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Ukraine and the Russian invasion, 2022-24

I recall a couple being done and sent down for refusal to go.

Done for being AWOL IIRC
An RAF guy got banged up for eight months for refusing to fight in an illegal war but clearly stated he wasn't a conscientious objector:

An SAS guy managed to get out and became a peace campaigner:

He later cited concerns about the occupation demeanor towards the local population of United States Army units of 'Multi-National Force - Iraq' that he was working with, accusing them of being "trigger happy" compared with British Army's fire discipline, overtly racially prejudiced,[3] and morally objected to detainees that his Squadron were responsible for locating and arresting being handed over to United States Army custody, in which he believed they were being physically abused in pursuance of information. A low point was reached during the deployment when the Commanding Officer of 22. Special Air Service Regiment on a visit to Griffin's Squadron in Baghdad expressed the view, openly to unit's personnel, that he himself had declining confidence in their mission, and that he was uneasy that they were in jeopardy of being turned in to a secret police force in the Iraqi state under United States' authority.[2] In consequence, whilst on leave in the United Kingdom Griffin sought and obtained permission to resign from the British Army in 2005.[4]
If you get a discharge (which does happen, there were 6 on ground of conscientious objection between 2001 and 2010) then you're not in a regiment anymore. That's how discharges work.
My dad was a conscientious objector in wwII. He said his sergeant threatened to take him outside and shoot him to which my dad told me he said 'go on then'. He ended up repairing Spitfires in Egypt, he didn't object to that, he just didn't believe in killing people. So you can still serve in non-front-line roles, which would make more sense if you've actually signed up.
Don't be fucking daft, they sign-up for shit, they are not called up as part of national service. :facepalm:
Not all the Russians fighting did sign up for this though. There's lots of evidence of Russians and men from the DPR and LPR being conscripted and used.

Yes, some Russians are committing war crimes, but I imagine some Ukrainians are doing that too. In the same way the British conscripts did in Malaya and Kenya and the Americans did in Vietnam.

You can hope for the swift victory of Ukraine and the end to a bloody and pointless war without othering the Russians.
An RAF guy got banged up for eight months for refusing to fight in an illegal war but clearly stated he wasn't a conscientious objector:

An SAS guy managed to get out and became a peace campaigner:

And Joe Glenton, I'm half way through his book Veteranhood.

In March 2010, Joe Glenton was sentenced to 9 months imprisonment having joined the British Army in 2004 and going absent without leave in 2007 after serving with the Royal Logistic Corps in Afghanistan.[2] The court martial was told that Glenton, who later campaigned against 2001 invasion of Afghanistan, had suffered from post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) after his first tour of duty. He was released from a military prison in Colchester in July 2010.[3]

(no idea what wikispooks is like but the article on him is accurate AFAIK.)
There is a difference between being a conscious objector and not wanting to fight in a particular war.

Conscious objectors hold a belief that violence is never justified. A rationale and humane position to take ( although not one I do) after the horror of the First World War various countries set up mechanisms by which people conscripted could argue for conscious objector status.

It’s hard to see how anyone could argue they were a conscious objector and yet still join a voluntary military. One could make arguments about your belief in the relative merits of individual wars. But if you take the shilling it does come with the requirement to follow orders you are given.

The Nuremberg defence over Afghan and Iraq doesn’t really apply as, for all sorts or reasons, no international competent tribunal has ruled them unlawful. Ska Invictus’s massive intellect not really balancing The Hague or the IWCT in the world of international jurisprudence.
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Tories probably haven't forgotten him partying the day before Prince Phillips funeral while they looked at the gas bill recently. He'll go I reckon.
UK has asked the US - for they built them - for permission to transfer 'a number' of M270B1 GMLRS tracked vehicles: twelve tubes of rockety goodness on each.

GPS guided, 200lb warhead, 70+KM range. It will also fire any other M30/31 rocket in the family, extended range rocket will go to 130+KM, Alternative Warhead works like a big shotgun against troops and soft vehicles on the open.

If the Americans agree, Russian Artillery are in deep shit.
So they are to be sent.

