

To be honest we just ran like fuck:D

I have always heard the thing to do with Bulls is never make eye contact with it or approach it. Just act like it isn't even there, and never walk through a herd of cows with calves or if there is a bull.
Macho author Ernest Hemingway, arguably the most overrated American writer of the 20th Century, actually wrote an extremely long winded and turgid book on the subject of bullfighting, something called Death In The Afternoon which, if I recall, got recommended to me by a friend and which I gave up reading about halfway through. Apparently, he was an aficionado of this 'sport', reading all kinds of dumb nonsense into it's 'beauty' and 'art'. However, like any other right minded person, any 'sport' or pastime that deliberately sets out to bait, maim or kill animals purely for entertainment and spectacle, should be viewed as nothing more than what it is: premeditated cruelty.
There were all the D words in that orangutans face - despair, distress, disbelief, depression. Soulful eyes - so similar to us you’d have to be sociopathic not to read it instantly. It was so fucking obvious I couldn’t quite understand why not a single person in that audience noticed or objected. There were kids there too - I’d have been in tears if anyone had taken me to witness that cruelty as a child. I know I wouldn’t have simply sat there - I’d have made such a scene I’d have ended up being escorted out if I hadn’t already left. Not one person in this seven or eight minutes of video did anything other than laugh, cheer, whistle, and catcall.

The Little Fireface Project does really important work on this topic, tourist/Instagram shite and animal cruelty.
absoloutly no reason on the planet why it should not be band. do some other "patriotic" shit if that's your argument and forget about it.
Fucking scum :(

'Google translation: "The bull lives like a king until he is 4 or 5 years old." Portuguese bullfighter, Ricardo Cravidão, training with a calf whose limbs have been tied and its horns sheathed (bolado). Images obtained from the anti-bullfighting blog Prótouro'

My car bears a sticker of a Burro in silhouette, which is the Catalan symbol of their Anti-bullfighting movement.

I have no idea what Brits seeing it think, perhaps I am making a comment on my small and relatively slow car :) :(

I'd forgotten about Dan Hannan :facepalm: what a tool.

Maybe this particular Tory's love of corridas can be seen as a metaphor for the Tories' slow stabbing death of the economy of the country.
Cows and calves also get mistreated and tortured by the bull torturing industry despite whatever lies they come up with about how they all have a great life and it being better than cows bred for food etc. (Not saying thats great either mind you)

I just love this video of a cow described in the article that was rescued though.

Preferably after he's been kept in a box for days and days with nothing else to do except maybe read 'The New European' and Jeremy Corbyn's twitter feed.
But yeah I never ever want to hear, see, or read anything about Dan Hannan again except to hear that he's been put in a cannon and fired into the sun.
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