No amount of cajolery...
I understand, but could anything be done in your opinion to make it less cruel though? It's not just what they actually do to the bulls, it's leaving in a box too small to turn around for hours and hours, transporting them long distances etc. Even the ones that are released are often slaughtered afterwards.I lived in a bullfighting town. It was common during the various feria around the area. Those liking it v those not was about 50:50 split.
I find the cruelty appalling. It is horrific. I don't condone this at all.
But there is an art and spectacle, outside the ring, that is attractive. The costumes, the manipulation of the capes, the horsemanship.
If only it didn't need to include such torture and cruelty.
I don’t know if it's possible to train a bull like a dog so it can do stuff like showing off the matadors cape skills without having to be injured or stressed, and I get the feeling the bullfighting lobby aren't interested in that. It probably wouldn't be an ideal solution for the bull either tbh