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What is this car sized object which America has shot down?

Assuming these are Chinese drones/experimental airships and, sadly, not aliens, then what kind of response can they really pull? Just deny all knowledge? I'm more worried about the US response to China, diplomatically. For over 20 years now their economies have been quite heavily reliant on each other. Neither surely has much appetite for destroying that.
Assuming these are Chinese drones/experimental airships and, sadly, not aliens, then what kind of response can they really pull? Just deny all knowledge? I'm more worried about the US response to China, diplomatically. For over 20 years now their economies have been quite heavily reliant on each other. Neither surely has much appetite for destroying that.

There's a large faction in the US that would like to see globalism collapse. What better way to do that than to have a war between the US and China.
It’s easy to take responsibility for a single balloon that you can claim was to measure the weather and got off-course.

That excuse wears a bit thin when you have to use it for four spy drones in short succession.

It could very well be someone else taking the opportunity to do some shit stirring. I could believe North Korea or Russia involved in this. I'm sure neither one would turn their nose up at some low budget intelligence gathering, while they're at it.

Given the technical abilities of backyard tinkerers, it could be some dude from Seattle having a laugh.
Only be a war if the US really wants one surely, they must be well aware of all sorts of spy ops and of course conduct their own. Don't see how this is more a provocation than buying off naval officers and armament techs.
bullshit from both sides

BEIJING (AP) — China on Monday said more than 10 U.S. high-altitude balloons have flown in its airspace during the past year without its permission, following Washington’s accusation that Beijing operates a fleet of surveillance balloons around the world. The United States denied that it operates any surveillance balloons over China.

The Chinese allegation came after the U.S. shot down a suspected Chinese spy balloon that had crossed from Alaska to South Carolina, sparking a new crisis in bilateral relations that have spiraled to their lowest level in decades.

Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin gave no details about the alleged U.S. balloons, how they had been dealt with or whether they had government or military links.

“It is also common for U.S. balloons to illegally enter the airspace of other countries,” Wang said at a daily briefing. “Since last year, U.S. high-altitude balloons have illegally flown over China’s airspace more than 10 times without the approval of Chinese authorities.”
Wang said the U.S. should “first reflect on itself and change course, rather than smear and instigate a confrontation.”

China says the balloon shot down by the U.S. was an unmanned airship made for meteorological research that had been blown off course. It has accused the U.S. of overreacting by shooting it down and threatened to take unspecified action in response.

In Washington, National Security Council spokesperson Adrienne Watson said Monday that any claim that the U.S. government operates surveillance balloons over China is false.

“It is China that has a high-altitude surveillance balloon program for intelligence collection, connected to the People’s Liberation Army, that it has used to violate the sovereignty of the United States and over 40 countries across five continents,” Watson said.

“This is the latest example of China scrambling to do damage control. It has repeatedly and wrongly claimed the surveillance balloon it sent over the United States was a weather balloon and to this day has failed to offer any credible explanations for its intrusion into our airspace and the airspace of others.”

Following the balloon incident, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken canceled a visit to Beijing that many had hoped would put the brakes on the sharp decline in relations over Taiwan, trade, human rights and threatening Chinese actions in the disputed South China Sea.
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I've never been able to figure out what his political leaning are, but has been predicting that China will collapse or retreat from the global stage for a while now:

If I recall correctly, he may be a protege of Steven Pinker.
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i for one welcome our new alien balloon overlords

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