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What stupid shit has Biden done today?

the way US politics works its obvious people who voted republican in congress voted for Biden and without them, trump would have got back in:eek:
The GOP are a social worker and a GP agreeing away from being sectioned they are not doing politics anymore,its some weird trump personality cult 4chan Quon alt san experiment in the lols/pyramid scheme. Anyone who tries to do conventional right-wing politics in the GOP gets savaged by the cultists they may lose the Senate in Georgia as the trumpists don't like their candidate not screaming about the steal:D
Biden didn't scare the horses you'd need Obama version 2.0 or a complete overhaul of the frankly shite electorial system to do better
The lunatic fringe, aka the people Trump retweets, are convinced that Biden has been arrested for something and he's wearing the boot to conceal an ankle bracelet.

Really? Lol, sure there was a similar rumour about Hillary Clinton back in 2016 too.
The lunatic fringe, aka the people Trump retweets, are convinced that Biden has been arrested for something and he's wearing the boot to conceal an ankle bracelet.
I am so glad it’s not just me spending time reading that shit. Did you see they think that’s a regular thing amongst the Deep State, having secret ankle tags from secret arrests. Not sure how it works cos are the police in on the global paedophile conspiracy or not we need clarity.
I am so glad it’s not just me spending time reading that shit. Did you see they think that’s a regular thing amongst the Deep State, having secret ankle tags from secret arrests. Not sure how it works cos are the police in on the global paedophile conspiracy or not we need clarity.

"Mr. Biden, we are arresting you and releasing you. To oblige our Deep State masters, news of this arrest will be kept completely secret, though of course you will still need to wear a GPS ankle bracelet."
All he needs to do then, is take the medical boot off and demonstrate naked ankles ...

but even if he did do that, the loopspuds will claim some fakery or other !

Disproving these stupid theories only seems to encourage the loons, unfortunately - that dickhead who was peddling all that birther shit a few years back didn't exactly go away when Obama provided his birth certificate.
Don't know if I'd call it stupid, but fracturing your foot while playing with your dog seems a bit careless.

Did anyone else see the tweet from Trump saying "Get Well Soon" and think, that can't be real can it?
If it was really Trump it would have said "GET WELL SOON"

People on Twitter are talking about who else Trump has said get well soon to or wished well - their list includes Ghislaine Maxwell, RBG and John McCain - serious business no doubt from Q loons.
Any thoughts on Biden's cabinet picks so far? Which one do you think is the Trojan horse for radical lefties?

Haven’t been paying too much attention to his picks outside of this Guardian article which doesn’t appear that happy about them. I’ve seen comments along the lines of this will be Obama’s third term, Biden will bin off the green new deal etc.

I think when the we got rid of orange man party dies off people may realise the turd they’re left with.
I mean even the conservative party in Cheshire would show you the door if you turned up armed in full combat gear🙄.
But no trump demo is complete without a member of Meal team 6.
You can't argue politics with the deeply irrational maybe pizza to keep them talking? then you've proved your part of the deep state international nonce conspiracy.
Haven’t been paying too much attention to his picks outside of this Guardian article which doesn’t appear that happy about them. I’ve seen comments along the lines of this will be Obama’s third term, Biden will bin off the green new deal etc.

I think when the we got rid of orange man party dies off people may realise the turd they’re left with.

So you admit the Trojan horse stuff was just you being full of shit (again)?
May i ask when did the penny drop for you that trump's not getting another 4 years?

It’s completely irrelevant what you or I think tbh.

At present there seems to be two parallel universes in operation - one that says Biden won the election fair and square (US msm) and Trump and his legal team who are holding election fraud witness hearings (very compelling) and are ploughing on with gritted teeth.

I suppose there is a third universe - which we know you’ve been dipping into for your own endeavours - the Q/conspiracy, which from what I can see thinks Trump is allowing this to run down to the wire to ‘expose’ as many bad actors as possible before charging over the hill to save the day. But tbh - that community would likely claim that Biden taking office was actually a robot being controlled by Trump so he’s still in charge.

Then you get anomalies like this cropping up:

Nonetheless, at this stage it’s looking very likely Biden will be inserted into the WH, unless Trump and his team pull some sort of miracle.
At present there seems to be two parallel universes in operation - one that says Biden won the election fair and square (US msm) and Trump and his legal team who are holding election fraud witness hearings (very compelling) and are ploughing on with gritted teeth.

What a load of bollocks, it's not just US msm that calls the election for Biden, but most of the world.

If Team Trump's bullshit is so 'very compelling', how comes they keep losing in court, you loon?
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