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Ukraine and the Russian invasion, 2022-24

“I don’t mind war crimes if they’re against people I don’t like,” says person claiming to be against fascism.
My grandad shot fascists. I whacked enough over the head with blunt objects. Got no problem with any oppression they get.
How do you see this war ending?

No one can be sure but I would think unity of support for the war amongst Europeans will fracture when many have to chose between heat and eat.

I think the US will continue to push the Ukrainians further into the abyss

Eventually the Ukrainians will tell their backers to fuck off and will negotiate a settlement. One they could have got some time ago with less life lost.
No, it’s codified.

The thing about saying you don’t mind war crimes happening to people you don’t like (quite aside from the fact that it makes you utterly amoral) is that you then don’t have a leg to stand on to argue against war crimes happening to people you do like.
that's bilge, you don't see the americans having their lack of legs pointed out do you? they've committed massive war crimes - bombing maternity hospitals, use of chemical weapons (dk how else you'd characterise eg agent orange), waging aggressive war - the #1 war crime etc etc etc.
Plenty of people with far right and racist politics joined the YPG. Life and politics are complicated and messy, especially in war.
It's undeniable that one way of radicalising the population of a country (or a continent, I'm looking at you, Mister Hitler) is to invade them. And one way of trying to invade other countries is to radicalise your own population (yep, you again, Adolf, and you can take a bow too, Mr Putin).
Thing is they are not just a battalion it's part of a white supremacist movement with links to other like minded groups.
The movement publish books. Here's some of them, some Azov merch with the Ukrainian print of the Christchurch bombers manifesto.
View attachment 335659
And for balance article relates to fascism in both countries.
When you look at what happened in Afghanistan and how extremists filled the void it's bizarre to turn a blind eye on Ukraine AND Russian Fascism
Right now, however, the most pressing point is not the fine graduation of Ukraine's moral turpitude, but the fact that the army of an enormous neighbour is currently invading the place. Perhaps when they've won the war, that particular aspect of things might need to be an important part of winning the peace.

I'm assuming that all but the most swivel-eyed amongst us wouldn't be arguing that our attempts to prevent Russia's attempt to colonise great chunks of Europe by force aren't going to be fundamentally influenced by just what degree of fashness certain parts of the Ukraine Army might be embodying, so much as ensuring that Ukraine doesn't become the first in a series of sovereign lands that Russia will find some excuse to occupy.
Right now, however, the most pressing point is not the fine graduation of Ukraine's moral turpitude, but the fact that the army of an enormous neighbour is currently invading the place. Perhaps when they've won the war, that particular aspect of things might need to be an important part of winning the peace.

I'm assuming that all but the most swivel-eyed amongst us wouldn't be arguing that our attempts to prevent Russia's attempt to colonise great chunks of Europe by force aren't going to be fundamentally influenced by just what degree of fashness certain parts of the Ukraine Army might be embodying, so much as ensuring that Ukraine doesn't become the first in a series of sovereign lands that Russia will find some excuse to occupy.
Well you really can’t then ignore the eastwards expansion of NATO and the contribution of the same in causing this war.
Well you really can’t then ignore the eastwards expansion of NATO and the contribution of the same in causing this war.
Last I checked, NATO wasn't invading - or even posturing to invade - anywhere.

And one might reasonably argue that NATO's reinforcement of its eastern boundary has been somewhat validated by Putin's adventurism.
I thought a lot of views on that confused. Or diminished the responsibilities of NATO.
for me the better thing would be if nato had looked at things in the early 1990s and delivered the peace dividend we heard so much about then. in the absence of that responsible disbanding advancing to the east was in my view reckless. the notion advanced now is that the current situation shows how correct nato were to draw in the former warsaw pact countries. i think that's something of a teleological point of view, that for me where we are now was not inevitable and that some conflict was at the least made more likely by nato's expansion.
Oleksandra Povoroznyk:

And now, when my country is under attack from a literal kleptofascist empire that openly declares it’s going to commit ethnic cleansing, when our children and women die in agony, and when our academics and queer activists, nihilists and journalists, writers and liberals, doctors, teachers, feminists and conservatives, Muslims and Jews, atheists and clergymen are desperately fighting against a better-armed, bloodthirsty enemy intent on levelling our cities with the ground, burning our fields, raping us, killing us, blowing up our hospitals and destroying our monuments, I look at the abstract western Left (or, at least, its most vocal part) and I see nothing but scorn in their eyes. Scorn, condescending, privileged carelessness. They preach equality and resistance to oppression and yet accuse people like myself (feminist queer women who’ve spent their lives striving for equal rights) of being Nazis because we don’t want to kneel over and die in silence.
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