On est tous des pangolins
Can you expand on this please?
Briefly; it paints the 'west' as a single monolithic block with the same interests. It negates (and minimises) the fracture lines along political differences in countries, States, and wider blocks that could be seen as the West (including the existence of people against the war). Totally ignores actual people and makes it all about States/corporations. It ignores the fact that most/all of these companies people mention are transnational rather than simply of 'the west'. Etc.
IMO it has it's root in a simplistic anti-imperialism that some bits of the Left still struggle/refuse to get over, and it has led some into politically dodgy terrain on a number of issues. I mean look at the Galloway thread as an example.
Leads many to: West=capitalism=bad / Not west=not (as) capitalism=good.
And in part leads a good load to conspiracy theories.