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What stupid shit has Biden done today?

Well, you know he'll do stupid shit. Very few people voted for him because they were wild about Joe Biden or his policies. Most people voted for him because he isn't Trump. So I figured I'd start early with a "What stupid shit has Biden done today?" thread.

So here's the first thing I'm seeing and not appreciating

Obama made the same mistake with the Wall Street insiders who caused the 2008 recession with their unparalleled greed. I don't see the country moving on until all of the corruption we have in our government is dealt with publicly. No more assessing petty fines and moving on. The people need to see that the same laws apply to everyone. We shouldn't stop with Trump, but to look into every nook and cranny to make sure we've rooted out any lingering corruption root and branch. You've going to have a few hard-core Trump loyalist who will never believe it, but in the long run its better to get it out into the open.

Love the thread title! I'm not sure I agree though and not just because it would martyr him as others have said. The fact is that 1) the US court system isn't very good at finding rich people or former Presidents guilty of anything and 2) I don't buy the idea that Trump is any more likely to be convicted of anything now than when he was President.

I also don't fully agree on Obama, I don't think prosecutions were the key way to deal with the Wall Street insiders and I think a better start would have been not voting to bail them out to the tune of billions. There is little point challenging these people through the courts if you refuse to challenge them politically.

Here is what Biden is already doing that I think is stupid: Here's who could serve in top roles in the Biden administration
Pretty much all the usual hacks from the Obama and Clinton administrations who will further cement a Republican victory in 2022 and 2024.
Imagine being bankrolled by super PACs and collecting over 1.5 billion dollars in donations but still begging for change? Down with the fascist and ‘democratic’ cliques!

You have seen how much covid is surging in the States (over 100,000 new cases a day)? And that 1/4 million have died there from covid? And that masks do help reduce the spread?
How in any way is that tweet either untrue or stupid?
Because he says wearing masks shouldn't be political and then makes a political statement. And because patriotism is a particularly stupid form of politics. If it's any sort of duty it's a civic one. To protect our neighbours and fellow citizens because there's evidence it works. Not because of an appeal to fucking patriotism.
Imagine being bankrolled by super PACs and collecting over 1.5 billion dollars in donations but still begging for change? Down with the fascist and ‘democratic’ cliques!

Trump has said the same thing about masks being patriotic - it might be the case that health advisers suggested to both Biden and Trump that appealing to people's patriotism would be helpful, though Biden has backed up his statement supporting masks by explaining that masks help stop the virus spreading, calling for a nationwide mask mandate, and actually wearing a mask in public most of the time, while Trump has almost never worn a mask in public and questions the need for them all the time.

Not that Biden's tweet is likely to be much help, most of the people who would be swayed by claims that it's "patriotic" instead of the very clear scientific evidence probably view him as a Communist election-stealer.

The US is ready to 'sit at the head of the table' and confront its adversaries apparently.

That sent some shivers down my spine. :(
I don't expect much from Biden, but he has to be better than Trump, which isn't really difficult.
This article was in the Independent.
Apparently not so much of a snub. By leaving them outside of the Administration and still in the Senate it gives them the freedom to critique his decisions. It's clear he doesn't agree with them, but it frees them up to confront him. Pretty shrewd.
So he mispronounced Psalmist, probably due to his well documented speech impediment. He should have said ‘As King David wrote’ then all the Monotheists would be happy.
It’s like the abuse Diane Abbott received over getting a few numbers confused.
Of course, total cheerleaders for the barbaric racist, apartheid, colonial settler state run by deranged genocidal fascist murderers:

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