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What stupid shit has Biden done today?

It’s completely irrelevant what you or I think tbh.

At present there seems to be two parallel universes in operation - one that says Biden won the election fair and square (US msm) and Trump and his legal team who are holding election fraud witness hearings (very compelling) and are ploughing on with gritted teeth.

I suppose there is a third universe - which we know you’ve been dipping into for your own endeavours - the Q/conspiracy, which from what I can see thinks Trump is allowing this to run down to the wire to ‘expose’ as many bad actors as possible before charging over the hill to save the day. But tbh - that community would likely claim that Biden taking office was actually a robot being controlled by Trump so he’s still in charge.

Then you get anomalies like this cropping up:

Nonetheless, at this stage it’s looking very likely Biden will be inserted into the WH, unless Trump and his team pull some sort of miracle.
Well biden did win the vote, though I'm assuming he walk in to the whitehouse I think the cost of inserting say via a helicopter would be pricey though I would watch that.
At present there seems to be two parallel universes in operation - one that says Biden won the election fair and square (US msm) and Trump and his legal team who are holding election fraud witness hearings (very compelling) and are ploughing on with gritted teeth.

only one Universe Marty1

William Barr attorney general and trumps mate says theres been no fraud, your position on that is ?

I’d say he’ll be lucky to be still in a job shortly - albeit he probably didn’t have much tenure left to run.

Still relavant to Biden
I’d say he’ll be lucky to be still in a job shortly - albeit he probably didn’t have much tenure left to run.

Sorry Marty but his tenure is going to be over as its standard protocol for the US Attorney General to put his resignation once the transition to a new president has occurred so when Joe in inaugurated..

So even less for trump to use as leverage against Bill Barr than anyone on the supreme court

Election integrity regarding irregularities with the Dominion voting machines and chain of custody (or lack of) ballots.
"this claim of election fraud is disputed"

and Barr has just said (and I paraphrase) that it's balloxs
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It seems like the only people in Trump's orbit still defending this election conspiracy nonsense are those making money out of him and those hoping to he pardoned by him.

Trump is really torturing himself here, and he definitely deserves it - he could have departed with some dignity and a vow to return in 2024 if he'd accepted the election result early on. Instead, the man who prizes winning and loyalty above all else is losing over and over and over again and seeing his allies desert him one by one.
Good morning Marty.
I was intrigued by this but not enough to sit and watch it.

I did watch part of it.

It was car-crash TV - albeit a long, drawn-out, mostly tedious car crash - with witness after witness claiming it was fraudulent without ever providing anything in the way of evidence.

How people there kept themselves from laughing out loud I do not know.
I did watch part of it.

It was car-crash TV - albeit a long, drawn-out, mostly tedious car crash - with witness after witness claiming it was fraudulent without ever providing anything in the way of evidence.

How people there kept themselves from laughing out loud I do not know.
Those were Republican politicians so presumably doing this theatre in order to keep their jobs (not get voted out) ? Bigger mystery is what motivates anyone else to keep a straight face.
Election integrity regarding irregularities with the Dominion voting machines and chain of custody (or lack of) ballots.

So what is it about any of these depositions that you find even remotely compelling? Because all the shit I've seen the alleged witnesses come out with is utterly pathetic. "oH nOeS, bLaCk LiVeS mAtTeR wErE wEaRiNg rHiNeStOnEs!!!"

If you can provide timestamps for the real juicy stuff rather than just dumping a massive video and expecting us to watch it all, that would be nice.
Worth bearing in mind that these key witnesses are the people they selected to give their testimonies live to the nation, these were the best ones they could find in the whole of Michigan, the most devastating and convincing. Can you imagine the reject pile.
Leaving aside Marty's tedious bullshit it has been quite funny to watch the US establishment indignantly insisting their election system is perfectly fine and fair thank you very much and any suggestion of fraud is completely ludicrous.
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