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What stupid shit has Biden done today?

I debated where to put this. It appears that the Biden administration is talking out of both sides of their mouth. They're talking about improving conditions at the border, while using the court system as cover to do the opposite. Basically, this is just an expansion of Trump's policies:

The Biden administration is expanding its use of a pandemic-era border measure known as Title 42 to begin rapidly expelling migrants from Cuba, Haiti, Nicaragua and Venezuela, while opening a new legal path for up to 30,000 migrants from those countries to enter the U.S. each month.

The new policy represents the broadest effort yet that the Biden administration has undertaken to deter migrants seeking asylum from crossing the border illegally. It also relies on an expanded use of Title 42 as a border-control measure, even while the administration is arguing in court that the measure is no longer justified on public-health grounds and must end. The Supreme Court is set to hear oral arguments on Title 42 in February.

The new program will require migrants hoping to seek asylum in the U.S. to be paired with financial sponsors and would give applicants two years of humanitarian protections, under which they can work legally and apply for asylum.

Over the past year, migrants from these countries have made up a majority of those allowed to remain in the U.S. to seek asylum, and they have posed a particular challenge for the U.S. government because the governments of Cuba, Nicaragua and Venezuela have largely refused to take back their own citizens. Until recently, Mexico has also refused to take back migrants of those nationalities under Title 42.

Trump's policies have resulted in an increase in deaths at the border. The recent number I've heard was 38,000 migrants have died while waiting on the south side of the border since Title 42 was put in place. This will continue for the foreseeable future unless Biden puts an end to it.
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Not sure if this is exaclty the right place for this but basically the democrats and the republicans appear to have agreed to cuts at the expense of workers :

Debt Ceiling: An Excuse to Launch Another Attack on Workers

Jan 23, 2023

On Thursday, the U.S. treasury reached its debt limit, according to Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen. Yellen said the U.S. Treasury will start implementing “extraordinary measures.”

It’s funding cuts Yellen is talking about, although they are couched as temporary. She laid out what funding was to be cut: The Civil Service, Postal Service and Federal Employee Retirement Funds.
So, at least for now, it’s funding for retirees and workers who will retire that will pay for the U.S. debt! And who can guess when or how much will be repaid to the funds, if any. Bet they don’t report on that.

As usual in Washington, D.C., the Republicans in Congress started this talk on cutting spending. They said they will refuse to raise the government debt ceiling. They said cuts in spending are necessary—cuts in social programs. But the Democrats, who control the executive branch, are doing the cutting—Joe Biden and his Treasury Department led by Yellen.

Last month Congress, still controlled by the Democrats, and with the votes of Republicans, passed the 2023 military budget overwhelmingly—a record-breaking U.S. military budget of 858 billion dollars, and 45 billion dollars MORE than what President Joe Biden had asked for!

So, for the Democrats and Republicans, there is obviously no “ceiling” when it comes to spending billions upon billions of dollars for war. The U.S. has already spent 50 billion dollars on the war in Ukraine—for that bloody, destructive war, for example. And what are Ukrainians and Russians suffering and dying for, and what are American workers paying for? So that the U.S. can use this war to “weaken Russia,” as U.S. officials have openly declared.
When it comes to spending billions upon billions of dollars for that carnage, all that bloodshed and destruction to weaken a rival country that the U.S. cannot completely control, there is obviously no “ceiling” for the Democrats and Republicans in the Capitol.

But when it comes to the pensions of retired government workers, they say, “We have to stop paying you.” And these hypocrites already have their game plan set. The Democrats, who are actually doing the cuts, will blame the Republicans. And the Republicans, who openly front for the military contractors, will resort to their usual “national security” rhetoric.

If they get away with this kind of game again, we can only count on these politicians, both Democrats and Republicans, to go after their favorite targets also: Social Security, Medicare, aid programs for the poor—what millions of working-class people need to survive in today’s economy, and what these fat Washington politicians shamelessly call “entitlements.”

