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Ukraine invasion memes and viral content

Not a meme but a video thumbnail from 'the paper of record' The Times

View attachment 381009

Plenty of papers and places publish all sorts of opinions. Anyway they're not the only ones...

Don't you find it a bit of a coincidence that the people so skeptical of Putin's possible downfall... or the counter-offensive making any gains... or the coup being significant... or the possibility of Ukraine winning... or how arming Ukraine will do nothing but prolong the war... etc. are also always the strongest 'don't support any Ukrainian resistance' voices?

Almost like their ideological position comes before any factual analysis?
Don't you find it a bit of a coincidence that ....

I've hated Russian apologism from the first time I encountered it - it used to be the pro-Soviet left then...at least then they had some kind of 'excuse' based on ideological zeal......bizarre the way it has overlapped into this incarnation of murderous bandit-capitalist Russia

This is all an aside from my post from The Times above though - that's the kind of propaganda you might learn about in school with regards WW1....
lying on bed speaking into voice recorder

Sci-fi film... due to the extreme speed at which the inhabitants of the Titan were annihilated, their electromagnetic coherence didn't have time to dissipate coz of quantum physics or something so they successfully retained the integrity of their astral bodies. Now on a higher plane, they realise the futility of amassing worldly riches and the folly of war. They fly over the sea to help Ukraine, scaring the shit out of Putin with their ghostly warnings of dire punishments if Russia doesn't immediately cease hostilities and withdraw from occupied territories. It works, and they save the day.

Working title Tour of Puty

Bill Oddie to play Cat Stevens
still lying on bed speaking into voice recorder

The reason the mutiny failed was because Prigozhin and Putin finally admitted their secret love for each other. They elope to Las Vegas for an Elvis impersonator marriage, honeymoon at a secret location in Lapland, Glinka's Troika on the soundtrack as they sledge through magical forests shitfaced on 'molly' (for the American market), admit that war's a bit silly really and love is all you need... then off to a remote location 'somewhere near the steppes of Mongolia' to live out their days in matrimonial bliss complete with wacky comedy routines about Prigozhin's cooking/hot dogs etc. Tragic twist - Putin takes so many steroids that his face puffs up, his eyes become even more like pissholes in the snow, then they disappear altogether as his face swells into a solid mass of flesh and he suffocates, leaving Prigozhin heartbroken, with only his memories of their happy time together.

Working title Putiny on the Bounty / Bareback in the USSR
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