I thought that "democracy" meant at the minimum that most of the adult population is allowed to vote. If that is not your definition, then what is? Was apartheid South Africa democractic?
I thought that "democracy" meant at the minimum that most of the adult population is allowed to vote. If that is not your definition, then what is? Was apartheid South Africa democractic?
OK sure, but context is everything. A guided tour of Pyongyang is no doubt statistically 'safer' but it's hardly comparing like with like when they confiscate your phone and have you under 24hr surveillance and can have you convicted as an enemy of the state for so much as nicking a poster. Plus forget about any recourse to an embassy right now.
See you next Tuesday Fico was in Moscow yesterday with his tongue up Putin's backside. The current slovak government is a disgrace and the bunch of idiots running it ranges from imbeciles to criminals. Yet people still vote for them. Still see weapons going down the R1 to Ukraine but most seem to be from other Europeans neighbours. Fico is not adverse to selling weapons to Ukraine as one of his ministers owns a weapons factory
That's a bit terse - it strikes me as a reasonable question.
The UN* lists "universal suffrage" as an important element of democracy.
* - this example is not intended to demonstrate anything definitive or exhaustive
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