For decades, uttering all kinds of lies, Republicans and Democrats have kept cutting government programs and services that the population needs: health care, education, the infrastructure. At the same time, they started one war after another around the world and poured billions of dollars into the coffers of military contractors—along with the huge tax breaks they handed out to big companies in the civilian sector.

As the living standard of the working class kept deteriorating, and as more and more workers lost their jobs and homes, the profits of big companies broke one record after another.

Now these politicians want to cut more. And their excuse this time is the debt ceiling. It’s another game the Republicans and Democrats are playing, to cut government services for the working class even more, so they can hand out even more to the class they both represent and serve, the capitalist class.

The Spark.
Not sure if this is exaclty the right place for this but basically the democrats and the republicans appear to have agreed to cuts at the expense of workers :

Debt Ceiling: An Excuse to Launch Another Attack on Workers

Jan 23, 2023

On Thursday, the U.S. treasury reached its debt limit, according to Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen. Yellen said the U.S. Treasury will start implementing “extraordinary measures.”

It’s funding cuts Yellen is talking about, although they are couched as temporary. She laid out what funding was to be cut: The Civil Service, Postal Service and Federal Employee Retirement Funds.
So, at least for now, it’s funding for retirees and workers who will retire that will pay for the U.S. debt! And who can guess when or how much will be repaid to the funds, if any. Bet they don’t report on that.

As usual in Washington, D.C., the Republicans in Congress started this talk on cutting spending. They said they will refuse to raise the government debt ceiling. They said cuts in spending are necessary—cuts in social programs. But the Democrats, who control the executive branch, are doing the cutting—Joe Biden and his Treasury Department led by Yellen.

Last month Congress, still controlled by the Democrats, and with the votes of Republicans, passed the 2023 military budget overwhelmingly—a record-breaking U.S. military budget of 858 billion dollars, and 45 billion dollars MORE than what President Joe Biden had asked for!

So, for the Democrats and Republicans, there is obviously no “ceiling” when it comes to spending billions upon billions of dollars for war. The U.S. has already spent 50 billion dollars on the war in Ukraine—for that bloody, destructive war, for example. And what are Ukrainians and Russians suffering and dying for, and what are American workers paying for? So that the U.S. can use this war to “weaken Russia,” as U.S. officials have openly declared.
When it comes to spending billions upon billions of dollars for that carnage, all that bloodshed and destruction to weaken a rival country that the U.S. cannot completely control, there is obviously no “ceiling” for the Democrats and Republicans in the Capitol.

But when it comes to the pensions of retired government workers, they say, “We have to stop paying you.” And these hypocrites already have their game plan set. The Democrats, who are actually doing the cuts, will blame the Republicans. And the Republicans, who openly front for the military contractors, will resort to their usual “national security” rhetoric.

If they get away with this kind of game again, we can only count on these politicians, both Democrats and Republicans, to go after their favorite targets also: Social Security, Medicare, aid programs for the poor—what millions of working-class people need to survive in today’s economy, and what these fat Washington politicians shamelessly call “entitlements.”

For decades, uttering all kinds of lies, Republicans and Democrats have kept cutting government programs and services that the population needs: health care, education, the infrastructure. At the same time, they started one war after another around the world and poured billions of dollars into the coffers of military contractors—along with the huge tax breaks they handed out to big companies in the civilian sector.

As the living standard of the working class kept deteriorating, and as more and more workers lost their jobs and homes, the profits of big companies broke one record after another.

Now these politicians want to cut more. And their excuse this time is the debt ceiling. It’s another game the Republicans and Democrats are playing, to cut government services for the working class even more, so they can hand out even more to the class they both represent and serve, the capitalist class.

The Spark.

It would be nice to have a link to the article.
Definitely not today, but the third part of the excellent Fight the Power: How Hip Hop Changed the World had a clip of a very young Joseph (sic) Biden sounding like Mary Whitehouse in regard to gangster rap, during a debate in the Senate. I didn't recognise him at all without the caption, but he sounded like he was going toeing the Republicans' "we must protect our poor white children from the blacks" narrative.

Off topic, but watch the whole series, because it's excellent.
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