Ukraine war: UK to send Ukraine M270 multiple-launch rocket systems

The UK government said the Ukrainian military will get training in the UK on how to use the launchers.
The Nuremberg defence over Afghan and Iraq doesn’t really apply as, for all sorts or reasons, no international competent tribunal has ruled them unlawful. Ska Invictus’s massive intellect not really balancing The Hague or the IWCT in the world of international jurisprudence.
Were those wars lawful? No. Rulings are neither here nor there
I dunno. It's all very well maundering on about the morals of war, but that's really a bit of a case of worrying about whether the stripes on the deckchairs on the Titanic are lining up nicely. Wars happen. It appears to be an essential quality of humanity (in particular, other animals aren't exactly blameless on this front, they just lack the technological prowess to lay waste to everything....oh, and rhododedrons :hmm:).

The fact is that aggressors exist, and probably always will. NO WARS won't stop them from their aggression. We have to descend to their level (remembering that, whoever "we" are, we were probably once the aggressor ourselves) in order to beat them. Fighting fire with fire, quite literally. I can't think of any other way.

I don't celebrate the deaths of individual Russian human beings. But when I am watching an unprovoked war of aggression against a country which does at least seem to be trying to move away from the ingrained behaviours of its neighbour, it is pretty hard for me not to - at least statistically - think that every dead Russian is one fewer in the overwhelming tide of the flower of Russia's (and client republics) youth being flung into a pointless, immoral, and ultimately futile battle to seize someone else's land.

I may not experience any sense of moral purity about it, but I'll freely admit that for every video I watch of some homebrewed drone dropping a 60 year old grenade on a BMP and blowing it to kingdom come, I experience a frisson of righteous justice. Because each one of those that explodes, along with its crew/passengers, assists Ukraine stand a slightly greater chance of resisting an aggressor who, if they aren't stopped now, will in all probability feel entitled to extend their claims ever further westward.
I dunno. It's all very well maundering on about the morals of war, but that's really a bit of a case of worrying about whether the stripes on the deckchairs on the Titanic are lining up nicely. Wars happen. It appears to be an essential quality of humanity (in particular, other animals aren't exactly blameless on this front, they just lack the technological prowess to lay waste to everything....oh, and rhododedrons :hmm:).

The fact is that aggressors exist, and probably always will. NO WARS won't stop them from their aggression. We have to descend to their level (remembering that, whoever "we" are, we were probably once the aggressor ourselves) in order to beat them. Fighting fire with fire, quite literally. I can't think of any other way.

I don't celebrate the deaths of individual Russian human beings. But when I am watching an unprovoked war of aggression against a country which does at least seem to be trying to move away from the ingrained behaviours of its neighbour, it is pretty hard for me not to - at least statistically - think that every dead Russian is one fewer in the overwhelming tide of the flower of Russia's (and client republics) youth being flung into a pointless, immoral, and ultimately futile battle to seize someone else's land.

I may not experience any sense of moral purity about it, but I'll freely admit that for every video I watch of some homebrewed drone dropping a 60 year old grenade on a BMP and blowing it to kingdom come, I experience a frisson of righteous justice. Because each one of those that explodes, along with its crew/passengers, assists Ukraine stand a slightly greater chance of resisting an aggressor who, if they aren't stopped now, will in all probability feel entitled to extend their claims ever further westward.

I’m not buying the “human nature” element here.
I’m not buying the “human nature” element here.
Perhaps I'm just a cynic, but I think that human nature is capable both of acts of the deepest kindness and beauty, and those of unbelievable despicability. And I don't think the line between them is all that impenetrable.
They use and employ 'Western' culture-war right-wing tropes. I doubt they believe it just as those who forment them don't. The tragedy is those caught in the middle, those given the 'hidden truth (for your woes) and now panic' strategy.

Armchair as fuck but the playbook is old now.
Yeah really, what else would Zelenskyy say? "Oh shit, I can't stand that lying, duplicitous cunt, who's been toadying up to rich Putin-aligned Russians for years"?
He couldn't really say anything else and not look ungrateful or even jeopardise his "relationship" with the Brit authorities to be fair.
Perhaps I'm just a cynic, but I think that human nature is capable both of acts of the deepest kindness and beauty, and those of unbelievable despicability. And I don't think the line between them is all that impenetrable.

Well, yeah, human potential is a big old mixed bag of stuff.
You seemed to be doing the old thing of blaming all the bad stuff on it.
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