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You'd think they'd have learned when the Americans went through the exact same thing in Afghanistan several years back. Except it was some poor grunt, not a senior officer.
Wasn’t the Afghan one picked up from ‘heat maps’ which show frequently run routes, rather than being down to a specific individual?
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Wasn’t the Afghan one picked up from ‘heat maps’ which show frequently run routes, rather than being down to a specific individual?

Yeah, was that mass of similar or the same routes, and not just Afghanistan, data from all over the world showed a bunch of bases.
Fascists from Zagreb attacked AEK supporters and killed a thirty year old Greek . 100 are in court for the disturbances.

It’s not really ‘money out of the door’ when a lot of it is old and nearly expired equipment. Some of the stuff they’ve sent would have been very expensive to decommission so they’re actually saving by donating it. Accountants have been listing these items at list price.
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