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JD Vance's time is up

I think that post was somewhat in jest.

It was. :thumbs:

I heard a talking head on one of the American news channels (Might have been MSNBC or CNN) that technically the orange turd has until the Iowa Ballot (or whichever state is first) is locked in (gone to print) to switch VP's. That's sometime in late August or early September... it's not good form to switch after the convention but there's no rule against it, it's just the traditional norm to stick with your pick. As we all know, trump does like to fuck with the norm...

Thanks for that. Vance comes with Peter Theil's backing though so it'll be interesting to see if that's enough to keep him on board, despite his many shortcomings.
I suppose it takes all sorts to make a world and all that, but I'm still kind of fascinated by the idea of a potential Trump voter being put off because his vice-presidential pick was too controversial and offensive.

Just when you think they can't go any lower, they go even lower.
This is interesting/somewhat scary:

No suggestion Vance is part of it but suggests where his hatred of childless people comes from.

The term “Quiverfull” is derived from Psalm 127, a Bible passage that compares a man who has many children to one with many arrows in his quiver. In other words, a large family is an accomplishment he should take pride in. Recently, however, proponents of this verse have aligned with the larger Christian anti-feminist movement, which proclaims that a woman’s role is in the home as a loyal wife and dutiful mother to her children. So, the original context of the verse, that a man should take pride in having many children — problematic in its own right, of course — has morphed into an anti-feminist calling card that redraws women as no more than the sum of her womb and her wifery. She’s a baby-pumping maternal machine.

Christian misogyny is nothing new — I’ve previously written about its persistence in our modern culture, including the far right’s fervent appropriation of the Hawk Tuah Girl meme — but Quiverfull is interesting in its combination of Christian misogyny with hyper-fundamentalism and the overarching natalist movement.
I think my favourite Peter Thiel fact is his dedication to the idea of making a floating island/giant boat to be a libertarian utopia/dystopia:

Isn't that literally the plot of the video game Bioshock?

I read that Trump had been hacked, including

Trump’s 270-Page Dossier of JD Vance’s ‘Vulnerabilities’ Hacked by Iran​

One email contained a 271-page report on Vance entitled “POTENTIAL VULNERABILITIES.” Robert told Politico they had a “variety of documents from [Trump’s] legal and court documents to internal campaign discussions,” and when pressed for how they obtained them, Robert responded, “I suggest you don’t be curious about where I got them from. Any answer to this question, will compromise me and also legally restricts you from publishing them.”

This is by no means a first for Trump. In 2020, a hacker hacked his X account by guessing his password, ‘maga2020!’
only 271 pages :eek: must have been a precis

Sen. JD Vance (R-Ohio) said in a Sunday interview that Democrats are engaging in “schoolyard bully” attacks by calling the GOP ticket “weird.”

“It drives home how they’re trying to distract from their own policy failures. I mean, look, this is fundamentally schoolyard bully stuff,” Vance said on CNN’s “State of the Union” with Dana Bash. “They can accuse me of whatever they want to accuse me of.”

“I’m doing this because I think that me being vice president will help improve people’s lives, so I accept their attacks, but I think that it is a little bit of projection, Dana,” Vance added.

Vance tried to levy similar attacks on the Democratic ticket, saying Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz (D) — Harris’s new running mate — “gave his wife a nice, firm Midwestern handshake” when he was tapped as the vice president pick “and then tried to sort of awkwardly correct for it.”

“So I think that what it is is two people, Kamala Harris and Tim Walz, who aren’t comfortable in their own skin because they aren’t comfortable with their policy positions for the American people, and so they’re name-calling instead of actually telling the American people how they’re going to make their lives better. I think that’s weird, Dana, but look, they can call me whatever they want to,” Vance said

From today's graun:

In a recording shared by the Harris campaign, JD Vance says that postmenopausal women have a single purpose, which is to raise grandchildren. He does not clarify what it is he thinks postmenopausal women without grandchildren are meant to do.

He also says that getting help from your mother in law to raise your children is a “weird, unadvertised feature of marrying an Indian woman”. Vance is married to Usha Vance, an Indian American lawyer.

He has previously referred to women who don’t have children as being “childless cat ladies”.
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