seventh bullet
I'm not saying that all the people are or were dumb and unenlightened. Some would have been, exposed as they were to constant propaganda. Others would have been too cowed by abusive hierarchical power. I would argue that the non-Russian half of the population were generally unconvinced by the USSR and Stalin, to put it mildly. So there was some genuine support for Stalin, some enthusiasm, a lot of acquiescence. Outside of the Great Russian heartlands the enthusiasm was vanishingly small.
Millions hated Stalin, sure. Millions also loved him. It can't be adequately explained by simplified psychologising with Stockholm Syndrome. On that score, the non-Russian minorities and peripheral populations had a complex relationship with Stalinism and the implementation of its nationalities policy. Its locally promoted agents were as enthusiastic in the development of Soviet society as their Russian counterparts and the opportunities opened up by it.